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May 27, 2013

Letter of Recommendation Mr Volkmar Kunerth To Whom It May Concern, I am pleased to give my judgement on Mr Volkmar Kunerth, who was employed with Sustaina le Sillicon Valley as !irector o" #usiness !evelopment, since $ %e ruary &'$&( In his position Volkmar was responsi le "or leading a team o" si) people in new usiness development, account management and usiness analysis tasks( *e was also responsi le "or hiring new usiness development team mem ers( Volkmar attended usiness and sustaina ility con"erences and developed new partnerships with Silicon Valley companies( Volkmar "ul"illed all strategic and operational tasks such as planning and "orecast, customer relationship management, contract management, negotiations and market research( In all his positions Volkmar convinced us with his pro"ound e)pertise and his "inely honed management skills( Volkmar is a very astute, diligent, resource"ul, and relia le individual who would readily help every colleague or team mate, so that the organi+ation,s per"ormance would e improved( !ue to his good analytical and organisational a ilities plus his resilience Volkmar developed e""ective solutions to any pro lem and delivered very good results even in very challenging situations( Indeed we could always rely on Volkmar as he was also a very open, socia le, and dedicated mem er o" our management team( In conclusion, Volkmar always met our highest e)pectations and delivered an e)ceptional per"ormance( #eing widely appreciated oth inside and outside Sustaina le Silicon Valley, Volkmar,s ehaviour was always to our utmost satis"action( I regret to lose Volkmar, who leaves us on his own account to sei+e another opportunity( I thank him "or his loyal and superior achievements and wish him all the est in his "uture endeavours( Should you have any -uestions concerning Volkmar, I will e happy to underline my high recommendation personally( Santa Clara, ./&0/&'$1 2erd 3eter May !irector o" operations

Sustainable Silicon Valley | 224 Airport Parkway, Suite 620, San ose, !A "#110 $6#0% 31&'363& o((ice | $&00% 66&'071& toll (ree | www)sustainablesilicon*alley)or+

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