Dead Ever After Online Download

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Dead Ever After Online Download

by Charlaine Harris
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Sookie Stackhouse finds it easy to turn down the request of former barmaid Arlene when she wants her job back at Merlottes. After all, Arlene tried to have Sookie killed. But her relationship with Eric Northman is not so clearcut. He and his vampires are keeping their distanceand a cold silence. And when Sookie learns the reason why, she is devastated. Then a shocking murder rocks Bon Temps, and Sookie is arrested for the crime. But the evidence against Sookie is weak, and she makes bail. Investigating the killing, shell learn that what passes for truth in Bon Temps is only a convenient lie. What passes for justice is more spilled blood. And what passes for love is never enough.

I loved this book as much as every other Sookie book! Which is a lot! Mrs. Harris has a wonderful writing style, and I was completely immersed in Sookie's world once again. I don't read a series just for the ending. For those who bashed the whole series for how Charlaine chose to leave it, I feel bad for you that you didn't enjoy the ride. It's not really "The End." It's just where we stop following Sookie's journey. Also, I have to say shame on you to the people who have personally attacked Mrs. Harris because they didn't like the ending of her book. Personally, after reading the other twelve books, I don't think any other ending would have made sense. Sookie's story is about self discovery, and I think she went through all that she did for a reason. She learned about love and betrayal, friendships and self reliance. Within the fun adventures that captivated us, she was learning who she was and what she wants. She was becoming a strong, self assured woman, and I feel like the entire series was heading toward the end of Dead Ever After. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but for those who are just angry that she didn't "end up" with your whoever your Team Suitor is, I would recommend you just stick with watching True Blood anyway, because you obviously didn't get the meaning of the entire series. It really never was just about who her boyfriend is at the end of the last book. So, for anyone who decided not to read it based on the immature reviewers who just have a crush on Alexander Scarsgard, I would urge you to reconsider. It is a really good book and a great way to wrap up the series. I can't recommend it enough!

This last Sookie book was a wild ride, but I loved every minute. I first read the Sookie books just before True Blood started on HBO. Since I read the first book, I have read every book, not only in the Sookie series, but every other Charlaine Harris book I could get my hands on. I am definitely a fan. I think it's terrible that Ms. Harris has been subject to so much negative feedback from fans who didn't like the ending of the series. Or the fact that the series was ending at all. In many ways this book felt a little more like one of the earlier ones. There was a nice mystery threading through the book. We get to see a lot of characters from earlier books, and I think the whole thing comes to a logical, and satisfying conclusion. I definitely had my favorite of Sookie's suitors, but all of the suitors from the series brought their own share of problems to Sookie's doorstep. Luckily Sookie was also able to make some really good friends and earn the respect of a lot of the supes who have crossed her path. She definitely finds herself needing to call in some favors in this last book. Parts of the book felt a little like a curtain call, some characters show up mostly for the sake of showing up and giving us some insight into what they've been up to, and what their future will likely hold. There is one more piece of the Sookie series coming out this fall that Ms. Harris has referred to as the coda on her message boards on her website. It will cover what happens to many of the characters from the series, especially ones that didn't make it into this final book, but that Charlaine was getting questions about on her book tours and web forums. If you've enjoyed the Sookie series, you will likely enjoy this last book, in places it seems a little rushed, but overall I enoyed the ride of this book and the series in general and will definitely be there for whatever Ms. Harris has for us next.

How do I feel about this book? I'm not quite sure yet. I read it all in one setting, I had to know what happened before someone spoiled the ending. Let's get the not-so-good out of the way and then concentrate on the good: Like the last few books, it starts off being quite pedestrian, day in the life of Sookie. Not everyone is going to be happy with the choices Sookie makes. The better bits: The choices Sookie makes are her choices, and she's happy with them. We get a sense of closure for just about everyone who's ever appeared in the series (and is still alive). There is actually an element of mystery that has been sorely lacking in the last couple of books. It's not the best of the series, but it's far from the worst. I give it 4 stars, but I'm adding one for all the enjoyment I've had from the entire series. I won't miss the books, it was past time for them to end, but I have really enjoyed Sookie's adventures over the years, and this was a fitting ending to her story. For all of these reasons, I say...well done!

I could not put this book down. I couldn't wait to find out how it all ended, even as I attempted to pace myself so that I could savor reading the final Sookie for the first time. The plot moves so quickly, though, that I didn't stand a chance. I loved all of the visits from Sookie's past, even as I scrambled to remember exactly who Glassport and Newlin were. My heart broke a little (and there may have been a tear or two) when Sookie was surprised by the ceremony ending her "marriage" to Eric. It was so brutal, I ached for her. Here's the thing: it wouldn't have worked with her and Eric. They had huge fundamental personality and morality issues that would have eventually imposed on them more than they already did. Here's the thing: Sookie was not meant to be a vampire. Ever. And that's the only way it would have worked with Eric. And remember...Eric loved an left Pam. And Karin. So even eternity isn't forever. Here's the thing: Sookie was never getting back with Bill. Sure, I had some pangs when he almost died saving her in the Fairy War. But she would always, always, always doubt his sincerity. And while Bill would handle Sookie aging better than Eric, Sookie couldn't have handled it. Here's the thing: Sookie wants kids. Vampires can't make that happen for her. And Sam was always the most moral of her supe peeps. He understood her guilt over the crappy stuff she's done. Bill and Eric didn't. Alcide certainly didn't. And let's be real - can you see Sookie as the stepmother to a weretiger, assuming Quinn ever gets to interact with his kid? Here's the thing: as soon as Harris said she'd planned the ending since book two, it had to be Sam. They circled around each other a lot - to the point that they occasionally exited each other's orbit - but they always clicked. And I got major shivers when Sam admitted that Eric was right, and that he wanted Sookie. I like them together. I like that they're taking it slow. And I fully expect the final "happily ever after" when Harris's coda is published this fall. I will say the one thing that didn't quite jibe for me was Claude as the mastermind evil genius. I reread Deadlocked right before Dead Ever After came out, and I was struck by his role then, too. It doesn't fit with his character, as developed earlier in the season, that he wanted to overthrow Niall. He was vain, and money hungry, and boy crazy...but never thirsted for power. So I don't like Claude as the main villain. Bad, sure. Evil genius, I think not. But...I'm sad to say goodbye to Sookie and Sam and Bon Temps. I can't wait to read the coda in the fall. And I'll definitely come back to visit.

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