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SECTION L MAYOR'S BUDGET MESSAGE To the Members of the Albany Common Council: As I prepare this budget message, on my desk is a current copy of a National League of Cities’ weekly publication with a headline entitled “Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures.” ‘The article relating to this headline concems the effect of the ational financial crisis on municipalities throughout the country; citing that for the first time in 20 years, revenues from property, sales and income taxes are all down at the same time. The article also predicts that because cities are the last to recover behind federal, state and county governments, things will remain tough well into 2010, and that many cities will face turmoil and economic upheaval in the coming year. Fortunately, because of the fund balance we have built up over the past couple of years, our success in getting our landfill expansion approved, and because of the budget cuts we made last year, Albany is facing financial strains that are not nearly as desperate as those facing other cities in the nation. But, for reasons largely related to the financial crisis impacting both our national and state government, Albany is facing serious financial challenges due to lower than anticipated State aid payments, lower sales tax revenue and higher employee pension contributions. After our 2009 budget was enacted, we learned in January that our State AIM funding for the yeat would be cut from statutorily approved amounts, and, that similarly, State AIM funding for 2010 would be lowered. We believe strongly that these cuts to the City’s State aid are unfair and inequitable to the taxpayers of Albany. Our City receives far less in State aid than many other cities across the State, notably far less than Buffalo, Yonkers, Rochester and Syracuse. Additionally, Albany bears the burden of lost tax revenue from the high percentage of tax-exempt land, mostly State-owned, within our borders. ‘We must jointly lobby our State leaders to right this inequity ~ either put into law the Harriman PILOT legislation that the Governor vetoed last year and that would have paid us $11 million annually, or revise the State aid formula so that all cities ate treated equitably. If Albany received per capita aid commensurate with either Rochester or Syracuse, it would receive well aver $35 million more in State financial assistance, obviating the budget pressures we now face. Despite Albany’s inequitable State aid payments, we have maintained the highest bond rating in the State, outside of New York Citys we have provided a high level of services to ensure a high quality of life to our residents and we have tried to do it all in a way so as {0 minimize the impact on out teal property taxpayers. am ‘This proposed budget reflects the cumulative loss in 2009 ~ 2010 of over $4.2 million in State ATM funding; the addition of over 82 million more in higher State pension contributions; the loss of over $4 million in projected sales tax revenne and the increase in employee-related health insurance of nearly $2 million. These items alone have impacted our finances by over $12 million. To deal with these enormous financial challenges, we have once again made incremental cuts to all departmental budgets. We have tried to make these cuts in such a way so as to not impact the quality of essential services critical to public safety and quality of life. We have also increased fees for certain building and code-telated services, in ways that are commensurate with fees in other localities, And we have partially offset increases to employee-related health insurance expenses by making changes in medical and prescription insurance plans. This budget includes no increase in the City's real property tax levy and includes no City-wide employee raises. The decision to include no City-wide raises was a difficult one, because there is no doubt our workforce is exttemely hard working and much deserving of pay increase. But our alternative was to cither make additional budget cuts, including cuts to personnel, of to further faise taxes. I do not believe these altematives are in the City’s best interest. However, in the event we are successful in lobbying out State