Tute1 TVM

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Tute 1 1. Mr.Rajeev deposits each year Rs, 2500, Rs. 4000, Rs. 4500, Rs 5000 and Rs.

5500 in his saving bank account for 5 years. The interest rate is 10 . !eter"ine the future va#ue of the deposits at the end of the 5th year. 2. Mr. Rajesh deposits Rs. 10000 at the end of every year for $ years in his saving account paying 12 interest co"pounded annua##y. %e &ants to deter"ine ho& "uch su" of "oney he &i## have at the end of the $th year. '. Mr. ( &ishes to deter"ine the present va#ue of the annuity consisting of cash inf#o&s of Rs. 25000 per year for 10 years. The rate of interest he can earn fro" his invest"ent is 12 . 4. The ()* co"pany e+pects to receive Rs. 2,50,000 for a period of 12 years fro" a ne& project it has just undertaken, assu"ing a 10 rate of interest, ho& "uch &ou#d be the present va#ue of this annuity.

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