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The History of TV

TV Production 1: Lesson 1
Eadweard Muybridge
The father of the
concept of cinema.
It began with his
experiments with
photography and
cyllndrlcal devlce wlLh sllLs,
lmages llned lnslde, devlce ls
spun and when vlewer looks
Lhrough sllLs
larger devlce LhaL Lhe
vlewer sLood over and
looked lnLo and Lhe
devlce provlded

1897- Cathode Tube
8adlo acuve llghL bulbs,
powered by nuclear currenL
8asls of our undersLandlng
of x-8ays, also Lhe sclence
behlnd devel of 1v.
When you are looklng aL
Lhe 1v screen of an older
Lelevlslon, you are acLually
looklng aL Lhe back end of
Lhe caLhode Lube, Lhe resL
hldden ln Lv seL lLself
Philo T. Farnsworth
Several people LhaL were
lnsLrumenLal ln Lhe
developmenL of 1v buL lL ls
general oplnlon LhaL hllo
larnsworLh ls Lhe lnvenLor.
Pls creauon and
dlsLrlbuuon of all-elecLronlc
lmage plckup servlce:
pro[ecuon of opucs and
audlo was now posslble
Lhrough radlo waves.
Pls proLoLype was small.
8CA, aL Lhe ume was a radlo
manufacLurer became
lnvesLors ln Lhe producL and
were able Lo produce larger
Big Three
AL Lhls ume Lhree radlo sLauons began Lo
Lransluon Lhelr programmlng Lo Lelevlslon.
known as Lhe blg Lhree, and sull around Loday.
llrsL Lo lnvesL ln Lhe new Lechnology uullzlng
Lhelr preexlsung lnfrasLrucLure.
1hey were for many years Lhe only companles
LhaL produced nauonally broadcasL programmlng.
VHS Betamax

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