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CC2413 Fundamental

Lesson Plan
Psychology for Health
(A) Psychosocial Theories of
Studies Aging

Lecture 5 Maturation ( 成長) &

(B) Stages of dying
Development ( ) II
Old Age, Death & Dying (C) Loss

(D) Bereavement ( 喪親之痛)
(E) Euthanasia (安樂死)

今夕吾軀歸故土,他朝君體也相同 "Once you know how to die, you know how to live."
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Aging Quiz: True/False? (A) Psychosocial Theories of Aging

Consider “younger” as under 65 & older as past the I Self Theories
65th birthday. In general: theories that emphasize the sense of self
• _______ Older people are more cautious & less becomes more crucial in late adulthood, and the
likely to make risky decisions than younger people intentionality to maintain one’s integrity and
• _______ Extremes of heat & cold can be identity
particularly dangerous to older people.
• Erikson – 8th stage: Ego integrity vs.
• _______ Mental confusion is an inevitable,
incurable consequence of age. Despair (自我統合與絕望 )
• _______ Depression is more common in older – engage in _______________________
people than in younger people. 自我統合
– Ego integrity ( )
• _______ In US, the majority of older people live in • the sense that one has lived a useful life
nursing homes or hospitals. • resulted from right choices, a meaningful &
productive life

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(A) Psychosocial Theories of Aging
– Despair ( 絕望) ( 明報) 2007年09月 05日 星期三
【明報專訊】60年代靚仔小生 紅極一時,如今鏡頭卻只瞄準他的兒子 及孫
• a sense of meaninglessness, blame oneself
or others for misfortunes, greatly fear
• a sense of hopelessness because of too
little time to make meaningful changes 因為我睇得開,日日記住兩個字:發姣。」
• Identity Theory

– originates in Erikson’s 5th stage, identity vs.
role confusion ( )
– self-concept begin to crumble: “I know who
I’ve been, but who am I now?” - a 70-yr-old
retired teacher
– people take action to make their identity,
finding a _______________ in face of the
challenges of aging
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(A) Can self theories explain Tse’s case? (A) Psychosocial Theories of Aging
步入40歲 後浪湧上最難捱
環、長辮子 別人揶揄他「發老姣」、「老狐狸」,四哥回應:「我唔理你,我夠 II Stratification theories: theories
…… fit

達。 emphasizing _______________ forces

limit individual choices and direct life at
無數艷羨目光。當他步入40歲後,始發現人生最難捱的日子展開:「年紀老了,後浪不 every stage, particularly in late adulthood
• Disengagement Theory
經歷過財政、婚姻困局,但如今依然健康地活着。「過 – the view that aging makes a person’s
去的,不論好與懷,就放開心胸讓他消逝。」他笑言,與其緬懷往昔的風光,不如活 social sphere increasingly narrow,
在當下,跟他那20多歲的女朋友好好享受人生。 resulting in role relinquishment,
withdrawal, and passivity
四哥有個習慣,每朝起牀後也會練習自創的招式:拉筋、掌上壓、頸操。四哥笑說,做 – it is normal and healthy for older adults
藝人能如他一樣,老來仍心境年輕、魄力不減的不多:「我有時都會『嫌命長』,但命 to scale down their social lives and to
運既有安排,唯有開開心心活着。」 明報記者 盧曼思 Joseph Yam, Chief Executive of HKMA
separate themselves from others to a
certain degree
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(A) Psychosocial Theories of Aging (B) Stages of Death & Dying
• Activity Theory • Kubler-Ross’s 5-stage
– opposite to disengagement theory Theory
– psychologically and physically healthiest – suggested dying patients go
response to old age is to maintain the through stages as they
greatest possible level of activity and
involvement in the greatest number of confront their own loss of life
– ___________: an initial
Q: Which of these theories do you agree?
Li Ka Shing, age 81 Why? (not me!), is a defense
• _________________ and relationships
– Anger: 2nd stage (why me?),
still seem to be essential ingredients for may resent anyone who is
emotional balance for most older adults. healthy
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(B) Stages of Death & Dying (C) Loss

