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OUTLINE I. Attachments and Closures a. Flanged Joints b. Gaskets c. Gasket Application d. Gasket Selection e. Flange Bolt Selection f.

Flange Types Selection

g. Flange Selection h. Fittings for ressure !essels i. $. Fabricated "o##le Selection Threaded% &i'eted% and (elded Attachments

k. Co'ers)Co'er plates or Closures II. "on*Ferrous and Concrete Construction a. Application of non*ferrous metals to Containers and ressure 'essels b. +ight*,eight metals and Alloys c. Copper and Its Alloys d. "ickel e. +ead f. Alloy Clad Steel

g. Aluminum Alloys h. Cement% mortar% and concrete i. Strength and -ther roperties ii. Bearing o,er of Soils iii. Footing

i'. .achinery Foundations% Floors% Slabs i. III. &einforced Concrete

Belt and Chain /ri'es a. /ri'ing .edia i. Friction /ri'es ii. Belt dri'es iii. Flat*belt ulleys i'. Groo'ed Shea'e /ri'es b. Flat +eather and &ubber Belts Selection c. !ee*belt Selection d. Chain Types and Application e. f. olygonal 0ffect &oller and Silent Chain Selection

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