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Complications of RDS

Babies with RDS sometimes develop complications of the disease or problems as side effects of treatment. As with any disease, more severe cases often have greater risks for complications. Some complications associated with RDS include the following:

Air leaks of the lung tissues, such as: o Pneumomediastinum. Air leaks into the mediastinum (the space in the thoracic cavity behind the sternum and between the two pleural sacs containing the lungs). o Pneumothorax. Air leaks into the space between the chest wall and the outer tissues of the lungs. o Pneumopericardium. Air leaks into the sac surrounding the heart. o Pulmonary interstitial emphysema (PIE). Air leaks and becomes trapped between the alveoli, the tiny air sacs of the lungs. Chronic lung disease, sometimes called bronchopulmonary dysplasia

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