– Bargaining: 3rd
stage (if I do…then…), looking • being deprived of or coming to be without
for a way out, trading good behavior for good
health something that one has had before

– Depression:4th stage, can no longer deny the • 4 types of losses

illness, a time for “anticipatory grief”, mourn
the prospect of own death – possession (e.g. house, car, job)
– bodily function (e.g. limbs, organs, disease)
– _________________: 5th stage, a tired, – self (e.g. esteem, identity, status, role)
peaceful calm may descend, may make – close relationship (e.g. spouse, parents, child)
preparations & say “goodbye” to friends and
family members
• Loss is ____________
• “Stages” can occur in varying, intermittent – e.g. loss of husband may lead to …
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(D) Bereavement (喪親之痛
喪親之痛 (D) Bereavement
• the sense of loss following a • Resolutions
death of someone close – Learning to experience, _________________ and
integrate painful feelings
• Can have detrimental ( 有害的
effects upon physical & mental
) – Finding the most adaptive meanings of modulating
painful feelings
health if the ability to cope
with it is inadequate – Integrating the continuing relationship with the
• ____________ ( 悲痛 悲傷
/ ):
individual emotional response – Maintaining health and continued functioning of self
to bereavement
– normal vs. atypical – Adapting successfully to altered relationships

• Q: How do we cope with – Developing an integrated, healthy self-concept & a

bereavement? stable worldview

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(E) Euthanasia (安樂死

安樂死 (E) What is your standpoint regarding
• Deciding how to die? passive & active euthanasia? Why?
安樂死」) 一詞源自希臘文,原意為「
• Euthanasia (
亡」或「無痛苦的死亡」 原意為「好的死 斌仔仍望有權選擇安樂死
無痛苦的死亡 2007-07-22 HKT 20:58 崔蔚恩報道
– Active euthanasia: a situation in which someone
takes action to bring about another person’s death,
with the intention of ending that person’s suffering. 70722/news_20070722_55_417791.htm

曾經去信前特首董建華要求安樂死 的斌仔,仍望有權
– Passive euthanasia: a situation in which a seriously ill
person is allowed to die naturally via cessation of
medical interventions 選擇安樂死 (崔蔚恩攝)
• 2 ways to make your intentions known 曾早 經上 去到 信書 前展 特參 首觀 董。 建 華 要 求 安 樂 死 的 斌 仔 ,
– ____________________ ( 預設醫療指示 ): a
斌生 仔死 於及 下安 午樂 亦死 有的 出議 席題 一。 個他 座出 談席 會座 ,談 探會 討時 有表 關
示,希望可以有安 樂 死 的 選 擇 權。
document that indicates what medical intervention
should occur
– Health care proxy: the person chosen to make
medical decisions if the person who chose becomes 他又說,安樂死並 非 不 尊 重 生 命。
unable to make his/her own decisions

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Conclusion Conclusion
• 1) Psychology of Old age, Death & Dying
• 4) Web Resources
• 2) Focus of the next lecture – 1) Institute of Gerontology
– Learning •
– 2) Elder Web
• 3) References •
**Ciccarelli, S. K., & White, J. N. (2009). Psychology
(International edition, 2nd ed). Upper Saddle River, N.J. : – 3) Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s Web site
Pearson/Prentice Hall. •
Boyd, D., & Bee, H. (2009). Lifespan development. (5th ed., Ch.
18, p.512 -515; Ch. 19, p.541 – 544, 551 - 552). Boston, MA:
– 4) Hospice: A guide to griefing
Allyn and Bacon/Pearson. •
Kail, R. V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2007). Human development : A – 5) Issues of Euthanasia in the Netherlands
life-span view (4th ed., Ch. 15, p.582 -). Pacific Grove, CA:
Brooks/Cole. •
• ** Assigned Readings: Ch 8 pp. 344 – 349 + supplementary – 6) End-of-life care issues
readings •

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