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Women in the 1920s

The 1920s brought many changes for women in the United States. Women had won the right to vote in 1920, a though the ratification of the !ineteenth "mendment did not seem to have a great im#act, as its advocates wou d ho#e it wou d have. $n the #o itica side of things, the !ineteenth "mendment stated that, %The right of the citi&ens of the United States to vote sha not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of se'.( )o#ing that with the ratification of this amendment, the se' ro es wou d change for women. The ro es were sti the same as if nothing had occurred, women were the ones who stayed home, c eaned, too* care of the chi dren and coo*ed. Whi e the men, of course, wor*ed to bring food to the tab e for their fami ies. With this occurring in society, women wou d not sto# unti they received the e+ua treatment that they deserved. This began the u#rising of the feminist movement, some feminists advocated for humanitarian reform, such as to #ut an end for chi d abor. " though they cou d not enforce a chi d abor amendment, it therefore estab ished a dramatic decrease of humanitarian reform issues. )ence, womens suffrage grou#s began to wor* towards good,government issues. -or instance there was a grou# of womens activists who were ed by " ice .au s !ationa Womans .arty /!W.0, which fought for e+ua rights ega y. The !W. had a success in 19212 they

#resented an 3+ua 4ights "mendment to congress. )owever, other women grou#s were against it because they be ieved it wou d re#ea other gender s#ecific aws that women had fought so hard to enforce. )ence, the future of the 3+ua 4ights "mendment /34"0 was no more. $n the socia as#ect of the 1920s, women became very rebe ious. 5n the arger cities, the women were given the nic*name %- a##ers(. Some #eo# e today sti argue whether the 1920s were a rebe ious era or not due to the fact that women and the "frican "mericans were trying to e'#ress themse ves in a new way. The %f a##ers( were young women who wou d cut their hair short, raised their s*irts right above their *nees. They rea y shoc*ed their mothers6 e ders. The f a##ers a so wore ma*eu# and smo*ed cigarettes. The 1920s were considered as a rebe ious era due to this socia change. - a##ers a so #ushed for some se'ua iberation. The 1920s were a so considered the 7a&& era where many *ind of dances came about in c ubs and ba rooms. The most #o#u ar dance during this time was the 8har eston, which was associated with the %f a##er( image of women. 5n the #icture above, there are two f a##ers dancing the 8har eston on a roofto#.

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