leaders for more State aid or a Harriman PILOT, I would encourage an amendment to this budget that would include appropriate percentage raises for our workforce. Thope you will find this budget takes serious steps to assure economic sustainability without layoffs; without cuts in services oF to public safety; and without over-burdening our real property taxpayers. Additionally, we have maintained an appropriate fund balance that we believe will protect our strong credit rating and ensure adequate funds are in place for contingency purposes. We have also inchided $1 million in new capital borrowings for the establishment of a neighborhood revitalization fund to assist our Economic Development office and out Block by-Block initiative deal even more effectively with vacant and abandoned buildings and overall neighborhood revitalization efforts. ‘We have spent a good deal of time over the past several months talking about how far our City has come and how much we still wish to accomplish. We've been recognized nationally for our accomplishments ~ most recently by President Obama in his visit to our region, and perhaps most notably in our being sclected as an “All-America City” by the National Civie League, for being one of the “best, brightest and most innovative cities in the nation.” We have accomplished these distinctions, despite enormous Snancial restraints. I have no doubt, that working together, we can and will mect the present financial challenges, and, once again, move this City’s continuing Renaissance forward. I know you are as committed as I am to making certain that our City is as safe and as inviting as possible; that our quality of life is second to none; that our economic development achievements to date are eclipsed by what is possible in the future, and that our children have a community that supports their dreams and aspirations. In this shared commitment, I look forward to your comments and your support of this proposed budget. Sincerely, Gerald D. Jennings Mayor INTRODUCTION TO REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES In the accompanying listings, each category of revenue and each major expenditure will be discussed. The categories used ate those promulgated by the State Comptroller so that reporting among all localities is uniform. REVENUES Real Property Taxes Revenues from real property taxes are proposed to remain at the 2009 levy of $53,148,000. Property Tax Items. Faimarily consisting of payments in lieu of taxes, this category is expected to yield $26,259,000 in 2010. ‘The catepory mostly consists of revenue attributed to the annual payment the City receives from the amendment to Section 19-A of the Public Lands Law of the State of New York. Non-Property Tax Items The entire account is expected to yield $32,439,000 during 2010. The largest component of this categoty is the City’s portion of Sales tax, which is expected to toral $29,100,000 and represents a $2 million decline from the amount budgeted in 2009. Also included in this category are projected income of $1.8 million from the utilities gross receipts tax and $1.28 million from the cable television franchise fee ‘State Financial Assistance ‘This category includes Aid to Municipalities (AIM), which is expected to total $13,692,000 for 2010, as well as tnonies from mortgage tax revenue, which is expected to yield $1.6 million. During 2009, the State reduced the City’s expected Aid by $1.4 million and climinated the scheduled $1.4 million increase for 2010. ‘Thus, the cumulative impact for 2010 is @ loss of $4.2 million. In addition, this category expects $1,310,000 for the Police Court Security program. Combined, these sources plus some miscellaneous income ate expected to yield $16,977,000. Departmental Income ‘This category is composed of a variety of revenues including $9.1 million in tipping fees ftom commercial haulers utilizing the City’s waste facility, $820,000 generated from the acceptance of petroleum contaminated soil which can be used as cover material AND $1,070,000 fom fees generated by the Capital Hills at Albany golf course. In addition, the City expects $240,000 from vital statistics fees and $2,035,000 from a variety of other sources bringing the expected revenue frotn this category to $13,265,000 in 