Hayden 2

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September 27, 2012

To Whom It May Concern: This is a personal recommendation letter for Hayden o!ano" I ha#e $no%n Hayden for many years, and she is a #ery talented and responsible person" I ha#e seen her in many areas in %hich she has displayed inte&rity and a stron& %or$ ethic" She is in#ol#ed in many or&ani!ations incl'din& #ol'nteerin& at her ch'rch as %ell as the S()*( cl'b at +S," I belie#e Hayden has the character and ability to do %ell and e-ceed at %hate#er she stri#es to accomplish" I hi&hly recommend her for the position that she has applied for" Sincerely, .oyce )'ssell 71/02120233/

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