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Chanon C.



A hlghly moLlvaLed, organlsed and enLhuslasLlc lndlvldual currenLly worklng ln London Lo galn experlence ln Lhe
communlcaLlons and markeLlng, and 8 flelds. roven knowledge ln soclal medla, cusLomer servlce, markeLlng, publlc
relaLlons and [ournallsm. SLrong ablllLy Lo work lndlvldually or as parL of a Leam Lo meeL Lhe challenges of deadllnes and
markeLlng ob[ecLlves. Self-moLlvaLed wlLh flrsL-class organlsaLlonal skllls wlLh Lhe wlll and deLermlnaLlon needed Lo
succeed ln any envlronmenL.


> A|pha S|gma A|pha (AA) - LdlLor and PlsLorlan of Lhe Alpha Slgma Alpha sororlLy for a school year.
> Study Abroad A|umn| Assoc|at|on (SAAA) - Co-lounder and flrsL resldenL of Lhe AssoclaLlon aL Crand valley.
> Dean's L|st - Ponoured on Lhe uean's LlsL Lhree consecuLlve semesLers (flve semesLer's alLogeLher).


Soc|a| Med|a & 8rand|ng
Manager, Ian 2014 -
k|ngston Upon 1hames, London

8e-creaLlng Lhe SLaxoweb brand, sLarLlng wlLh Lhe webslLe and worklng
across all soclal medla plaLforms. 1he company has Laken me on for
consulLlng and worklng wlLh Lhe l1 manager Lo creaLe a more person-
frlendly webslLe along wlLh Leachlng employees how Lo more effecLlvely
manage soclal medla.
Irequency 1e|ecom - C|everk|
Soc|a| Med|a & Market|ng
Internsh|p, Ian 2014 - May 2014
Chess|ngton, Greater London
8unnlng all soclal medla plaLforms, such as lnsLagram, lacebook and
1wlLLer, keeplng up wlLh analyLlcs and creaLlng weekly reporLs, worklng
wlLh Lhe markeLlng execuLlve Lo creaLe sales and publlc relaLlons
campalgns, consulLlng wlLh Lhe deslgn Leam Lo help creaLe promoLlons Lo
be adverLlsed Lhrough Lhe web and ln prlnL and managlng sales daLa.

adnos Internat|ona| Center at GVSU
Soc|a| Med|a & Cutreach
Internsh|p, Ian 2013 - Dec 2013
Grand kap|ds, MI, USA
CeneraLed ldeas for beLLer communlcaLlon sLraLegles and execuLed new
ouLreach LacLlcs, developed conLenL, coordlnaLed and malnLalned all
soclal medla pages promoLlng sLudy abroad programs, and helped
deslgn, lnpuL lnformaLlon, layouL, edlL and publlsh Lhe 2013 - 2014 SLudy
Abroad CaLalog.

Grand Va||ey Lanthorn
Arts & Lnterta|nment Wr|ter
art-1|me Iob, Aug 2013 - Dec 2013
Grand kap|ds, MI, USA
8ralnsLormed and plLched sLory ldeas Lo edlLors every week and helped
plan ouL sLorles, seL deadllnes and performed oLher Lasks Lo help publlsh
Lhe newspaper on deadllne each week. lnLervlewed college sLudenLs and
oLher sources ln order Lo wrlLe 1-3 arLlcles per week.


> Io|nt nonours 8S Commun|cat|on Stud|es, Iourna||sm & 8roadcast|ng -
Crand valley SLaLe unlverslLy / Crand 8aplds, Ml, uSA / 2010 - 2013
> Study Abroad Lxper|ence -
klngsLon unlverslLy / London, Lngland / !an 2012 - !uly 2012
36 1ankerLon 8oad,
SurblLon, Surrey
k16 7LC

M 07323 923 171


> uan WholeLz - vlce resldenL of 1echnlcal Sales aL Penkel - (248) 389 - 4661 / dan.wholeLz[
> Allssa Lane - Medla and CuLreach CoordlnaLor aL adnos lnLernaLlonal CenLer - (616) 743 - 6832 / laneall[

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