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VOC strategy tasks and their descriptions

Task 1. Define VOC process goals

2. Identify customers 3. Plan and collect data

4. Analyze data 5. Determine customer requirements

nd their descriptions

involves creating a purpose statement determines what you aim to achieve with the VOC process allows you to convey the project objective to management ensures all your team members are on the same page involves grouping customers into types, identifying market segments, and pinpointing which customers you'll interview helps your team figure out which segments create the most value for your improvement efforts involves using methods such as focus groups, surveys, interviews, or questionnaires to gather data involves using different data collection methods to help you achieve different results involves planning what outcome you hope to achieve and then actually using the chosen methods to collect customer data involves analyzing the data you've gathered to help you identify key customer concerns and requirements involves using tools such as the Kano model, quality function deployment, or a CTQ tree to help make sense of the data and ga involves translating customer needs into actionable project goals

ou'll interview

ect customer data

ense of the data and gain an understanding of what satisfies your customers

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