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SPM 2010 No 2

PROBLEM STATEMENT : What is the effect of competition between maize and paddy plant on !"o#th $ d"y ma hei!ht $ ize % Does competition between paddy and maize affect thei" !"o#th %

&'POT&ES(S : The d"y ma $ hei!ht $ ize $ !"o#th of the maize plant is less #hen it i !"o#n #ith paddy plant than when it is grown alone. Maize plant grow taller than paddy plant. )AR(ABLES : Manipulated Variable : Type of plant // Maize and paddy. Responding Variable : Dry mass of plant // growth of plant Fi ed Variable : Distance between each seedling // number of seedlings

APPARAT*S : !. "eedling tray #. Ruler $. %&en '. (lectric balance ). *rucible MATER(ALS : !. Maize seedling #. +addy seedlings $. ,arden soil '. -ater

PRO+E,*RE : .! : +reparation of materials and apparatus .# : %perating fi ed &ariable .$ : %perating responding &ariable .' : %perating manaipulated &ariable .) : +recaution /o. Description ! Three seedling trays 01 2 and * are labelled refering to diagram // described with one tray with paddy1 one with maize and one mi ed #a #b $ The seedling trays are filled with e4ual amount of garden soil 5 6nitial reading of any growth parameter is ta7en ) 8 $9 paddy / maize seedlings are planted at ) cm inter&als as shown in the diagram The seedlings are watered with the same amount of water e&ery day The trays are weeded 0fter ; 8 $9 days1 seedlings are remo&ed .eywords 3abelled in diagram / describe $ trays Filled with soil (4ual amount 6nitial parameter ) 8 $9 seedlings // ) cm +lanted / placed / put -ater / sunlight / nutrients 5needs: "ame / e4ual amount weeded 0fter ....days1 plants remo&ed / ta7en ; days / .... clean >eated in o&en / Dried Dry mass / height / size 6nsrument and record 0&erage parameter Repeated / mention paddy and maize 3abelled / planted alternately Table . .!

.! .# .! .# .! .! .# .) .! .# .) .! .$ 5%RV: .) .' 5%MV: .! .!


'b )

< ; ?a

The roots of the seedlings are cleaned 5 under running water : The paddy seedlings are heated / dried 5at !9)=*: in an o&en. /ote : /ot for height / size The dry mass paddy / maize seedlings are 5weighed: and recorded using electronic balance The a&erage dry mass of the paddy seedlings "tep )A? are repeated with Tray 2 maize seedlings Maize and paddy seedlings are planted alternately 0ll data are recorded in the table.

?b @a @b !9



Types of +lant

0&erage Dry Mass of +lant 5g:

0 2


Maize +addy


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