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COURSE SEMESTER SUBJECT YEAR TEST NO : : : : : B.E. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING III- A Section 12M304 ENGINEERING METALLURGY 2013-14 (O) 1 Max. Marks: 50 Answer all the questions 1 2 3 4 5 Differentiate between substitutional and interstitial solid solution. Define peritectoid reaction. What is meant by annealing? Mention its purpose. Differentiate between normalizing and full annealing. Define the term critical cooling rate and its significance. Answer any five questions 6 7 Draw the iron-carbon diagram neatly and explain it. What is meant by hardenability?Describe a method of measuring hardenability of alloy steel. 8 Draw the schematic isothermal transformation diagram corresponding to 0.8% carbon steel. 9 Explain any two diffusion methods of surface heat treatment processes. 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 2

Time : 1 hours

10 Discuss about a)Flame hardening b)induction hardening 11 Two metals A and B melting points at 9000c and 8000c. The alloy pair forms an
eutectic at 600 c of composition 60%B and 40%A. A and B have unlimited

mutual liquid solubilities. Their solid solubilities are as follows: 10%B in A at 6000c and 5%B in A at 00c, 12%A in B at 6000c and 4%A in B at 00c. Assume liquidus, solvus lines to be straight; no solid state reactions other than solubility changes occur in the series. i)Draw the phase diagram for series and label all the temperatures, composition, and fields. ii)Find the number, type, extent, and composition of the phases present in an

alloy of composition 60%A and 40%B at 2000c.

DATE : 2.08.2013

TIME: 3.55-5.25 Approved

Staff in-charge

(Professor of Mechanical Engg.)

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