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ScienceBridge Tech Site Standard Operating Procedure Title: Making L-DOPA stock solution Original Issue Date: 6/4/10

Originally prepared by: Heather Liwanag Revision Date: N/A Revised by: N/A Pages: 2 Approved by: Heather Liwanag

Scope Objective

For use by biotechnology students at the ScienceBridge tech sites when making L-DOPA stock solution for the ScienceBridge Enzyme kits. This SOP sets the safety and procedural specifications for making a 10mM stock solution of L-DOPA. 500mL of 10mM L-DOPA (makes 25 kits)


1. 100mM potassium phosphate buffer 2. L-3,4 Dihydroxy-phenylalanine 3. Plastic weigh dish 1. Gloves for each person 2. Goggles for each person 3. Balance 4. 1L amber bottle with cap (or clear bottle wrapped in aluminum foil) 5. Graduated cylinder (1000mL capacity) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

500mL 0.986g 1


1 1 1


Put on gloves and goggles. Turn on your balance. Place the empty plastic weigh dish on the balance. Press the tare or zero button on the balance. Use the same plastic weigh dish to measure 0.986g of L-3,4 dihydroxy-phenylalanine (L-DOPA) on the balance. 6. Carefully pour the measured L-DOPA into the 1L bottle. 7. Use the graduated cylinder to measure 500mL of potassium phosphate buffer. 8. Carefully pour the measured potassium phosphate buffer into the bottle with the L-DOPA. 9. Cap the bottle securely. 10. Swirl the bottle to mix, until the L-DOPA is completely dissolved. 11. Label the bottle 10mM L-DOPA stock, with your initials and the date. 12. Store the bottle of L-DOPA stock solution in the refrigerator.

Making potassium phosphate buffer for Enzymes Documentation Making L-DOPA working solution Quality control of L-DOPA solution Quality Assurance L-DOPA solution is light sensitive and temperature sensitive. Take care to avoid exposing the solution to light or heat. Place a label reading For QC on the bottle, and store the solution in the refrigerator for quality assurance. The typical shelf life of L-DOPA stock solution in the refrigerator is approximately 2 weeks.

Safety Records Title

Always wear gloves and goggles when handling solutions. Avoid getting L-DOPA powder on your hands or clothing. What records must be maintained and where should they be recorded? What is the title and SOP number of this SOP?

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