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Thank you Version 5, Hello Version 6 Ultimate Back Office Version 6, was released on on October 20 !

, our de"elo#ment team has not taken a break from creatin$ streamline a##roaches on how to %uickly identify and fi& bu$s' 20 ! came to a close with ()*O re#orts on bu$s' This only indicates that our a##roaches to eradicate those nasty, little critters ha"e worked, and UBO, Version 6, is "ery stable and secure' +hat,s new in Versio 6This is timely de"elo#ment as UBO,s Version 5 is nearin$ its .end of life/ on 0arch ! , 20 1' 2f you are still runnin$ on Version 5, we recommend that you u#$rade to the latest "ersion, on or before 3eb' 24, 20 1 when Ultimate Back Office, Version 5, technically becomes obsolete'

Upgrade Instructions
1. Remove your old version of the Ultimate Back Office (UBO v.5.0). 2. Sim ly click on or o en this link htt !""###.vis .net"do#nload" on your $ro#ser to do#nload the latest version. %. &aunch the ro'ram and then ty e your credentials to lo'in.
To talk to a re#resentati"e, contact us here'

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