Use TO in These Cases:: Don't Say

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Dont say: Im studying every day for improve my English. Say: Im studying every day to improve my English.

The prepositions to and for are very easy to confuse! Here are some rules: Use TO in these cases: 1. Destination Were going to Paris. 2. What time it is !ts a "uarter to #. 3. Distance !ts a$out ten miles from my house to the university. 4. Comparing ! prefer sleeping to %or&ing. 5. iving ! gave the $oo& to my sister. 6. !otive"#eason $ %ith ver& ! came here to see you. Use 'O( in these cases: 1. 'enefits )ogurt is good for your digestion. 2. (eriod of time Weve lived here for # years. 3. Schedule ! made an appointment for *ay +. 4. )gree %ith ,re you for or against the development of nuclear %eapons5. Doing something to help someone .ould you carry these $oo&s for me6. !otive"#eason $ %ith noun /ets go out for a drin&. 7. *unction $ %ith ver& +,ing form, ladle is a $ig spoon used for serving soup. ,s you can see in 012 ./ or */# can $e used for a motive3reason2 $ut ./ is al%ays %ith a ver&2 and */# is al%ays %ith a noun. Heres a good e4ample:

! came to 5e% )or& to %or0. ! came to 5e% )or& for a ne% 1o&.

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