2010. ul Intergovernmental Income ‘The main component of this category is tipping fees from municipalities setved by the Albany landfill, which is expected to yield about $million in 2010. An additional $208,000 is expected from municipal contracts with the Albany Police Department computer aided dispatch system bringing the category total to $1,208,000. Use of Money and Property Primarily consisting of interest earnings, which are dependent on market interest rates, this category is expected to yield income of about $251,000 in 2010. Licenses and Permits This category consists of various user fees including building permits, street vending licenses, etc, the total of which is expected to yield $2,310,000 in 2010. For 2010, a variety of building related permit and inspections fees are proposed to be increased. Fines ‘The major source of income in this category is parking violation fines, which are expected to total $2.4 million in 2010. “Traffic violation/police court fines are expected to yield $1.35 million and, coupled with parking ticket surcharges ‘and various other fines, the entire category is expected to total $4,920,000. Sale of Property/Insurance Recoveries ‘This category, which includes the sale of property, excess material and self-insurance recoveries for Worker’s Compensation, is expected to yield $277,000 in 2010. Miscellaneous Income Primarily composed of reimbursable expenditures for Housing and Community Development, Economic Development administration, as well as police overtime for detail work at sites such as the Pepsi Arena, and income from federal and state grants, the entire category is estimated to provide $7,008,000 in 2010. Included in the proposed budget is the addition of ten police officers hired through a federal grant. vil EXPENDITURES As with revenues, the accompanying printouts contain com breakdown of expenditures by department is also shown listing salaries, Salaries Salaries and benefits constitute about 73 percent of all expenditures. Excluding debt service, personal service costs account for 81 percent of estimated 2010 expenditures. ‘The proposed budget does not provide any city-wide wage increases, plete details of all expenditures forecast for 2010. A complete fringe benefits, operating expenses and debt service payments, Eringe Benefits Consisting of health insurance, retitement, Workers’ Compensation, 207-a disability retirement, Social Security and some other miscellaneous expenses, this category is expected to cost the City about $45,444,000 million in 2010. Dramatic health insurance increases are partially offset by proposed changes to health and prescription plans. Operating Expenses All expenditures of City goverment other than salaries, fringe benefits and debt service are in this category. Each department's budget shows the amounts authorized for such items as supplies, equipinent, vehicles, repairs and a variety of contracts with private firms for services and maintenance of equipment, as well as costs related to sttect lighting, snow removal, waste collection and street repairs ‘Total expenditutes ins this category are projected at $28,145,000 in 2010. Debt Service ‘This expense reflects the amount of principal and interest payments on projects financed through borrowings. Included in the $16,374,000 amount due for 2010 are monies for debt related to infiasteucture improvements, the landfill and the golf course clubhouse lease. vu Schedule of Principal and Interest Payments of Serial Bond Indebtedness as of January 2010 Principal Interest ‘Total 2010 $10,317,420 $4,713,253, $15,030,673, 2011 9,460,000 3,641,815 13,101,815 2012 9,530,000 3,253,866 12,783,866 2013 9,720,000 2,857,560 12,577,560 2014 9,290,000 2,449,026 11,739,026 2015 9,235,000 2,080,767 11,285,767 2016 7,470,000 1,652,513 9,122,513, 2017 7,340,000 1,329,022 8,669,022 2018 7,415,000 997,382 8,412,382 2019 4,100,000 692,943 4,792,943 2020 4,280,000 489,231 4,769,231 2024 2,800,000 306,775 3,106,775 2022 2,260,000 180,540 2,440,540 2023, 2,055,000 79,206 2,134,206 2024 243,000 27,718 212715 2025 260,000 14,300 274,300 Bonds $95,777,420 $24,735,975 '$120,513,394 Leases 3,768,566 433,057 4,201,623 BANs 43,982,049 659,613, 44,641,662 RANs est. 10,000,000 106,250 10,106,250 Totals $153,528,035 $25,934,895 $179,462,929 2010 Expenditures Workers’ Compensation Operating Expenses 2% 17% Disability RetiremenvMisc. 