Week 3 Study Guide Lecture

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Week 3 – Lecture

A. Expected Learning Outcomes of the Lesson

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Describe how to summarise an article;

B. Suggested Learning Activities for Lecture 3

 Assignment Sheet for Project (Project Overview & Project Preparation)
o How to Summarise an Article (Unit 1, Ch 3, pp.35-36)
o A Model Summary of an Article (Unit 1, Ch 3, p.37)

C. Supplementary Learning Activities

o “Summary Writing” (Worksheet 2)

D. Useful Resources
 Online Revision Practices at Companion Website (CWSR)
i) CWSR, Ch 18, Interactive Exercises: (a) Summarising, (b) Summarising
and Paraphrasing

 Online Revision Practices at Companion Website (RSS)

o RSS, Part 7 Æ Summarising Quiz at http://highered.mcgraw-

CC 2040 E ngl is h fo r Acade mic S tu die s ( He alt h C are) – S tud y G uide

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