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Shatun Mykhailo
Objective Looking for social work. Personal Data Date of birth:02.10.1986 Age:25 Place of birth: Ni in !"kraine# Phone: !068# 659 6$ $2 %&'ail: 'ishan(a02101986)g'' Summary & *ractice of teaching of +er'an at school & 1,5 (ears of work in the social s*here !with -isable- *eo*le. n.rsing ho'e# & taking *art in se'inars in -isc.ssion of the h.'an rights & taking *art in se'inars in -isc.ssion of the globali/ation *rocess

Education 1990&2002 2002&2001 2001&2009

school *e-agogical l(ce.' Ni insk( 2tate "ni3ersit( after na'e- of 4.+ogol

Job Experience 2009 2009 2010&2012

5all&center. res*onsibilities: booking. *rocessing of or-ers. cons.ltation of clients. 6eaching at school !*ractice# N.rsing ho'e. res*onsibilities: assistant of the gro.*&a-'inistrator,3ol.nteering. 7ehabilitation center. res*onsibilities: assistant of the gro.*&a-'inistrator,3ol.nteering.

an!ua!es "no#led!e ger'an. fl.ent. english. basic skills .krainian.'other lang.age Computer $ %echnical Skills 4icrosoft 8ffice.basic skills. A-obe Photosho*.basic skills. icenses $ Certi&icates +er'an 5ertificate. 6est Da9. Le3el :2&51. 'nterests $ (ctivities c(cling athletic *laing the *iano an- g.itar *ainting foto-esigne

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