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Populism Party Platform The Omaha Platform (1892) Drafted by Ignatius Donnelly e de!

!lare" therefore# $irst%#That the union of the labor for!es of the &nited 'tates this day !onsummated shall be permanent and perpetual( may its spirit enter into all hearts for the sal)ation of the republi! and the uplifting of man*ind% 'e!ond%# ealth belongs to him +ho !reates it" and e)ery dollar ta*en from industry +ithout an e,ui)alent is robbery% --If any +ill not +or*" neither shall he eat%-- The interests of rural and !i)il labor are the same( their enemies are identi!al% Third%# e belie)e that the time has !ome +hen the railroad !orporations +ill either o+n the people or the people must o+n the railroads( and should the go)ernment enter upon the +or* of o+ning and managing all railroads" +e should fa)or an amendment to the !onstitution by +hi!h all persons engaged in the go)ernment ser)i!e shall be pla!ed under a !i)il.ser)i!e regulation of the most rigid !hara!ter" so as to pre)ent the in!rease of the po+er of the national administration by the use of su!h additional go)ernment employees% $I/0/12%# e demand a national !urren!y" safe" sound" and fle3ible issued by the general go)ernment only" a full legal tender for all debts" publi! and pri)ate" and that +ithout the use of ban*ing !orporations( a 4ust" e,uitable" and effi!ient means of distribution dire!t to the people" at a ta3 not to e3!eed 2 per !ent" per annum" to be pro)ided as set forth in the sub.treasury plan of the $armers- 0llian!e" or a better system( also by payments in dis!harge of its obligations for publi! impro)ements% 1% 2% 9% :% e demand free and unlimited !oinage of sil)er and gold at the present legal ratio of 15 to 1% e demand that the amount of !ir!ulating medium be speedily in!reased to not less than 678 per !apita% e demand a graduated in!ome ta3% e belie)e that the money of the !ountry should be *ept as mu!h as possible in the hands of the people" and hen!e +e demand that all 'tate and national re)enues shall be limited to the ne!essary e3penses of the go)ernment" e!onomi!ally and honestly administered% e demand that postal sa)ings ban*s be established by the go)ernment for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people and to fa!ilitate e3!hange%

T;0/'PO;T0TIO/%#Transportation being a means of e3!hange and a publi! ne!essity" the go)ernment should o+n and operate the railroads in the interest of the people% The telegraph and telephone" li*e the post.offi!e system" being a ne!essity for the transmission of ne+s" should be o+ned and operated by the go)ernment in the interest of the people% <0/D%#The land" in!luding all the natural sour!es of +ealth" is the heritage of the people" and should not be monopoli=ed for spe!ulati)e purposes" and alien o+nership of land should be prohibited% 0ll land no+ held by railroads and other !orporations in e3!ess of their a!tual needs" and all lands no+ o+ned by aliens should be re!laimed by the go)ernment and held for a!tual settlers only% 0/' 2; T>2 $O<<O I/? @&2'TIO/'A 1) 'ummari=e the $irst Point% The labor for!es of 0meri!a are the foundation of progress% 2) 'ummari=e the 'e!ond Point% The people should get the amount of money that they +or*ed for% 9) 'ummari=e the Third Point% ;ailroads are be!oming too po+erful% Bust be regulated% :) hat monetary !hanges are !alled forC 15 'il)er to 1 ?old

678 at the minimum in !ir!ulation% ?radual in!ome ta3 The money shall be in the people-s o+nership as mu!h as possible and that funds be used for useful pro4e!ts and a ban* made to hold the money% 7) ho might be against these monetary !hangesC The ri!h 5) hat !hanges should the go)ernment ma*e to help the peopleC 0dd money into !ir!ulation D) ho might be against these go)ernmental !hangesC The ri!h be!ause they +ant to *eep the +ays the same%

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