1% Salaries 46% Health Insurance 15% Retirement 6% 2010 Revenues Miscellaneous 4% State Financial Licenses & Permits/Sale q i Assistance of Property 11% 2% _____ Sales Tax 18% Realty Taxes 34% —__ Property Tax Items D 17% Intergovernmental Income _ 1% / x Fines/ Use of Money & Departmental Income / — Property 8% jon-Property Tax Items 3% 2% xi City of Atbany Organizational Chart Executive Branch Mayor Depuy Mayor “reaser ‘ie Comat Badge Dicoor = r T [Departaeatot ‘Administrari : t Development and i Law in Cesk [eee Devtopment ED Dri inn Peromnel Toaing Com Development face 1 I I 1 ‘pape aroun Bepenmenor Department of a ae Worigre ve Recrerton Gener Sree Youth Development Eeeerecoe Pate Mainnanc coy Maimenence Spec Eres xi CAPITAL BUDGET Capital budget requests for 2010 and the five and is subject to changes as needed over the yeats, authorization for 2010. year capital plan are also enclosed. Although the five-year capital plan is a plan only the capital budget is a one-year proposal that should be reviewed as part of the financial ‘The 2010 capital program totals $27,382,000 of which $235,000 is funded through the operating budget, $20,251,000 is expected to be borrowed and $6,896,000 will come from other funds such as the Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIP3) and federal and state grants. Included in this budget are monies for the landfill expansion, street reconstruction and a neighborhood revitalization fand. FUND BALANCE While the 2008 audit is not finalized, and only part of the 2009 expenditures and revenues are known at this time, itis estimated that the City will end the 2009 fiscal year with a fund balance of about §11 million, of which, $5,261,000 is planned to be appropriated toward the 2010 proposed budget. xa SECTION II BUDGET SUMMARIES CITY OF ALBANY BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2010 REVENUES: GENERAL FUND. : '$104,864,000 ‘TRANSFER FROM FUND BALANCE. 5,261,000 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY REALTY TAXES. 53,148,000 ‘TOTAL REVENUES. 8163,273,000 $163,273,000 CITY OF ALBANY REVENUE SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2010 STATE FINANCIAL AID, : i REVENUE SHARING. 913,692,000 MORTGAGE TAX, ETC,, 3,285,000 PROPERTY TAX ITEMS. NON-PROPERTY TAX ITEMS, SALES TAX ener OTHER TAX ITEMS. DEPARTMENTAL INCOME.. INTERGOVERNMENTAL INCOME. USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY. LICENSES AND PERMITS. AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY REALTY TAXES. ‘TOTAL REVENUES. $16,977,000 26,259,000 32,439,000, 13,265,000 1,208,000, 251,000 2,310,000 '$104,864,000 5,261,000 53,148,000 163,273,000 Mayotsnenne (Cea Date Proceso Oe of Ande & Cont. Developed Pane nen Housing Comm. Development. Ce Law Depa ano (Cy Ct ee Boar of Conca Sepp. Beeson - Admin Servicer Petonhneannenn Parchasing— Cena Serene BEO/HemasRighs Co ie See ‘ (izes! Poe Review Ba, Genet Serie Adit enenanoe eau Garage Sew Remo nnn Wane Cbestion/ Rep enna Steet Genin. agicesing Cents Maimenance 7 Caplan nnn Special Events. 385568 wmsan 9320 tes saan sus sane austen 7648 eo 50 Coancead sisen0 ats Heo maw oon ma7s0 ssp mom ps0 25350 0 Bip ssp sngos a0 suger ssn ne 9% ssa m8 awa 63 satan he sista sous 5035 Tout sesss5 srav2 Ls36 sans a0 13006 22000 3.366 sane seeat2 asset ssa 708 symai8 T6388 2rass0 sams tens isin (GENERAL FUND TOTAL. Patce Deparment : Pub Safey Com. Sym Pobice Resnieted Fan “alle gies Cone of Animal. Fie, Brerpency lg Series Dison of Badings nan Deparment of Recent “Teen Center Paya Se Vincente z iy Being Progr nnn Srinbume Re. Fay. Bleck Ste. Sminming Pole Support for Carl Ace Support or Com Se oar of Zing Appesi.. strc Reources Com. Posing Bote een Specs Hee. dee 5348 ‘none myers sns300 ssta50 745900 sp00 0900 ° 00 ° s3.00 ° 04945 11000 1308000 ° 1400 som sap 900 0 000 00 400 p00 ‘seco p00 000 soo 75400 rsa 350900 . 