Wartime Economy in The 1940s

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Wartime Economy in the 1940s

As the United States began to get out of the Great Depression thanks to FDRs The New Deal and all the policies that he proposed and got approved b !ongress" the United States slowl began to arise fro# the dust and into a whole new A#erica$ %n the ear of &'('" )orld )ar %% began in *urope but in earl and +resident FDR had a feeling that the US would sooner or later be involved" therefore he ca#e up with the ,end- ,ease Act as an aid for the .ritish$ Along with the /apanese wanting to e0pand their e#pire" the were atte#pting to con1uer Southeast Asia$ 2ence" the United States decided that it would be a good idea to block off all assets to the /apanese$ As a result of this occurrence" on Dece#ber 3" &'4& the /apanese bo#bed +earl 2arbor b surprise$ The i##ediate response was to declare war on /apan$ This was a big deal for the US because the used this as an e0cuse for their econo# to rise to the top b providing 5obs for citi6ens" #ainl wo#en" to help out the #en at war$ The war gave a sense of pride for the soldiers" especiall oung A#erican bo s who were encouraged to go to war and fight for their countr $ )o#en had to #ove out of the do#estic sphere and began to enter the workforce$ The wo#en during this ti#e were e0pected to help build weapons for their #en awa " such as producing bo#bs" guns" etc$ for their #en at war and take action to help out such as to knit socks for the#" send the# food- grow 78ictor Gardens9 and so#e wo#en also beca#e nurses and were there to help cure the in5ured soldiers that ca#e ho#e fro# the war in *urope$ Another wa that the US had been able to collect #one for the war was b creating 8ictor .onds" where US citi6ens were ver #uch encouraged to bu these bonds to help the #en at war because the felt it was the least the could do while the were all at war$ During the warti#e" it encouraged #an people to #ove where 5obs were available to the#$ The US econo# sk rocketed due to the #an 5obs the war has been able to provide$

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