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From: To: Subject:

Vladimir Cortskoff General Malikai Spirits of Nesrahide

Thanks to you, the Spirits ha e finally been defeated! Their po"ers ha e been sent to the deep dark depths of #ell!! They are out of the $ame completely, but % still do not kno" "hat to do about &emetrius, or Gre$ if you prefer! #is body still in incible, the child refuses to be touched! #e has been tortured to the ma'imum, but he still refuses to $i e us any information about Noah, (ohn, &ustin, #eather, or, really, anyone else! No", about the portal, the project is almost half complete, but "e still need to use &emetrius )d$inhard*s po"ers to completely access its full potential! #e is resistin$, and it has been hard to "ork "ith him! #o"e er, in case the "ron$ hands $et on this document someho", % "ill not say anythin$ more about the project itself, just in case their little hacker, #eather, $ets her hands on this, or basically, any information "e*re hidin$ from them! +ny"ay, back on the main topic, they ha e been destroyed, and that is basically all that you need to kno" at this point! ,nfortunately, in his terror, &emetrius has sho"n us some more of his po"ers! #e has brou$ht in a ne" team of his little monkeys-a completely different team of skeletons that follo"s his e ery order in .atin! Seriously, the kid*s pathetic! %f you ha e any updates, General Malikai, or you need to inform me of their presence, $o to the hidden cellar on +pple /ood &ri e at midni$ht on the Monday or Friday of any "eek! Sincerely, Vladimir Cortskoff .eader of the Sa$ritonians

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