CHPDSN Design Project Format

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Sample Format for the Design Project

I. II.




Executive Summary (write this after finishing everything) Introduction a. Background also contains Rationale b. Problem statement c. Objectives d. Scope and Limitations e. Significance Review of Related Literature theory or technical background which may include commonly used equipment and problems encountered, current practices/materials/processes and areas of possible development, all other information which made you decide to study this process and choose your equipment Design a. Methodology chronological approach to the design/theoretical framework; a narrative of what you did to accomplish your work b. Equipment Design includes all relevant standards, rules of thumb, equations and calculations i. Unit Operations ii. Material Balances iii. Energy Balances iv. Material Selection v. Equipment Sizing c. Design Description i. Complete Flow and equipment Diagram (with flow rates, process variables, auxiliaries) and their description ii. Facility Layout (3D layout with floor area and elevation is preferable) d. Design Features i. Instrumentation (with proper labels and drawings) ii. Safety iii. Feasibility (technical and economic) iv. Strengths and Weaknesses/Limitations Conclusions and Recommendations a. Answers to objectives b. Industrial Applicability, advantage over others, outstanding features (Sell your design!) c. Recommendations mention areas worthy of further research and deeper study, modifications in the design to improve efficiency, safety, economy, etc.

Note: Your initial deadline is set on Feb 16, 2014, 12 noon. Submit everything that you can accomplish, arranged in the given format. I expect you to finish most of the items except the facility layout and executive summary. You have been doing part of the introduction, review of related literature and the design chapters since November, and you just have to arrange them properly. Complete the rest of the introduction and supply the methodology, conclusions and recommendations, and make them short and concise. Based on what you can accomplish, I will submit a partial grade to the professor who will assume this subject before I turn over all the remaining work to him/her.

Individual Requirement: (email to before 8pm, Feb 16, 2014) Analysis: Which part of the project interests you most? Which part are you weakest? What have you learned from the project? What have you discovered along the way that you think you need to know more about? Is this project important to you as a graduating ChE student? Team Assessment: Rate your groups teamwork (1-10). Has working as a group helped in the accomplishment of the project? How? Rate each members contribution to the group (1-10). Mention the most important contribution of each member or his/her negligence, if any.

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