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EMAIL Structure Subject line: This should be short and give some specific information about the contents

of your message. Salutation: As in letter-writing the salutation can be formal or informal depending on how well you !now the person you are writing to. "ear Mr Mrs Ms#.. "ear $agan %i &%ello eena 'no salutation( Opening attendance: This is used to e)plain why you are writing. ' *emember the opening letter should always start with a capital letter( I+m writing to #. ,ust a -uic! note to#.. Conclusion: This is where you tell the reader what !ind of response if any you e)pect Loo!ing forward to your reply %ope to hear from you soon Close: Li!e the salutation this can vary from formal to very informal /ours sincerely *egards & 0est wishes 0ye&All the best&0est ,agan & Meena very formal rarely used in email correspondence most commonly used close can be used in formal and informal emails. friendly informal close 1ame only is also common when to close close collegues .riendly ending can be used in formal or informal correspondence informal ending to indicate a reply is necessary More formal introduction to say why you are writing .riendly informal way to say why you are writing a formal form of address also used when first contacting a person Less formal. Either you have had contact with this person before or they have already addressed youby your first name. informal usually used with collegues you often wor! with. very informal usually used in messages whiach are part of a longer email e)change.

Loo! at the following e)cerpts from emails and write appropriate sub$ect lines 2. Sub$ect 344444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 ,ust a -uic! note to see if you+ve heard from 5roduction about the new schedule. 6e need the info for tomorrow+s meeting. 7. Sub$ect34444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Many than!s for your email.

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