200 srergs 30180 Base ssp0036 69258 sensi ° ‘op Ba 70836 esas 24908 oman ssp aus 690 am oouaio sss rose am nase 7800 age ox mepes 486 150334 oas a5 ase sae aon msis ess ssoess wage sna « sco 15456 mss ° 3.00 ° somo ° 290 ° 23000 ° 6.000 ° 28500 szn600 ‘5271000 ° 4500 ° 6000 ° 15395000 ° ‘790 st546400 168.2740 SECTION IL OPERATING BUDGET ‘MQLOCAL SOURCES 1001 Realy Propery Taxes 1030 Special Assessments 1081 Other Payseats/PILOTS 1090 Inerest/Penaies Real Prop, 129 Sales and Use Tax 130 Valse Grove Res. Tax 1134 Prvdege Tax-Coin Ope, 13401 Coin Oper Amusement Tax 1150 OTB Receips 1170 Franchises Local Source Tota MODEPARTMENTAL INCOME, 1230 Treaeorer Pees 1230 Aseeszor Foes 1255 Cay Chik Feet 1256 Fogineer Feet 1259 Other Gave Dept Fees 1259.01 Domestic Parmerhip Fees 1289312 Cre Service Fes 129.03 DGS Feee 1520 Potce Fess 1540 Fie Dept. Fees 1560 Safety Toepestion 1860.01 Centiate of Occupancy 1565 Rent Registy 1529 BMS Ambulance Rev 1603 Viel Statics Fees 1710 DGS Services 1740 Bas Parking Pees 10.1 Towing Fees 2012 Recreation Concessions 2025 Poot Charger 225.01 Seaiom Fees 2125.02 Golf Fees 275.03 Stating Rin eee 225.04 Got Care Range 2089.91 Other Cube Ree 20 Zoning Fees 208 Acad smears 736 as2ng1s 299310 anaisass speuzo 100 2.850 270.98 ta03.87 so9017150 386 », 10s, REESE ssa oss oes 5.448 oon, 784 498 cnases 24360 amass 040 asm0 2008 Budget 53148000 2.51000 7500 131340,000 210,000, 4300 500 10,900 3.250.000 1ussxs00 p00 109 2000 000 S000 000 135,000 50000 250000 700 14900 m0 200 Badger ‘555,118,000 1,000 assaso00 275000 21,100,000 100000 4500 4300 20000 12380900 114346,000 2.000 2.000 1000 000 ‘000 229200 33.000 13500 mo 15,000 2115 Planning Boa Fees 2130 Lena Usage-Commerea 2130.02 Landi Peri 213003 Sate of Compnting Bags 213004 Compost Facliy Usage 213005 Sale of Recycabes 2130.09 Waste Me Heat Fee 213011 Peleus Coot Soil 2185 Sue of Meehane Gar Departmental Tort 120 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SOURCES 7516 Landi Usage Other Gov. 2395 Computer Aided Dispatch ot Ineren & Earnings 2410 Renee Rea Property 2850 Commissions Tel/Vending Intergoveramenal Tor! AMLICENSES PERMITS 250101 Amusement Place Lic 250102 Tasi and Medallions 230103 Business & Occup. Li, 2801.04 Occupational Lic Bl. Dept 250105 Food Vendor License 2501.07 Set Lense 2590 Licenses Gates of Chance 2500.02 Bingo Receipts 2541 Marriage Licemes 2SHL01 Manage Cerise 252 Dog Licenses 2548 Dog Licenses Local Fee 2515.05 Towing Licenses 2550 Safety Inspection Perit 2850.01 Reinepection Occup. Permit 1289002 Sidewalk Barscade Permit 2553 Boantip Feet 2855 Vacant Balding Registry 2560 Sweet Openings 2368 Plumbing Pera 2590.01 Feciel Permits Licenses fe Penit To som 500 24576 ne 2369 035.52 1570 14600 20866 ss 109.95 2s7e530 530 nus 2200 20,86 a6 ° oom 10978 235,56 199.998 163520 000.000 25,000 50,000 20,000 3,000 12,393,000 1400000 e000 somo 248,000 1.00 rom 4,000 140,900 9,100,008 2000 2.00 mee 20,000 3,000 2n000 900 1265000 2000 2400 000 000 10 [MOFINES & FORFETTURES 2610 Parking Violation Fines 261002 Taic/Poice Cont Fines 251006 Miscetancous 7510.08 Boot Charger 26 Fins Safty tspection 2612 Parking Ticket Surchasge 2126 Forfeiture of Cine Proceeds Figes and Forfeiture Total S80SALE.OF FROPERTY/COMP, EOR LOSS 2650 Sates of Scrap Material, 2655 Mino Sales 26 Sates of Res Progeny 2480 tasarance Recoveries 2688 SafTanwence Ree. Comp. Sale of Prop/ Comp. Tota MO MISCELLANEOUS 2701 Refund Prior Yea’ xp, 2105.02 Tip Feria 2705.03 Alvear ive 2705.05 Fit Night 2708.05 Other Events 2705.07 Jaz Festiva 1270 Orher Unclasied 271 Albany School Diet 2775 Reimbursement Tre Planting 2796 Reimborscment:Patk Auth 277 eimbursement Dev Plan 2779 Rcimbarseweot- Legal Fees 12786 Reimbariement APD O/T 218601 Reimbarvement Fire Ser, 2787 Heimbarsement- Housing CD 2091 Reimbarsement-Water Auth Miceetaneoue Total 338902 NYS Deptot Heald EMS 338045 Real Proper Sta 5389.04 NYS DCS Narcotics Invest 3389.06 NYS DCJS Car Theft $325 Albay Plan TANT, 23369 HTourchold Harardous Waste SU0FEDERAL AID 4509 USDO} Fatice 4828.09 USDO] Police Hiring {098.04 Mevbol Rel. Accident Pee. 4902 Feeral-CMAQ Phnning ‘Toul Reveanes 2g 325,378 ano» mia ease aye seers ug roe sam 00 002 75,000 sonsrs suns 9304 rast 21.900 eng nomz0 tioz80 © ts4787 155,784 950, 1.000 1.00 10,000 500 2,000 27.000 10,000 100,000 115,000 3,000 5000 100000 159000 5,00 ‘rs000 20 20 60 ¢00 5000 sos 900 5.586755 se,000 15.000 200000 1.509000, 7.000 0 3000 159.285, 2an,c00 1350.00 109000 engc0 110.000 2000 so e00 000 zaxzao 96000 1" R ‘1210 MAYOR, “The Mayor is the chief executive officer and