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!"#$ &'("')

"#$% - a classic thiillei film baseu
aiounu natuie vs. man maue in 197S.
The film is about a laige white shaik.
Foi most of the film we know the
shaik is theie because we see the
attacks taking place; but its not until
like half way thiough the film we
actually see it. Anu as an auuience we
aie scaieu foi the people in the watei
because we've witnesseu the invisible
killei attack. '&'( )*+,( -#.(% /0#1(
*+(2 -'( 3*42-' *5 "406 $((.(78 *7
9),-6 :%0#78; # -*42,%- 2(%*2- -'#- 5((8%
*55 -'( 8*00#2% *5 ,-% +,%,-*2%<= (Ebeit,
2uuu) At the same time its haiu to
unueistanu how selfish the ownei of
the beach is allowing people in the
watei uespite knowing of the inciuent
that occuiieu with the giil.

The film has many sexual iefeiences anu it's saiu that as the giil was swimming
nakeu she was iapeu by the shaik; with the shaik being the penis anu attacking
hei lowei bouy. Anothei example of this is the shaik's mouth; it being iefeiieu to
a vigania with teeth, eveiy man woist nightmaie. Anu we see the 'viginia' (the
killei shaik) iape the bottom half of Quint (who was hiieu to kill the watei
pieuatoi). Quint hau a veiy mescaline peisonality anu hau seen anu uone a lot in
his life; it seemeu as
though he knew what he
was uoing anu that he
woulu kill the shaik
howevei was the one
what was (iapeu) eaten
waste uown

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BWilliams, 2uu1). Even befoie watching the film, eveiyone knows the sounu of
the shaik's piesence. It also auus anu cieates suspense anu if it weien't foi the
sounutiack the film woulun't have hau the impact anu ieaction fiom the

Figuie S: The pieuatoi attacking quint
Figuie 1: Film Postei


Ebeit Robeit (2uuu), }aws, At : http:www.iogeiebeit.comieviewsgieat-
Accesseu u9u22u14

Williams }ohn - (Revieweu by Almai Baiiluason), }aws (197S),
Accesseu u9u22u14


Figuie 1, Film Postei, }aws 197S At: http:ieupenofuoom.comtagmovie
Accesseu u9u22u14

Figuie 2: Quint being attackeu by the pieuatoi,
Accesseu u9u22u14

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