Week 11-12-2nd PPT - Apprentice Market Analysis - Proyecto Impacto IV - TEC de MTY - 2013 Spring

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Today, the marketing strategy director has the decision making right, Also the CEO should coordinate

the human resource so everyone can effectively work together

QWhat is market analysis for? A To find potential sales of products. To explore potential markets. To understand supply and demand of the target market. take the right business strategy to meet the needs of the market and improve the economic benefits of the business activities.

1. 2.


Main product market share. ( by brand / by sort ) The main consumer groups of every brands. The market scale of main product in latest 10 years. (International / target market) increase / decrease / brand in and out / changes in product consumption trends

1. 2. 3. 4.

What kind of opportunity we have in target market Potential demand, explore new products To forecast consumer preferences To understand the objective factors that effect consumer buying behavior

Today, by the end of the class, I need an oral sharing about the information that you find Next class, you will need to work out the presentation of the <Market analysis>

Remember, its about foreign product in Mexican market or Mexican product in foreign market

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