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Good citizens continuously dedicate themselves to actions that will improve the lives of the general public.

Scholarship relates to citizenship because the best citizens use their expertise in a certain area to create change. Take for instance Robert E. ee. !ew today would call him a positive force to the future of the "nited States due to his nearly single handed extension of the greatest divisionary war in our history. #f$ however$ we look at Robert E. ee as a citizen of %irginia he selflessly pursued the desire of the populace. #nitially$ ee was opposed to the secession of the southern states yet considered it his duty to use his exceptional military skill to support the state he loved. &is ability to inspire his men proved the most powerful tool in the South's arsenal. ( single man's scholarly knowledge of leadership and military tactics challenged the economically superior )orth against all odds. Though having opposite methods$ revolutionaries like Gandhi possess similarly powerful leadership skills$ especially the ability to stir love in their followers. Gandhi's education through life experience gave him the tools to communicate with oppressed and uneducated people as well as educated politicians and leaders. This experience at college in ondon and in South (frica$ fighting for the rights of #ndians living there$ honed his natural ability to inspire others. Radically approaching protest through nonviolent methods brought about enormous changes in #ndia$ eventually leading to its independence. &is brilliance went beyond #ndia$ influencing movements everywhere. )one of this would have been possible without the tools he ac*uired through scholarship. (s a student$ my studies will allow me to develop the skills necessary to be a good citizen. The ability to effectively communicate$ both in writing and verbal discourse$ is invaluable when hoping to make a change in the world.

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