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, Cebu City WORK PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2009 DEPARTMENT : Environment and Water Resources Department DIVISION : Environment Division

1st Semester 2009

1.The Tree Seedling Nursery Program (TSNP)

QUESTION # 1? Assessment of our Tree Seedling Nursery Program

How do you envision MCWD Central and Satellite Nurseries for the year 2009?
In terms of workforce, do we have enough people or are our workforce maximized in this particular program? In terms of nursery facilities, how can we improve our nursery facilities?

What do you think are the additional logistical requirements for our nurseries?

2. Integrated Watershed Development Program (IWDP)

Questions: How do we understand an integrated watershed development program? How do MCWD and with the Environment Division envision our Integrated Watershed Development Program (IWDP)? How do we assess our current strategies conducted in this program? How can we enhance the implementation of strategies in this program for the year 2009?

3. Integrated Water Resources Management Initiative

Questions: How does each one of us understand IWRM?

Can you give initial ideas for the formulation of the IWRM General Policy Statement for MCWD?
What are your perceptions of MCWD, a water district as advocator and implementor for IWRM? What do you think are the benefits will MCWD get from the IWRM program?

What do you think are the challenges for MCWD in the journey of implementing IWRM?

4. The Ecological Tourism Water Parks Program

Questions: How do you envision MCWD venturing into an ecotourism program? What do you think are the prospects for MCWD Environment Division in the ecotourism development program? How do you want MCWDs role in the ecotourism development program?

Assessing our workforce to venture into an ecotourism program, what trainings can you recommend?

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