Children of The Dragon: The Story of Tiananmen Square. New York: Collier, 1990. Print

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Works Cited Children of the Dragon: The Story of Tiananmen Square. New York: Collier, 1990. Print.

This book talks about everyone who was involved in the massa re, how the massa re be!an, what the "rotesters had to !o throu!h durin! the demonstrations, what the martial law was. #t also went into detail what had ha""ened durin! the massa re and the a$termath o$ it all.

%&en! 'iao"in! (Chinese )eader*.% Encyclopedia Britannica Online. +n y lo"edia ,ritanni a, n.d. Web. 10 -eb. .01/. 0htt":11www.britanni a. om1+, he ked1to"i 11234/21&en!5 'iao"in!6. There was a lot o$ ba k!round in$ormation abut &en! 'iao"in! but not mu h in$ormation a$ter he restored China7s domesti stability and e onomi !rowth. There is very detailed in$ormation on how he ontributed to the Chinese Communist Party sin e the day he 8oined.

%9u Yaoban! (Chinese Politi al )eader*.% Encyclopedia Britannica Online. +n y lo"edia ,ritanni a, n.d. Web. 10 -eb. .01/. 0htt":11www.britanni a. om1+, he ked1to"i 1.3/1:;19u5Yaoban!6. This arti le hel"ed me learn more in$ormation on 9u Yaoban!7s li$e be$ore he 8oined the ommunists. #t mentioned details on what and how he was "art o$ the Chinese Communist Party. There was also in$ormation mentioned on how his death had s"arked the "ro demo rati demonstrations.

%)i Pen! ("rime <inister o$ China*.% Encyclopedia Britannica Online. +n y lo"edia ,ritanni a, n.d. Web. 11 -eb. .01/. 0htt":11www.britanni a. om1+, he ked1to"i 1::;42;1)i5Pen!6. This arti le hel"ed me understand what kind o$ a man )i Pen! was. 9e rose to the to" o$ the Chinese Communist Party in a very short amount o$ time. This !ives more ba k!round in$ormation about himsel$, his "ositions in the Chinese Communist Party, and how he was "art o$ the massa re.

%=hao =iyan! ("remier o$ China*.% Encyclopedia Britannica Online. +n y lo"edia ,ritanni a, n.d. Web. 10 -eb. .01/. 0htt":11www.britanni a. om1+, he ked1to"i 1424;9;1=hao5 =iyan!6. This arti le about =hao =iyan! e>"lained his entire li$e $rom where he was born to the day o$ his death. ?ll o$ his "ositions in the Chinese Communist Party were identi$ied and even the "eo"le he were involved with in the CCP. ?ll o$ his work in the CCP was e>"lained in detail with dates $or everythin! that he started. There was also in$ormation on how we was involved in the <assa re

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