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What is migration? Migration is a process which removes the effects of wave propagation from seismic data.

Geological Model

Seismic Section

Section after migration

Migration is the process that moves the data on our stacked seismic section into its correct position in both space and time. Even after NMO and DMO corrections, reflections from dipping events are plotted on stack section in the wrong place. They need to be moved "up-dip" along a hyperbolic curve in order to put them in the right place, the shape of this hyperbola depending on the velocity field. Before we start to look at some of the methods of migration, let's look at the appearance of some simple structures on our stacked section. Seismic data is generated by waves propagating through a subsurface. The image that is obtained in this process is a distorted image that does not correctly reflect the true geometry of the subsurface structure. While a horizontal reflector in depth will appear as a horizontal reflector on the time section, a dipping reflector is always incorrectly positioned on the seismic section. It is the task of migration to correct this mispositioning. This effect is demonstrated in Fig. 2. The true position of the reflector in depth differs from its position on the time section.

Wrong correct correct Wrong

Fig.2 The apparent dip of an event on a zero offset stack section is less than the true dip of the event.



CMP Fig.3 showing flat horizon S = Source R = Receiver CMP= Common Mid Point
We assume a horizontal reflector is flat with a homogeneous medium and constant velocity. In this case the CDP is positioned on the CMP or zero offset two way travel time. See Fig.3.

CMP Fig.4 showing dipping horizon

At a dipping horizon, the CMP gather will have a spread of reflection point. The lateral and vertical positions are different, as well as the dip of the reflector. A dipping reflector is always incorrectly positioned on the seismic section. See Fig.4. The migration process removes the effect of wave propagation from the recorded seismic data, and as a result, seismic events move toward their correct subsurface position.

Before Migration

After Migration

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