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Sumangga, Mogpog, Marinduque Contact# 09496370764 E-mail address ja mar!imu " a#oo$com$p# OBJECTIVES %o esta&lis# competence in m 'ield o' (or) and de*elop 'urt#er m )no(ledge, s)ills, and *ersatilit 'or t#e progress o' m career$ WORK EXPERIENCE Kaizen E & M Corporation +asa ,oad Ma)ati Cit -o*em&er .00/-0pril .009 Ta ta Sa Ka!"#a$an In%& Pro$ra' A""i"tant Murallon, 1oac, Marinduqe -o*em&er .4, .022 Ta ta Sa Ka!"#a$an In%& Loan A""i"tant Murallon, 1oac, Marinduqe 0ugust .02.

SEMINARS( TRAININ) ATTEN*E* Nationa+ Po#er Corporation 1alanacan, Mogpog, Marinduque 0pril .00/ Ca", -+o# Ana+ "i" Calapan, 3riental, Mindoro 3cto&er 22-2., .02.

SKILLS 4no(ledge in t#e 'ollo(ing programming languages5 67ord and E8cel9, :ri*ing E*.CATIONAL BACK)RO.N* Co++e$e Ba%,e+or o/ S%ien%e in In0!"tria+ Te%,no+o$ Marinduque State College %an;a, 1oac, Marinduque .00<-.009 Se%on0ar Marin0!1!e A%a0e' +o&lacion, Mogpog, Marinduque .000-.004 E+e'entar Mo$po$ Centra+ S%,oo+ +o&lacion, Mogpog, Marinduque 2994-.000

PERSONAL IN-ORMATION =ull -ame 0ddress 1irt#da 1irt#place 0ge Se8 @eig#t 7eig#t =at#er Mot#er 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 >a mar Morales ?lenari;as Sumangga, Mogpog, Marinduque 3cto&er 29, 29/7 Sumangga, Mogpog, Marinduque .6 Male <A6B <4 )g$ Mariano ?lenari;as >o*ita ?lenari;as


Mr& R an N& O+ 'pia 1ang&angalon, 1oac, Marinduque 0irport Masiga C Electrical Engineer

Mr& Riza+0e 0e C,a3ez 1ang&angalon, 1oac, Marinduque +?:% Emplo ee I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >0DM0, M$ ??E-0,EF0S

January 21, 2014


I have the honor to apply of any qualified position. I am Jaymar M. Llenarizas, 26 years old, married, a resident of Sumangga, Mogpog, Marinduque. I have finished the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology at Marinduque State College. I have the opportunity of enhancing my skills and expertise as Industrial Technology with the help of trainings and seminars given to us. I am a fast learner and hard worker.

I would welcome an opportunity of showing you some of my credentials and telling you more about myself. Would it be possible to arrange an interview? I will be free anytime at your convenience. I look forward to hear from you. You may contact me in this number 09496370764 .

Truly yours,

Jaymar M. Llenarizas

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