Articles Exercise

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Articles Exercise #1

Brought to you by the Purdue University Online Writing Lab. Directions: Fill in the blank with the appropriate article a an or the or leave the space blank i! no article is needed. ". # want $$$$ apple !ro% that basket. &. $$$$ church on the corner is progressive. '. (iss Lin speaks $$$$ )hinese. *. # borrowed $$$$ pencil !ro% your pile o! pencils and pens. +. One o! the students said ,$$$$ pro!essor is late today., - .li likes to play $$$$ volleyball. /. # bought $$$$ u%brella to go out in the rain. 0. (y daughter is learning to play $$$$ violin at her school. 1. Please give %e $$$$ cake that is on the counter. "2. # lived on $$$$ (ain 3treet when # !irst ca%e to town. "". 4lbany is the capital o! $$$$ 5ew 6ork 3tate. "&. (y husband7s !a%ily speaks $$$$ Polish. "'. $$$$ apple a day keeps the doctor away. "*. $$$$ ink in %y pen is red. "+. Our neighbors have $$$$ cat and $$$$ dog. 6ou can check your answers at http:88owl.english.purdue.edu8handouts8print8esl8eslart4".ht%l go back to the handout on articles at or go on to e9ercise & at http:88owl.english.purdue.edu8handouts8print8esl8eslart.:&.ht%l.
;he !ollowing in!or%ation %ust re%ain intact on every handout printed !or distribution. ;his page is located at http:88owl.english.purdue.edu8handouts8print8esl8eslart.:".ht%l

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