Christine Borella: Education

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Christine Borella

38 Hobson Avenue, Saint James, NY 11780 Email:; Phone: (609) 609-0190

State University of New York at New Paltz, New Paltz, New York Bachelor of Arts in Journalism: Concentration in Public Relations, May 2015 Minor in Business Deans List, GPA: 3.37 Relative Coursework Advanced Public Relations, Public Relations Publications, Public Speaking, Organizational Communication

Lab Proctor State University of New York- New Paltz August 2011-Present Assist students with computer complications, refill printers toner cartridges Fix printer conflicts and attend over computer labs

Deli Worker and Deliverer Lake Avenue Deli May 2010-Present Assist the public, cook Sanitize cooking stations Design menus

Butcher and Deli work Jacks Meats and Deli September 2012 May 2013 Took orders and closed: sanitized meat grinder, slicer and saw Assisted in designing menu signs and display signs

Collegiate Organizations
Member, Public Relations Student Society of Americ (PRSSA) Attend fundraising, coordinate events Engage other organizations on campus to cooperate Treasurer, Autism Speaks. Track and send funds to parent organization Attend fundraising and tabling events October 2013-Present

September 2013-Present

Event planning, writing press releases, writing articles, editing Final Cut Pro, Microsoft Excell, Wordpress, Blogging

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