the highest lected offical of the City of Albany. ‘The Mayor appoints the heads of epartments, as well a members of various commissions; committees and boards necded to administer the City's affairs, The office is responsible for the overall management of City government, its personnel, services and programs, ‘The Mayor's OfBce, which includes the Deputy Mayor and Budget Ditector, is also responsible for preparing and administering the City's operating and capinl budgets, establishing and managing fiscal control systems and genetally setting policy for the various City departments and offices, For 2010, the Courier position was eliminated, 1010 COMMON COUNCIL ‘The Common Council, the elected legislative body of the City, consists of 15 Council Members and a president. Established by the Dongan Charter on July 22, 1686, Albany’s Common Council convenes on the first and third Monday of every month to review and act on legislation and resolutions for the government of the City and the management of its business, The Council also holds public hearings to obtain citizens’ views and opinions on certain pieces of legislation. SURE] The ‘Treasurer is charged with collection, receipt, and care and custody of all taxes and other monies due the City, except as otherwise provided by law. The Treasurer is responsible for payment of all vouchers, claims, payroll and other authorized disbursements ‘The ‘Treasurer is responsible for making investments of Cty funds, maintains records of all wansactions and provides data to the public as Fequested and supervises and manages the Central Data Processing Unit. This unit provides electronic data processing for all City units including processing for payrolls, accounting records, assessment and tax data and personnel records. It fulfills numerous special requests for information and statistics throughout the year, and provides storage and retrieval of data for latet evaluation and review, In addition, the Parking Violations Bureau, a5 part of the Treasuter’s Office, collects fines imposed by the Albany Police Department on illegally parked vehicles. Under the City Charter, effective January 1, 2010, the Treasurer shall be the City’s Chief Fiseal Ofer within the meaning of the Losal Fiance Law and shall have such investment and debt management authority. Accordingly, the 2010 proposed budget transfers the following Comptroller's Office personnel to the Treasurer's Office: Deputy Comptroller (reclasafied to Deputy Treasurer); Chief Auditor (reclassified to Senior Accountant); Claims Management Clerk and Fiscal Analyst. Changes in Data Processing are as follows: Administrative Assistant transferred to the Treasurer's Office and the vacant Systems Support Specialise position ‘was eliminated. A1315 OFFICE OF AUDIT AND CONTROL Under the City Charter, effective Januaty 1, 2010, the Comptroller position is eliminated and replaced by a Chief City Auditor. The Principal duties of this office shall be to conduct internal performance audits of all City departments and offices; to audit all investments nude by the City Treasurer on behalf of the City: and to warrant as valid all accounts payable and clims prior to payment of same by the City Treasuter. “As noted above, with the change in duties, four employecs assigned to the Comptroller's Office have been transferred to the Treasurer's Office. 8 Dept 210 MAYOR {UPERSONAL SERVICES “100 executive THe Supervisory 7150 Cleves! Coegory Tota ‘© CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7810 Supplice& Materials 7480 Comtaced Sericee 180 Mixcellnoue Category Tote 0 EMPLOYER RENEENIS “001 Soca Security 7800 Health Toeurance Category Toate: Deparment Tota: Adopied “Badger 2suss8 9319 nian 76703 a a0 ange e708 15367 2n0 Proposes 234588, 9.18 2ass48 sesz20 13,60 836 6053 esas 14 0 0 150 150 PERSONAL SERVICES DETAN. Mavor amw Postion Mayor Deputy Mayor Bulger Discotoe Special Assistant Scheduling Sscrtay Executive Secretary (2/1) Secremy Courier Ajeet Baler 135,403 19,50 100.709 58916 2,00 sons 24580 ‘oan saa Proposed 135,405 9,50 vw0,n9 2.000 ons 24300 aan 6 ‘Bepi1010- COMMON COUNCIL, ‘IWEERSONAL SERVICES 7100 Executive 10 Superson 7100 Professionsl/Tectnical 7150 Civica 7190 Temporary Help Category Tou: EQUIPMENT “70 Once Equipment Category Tota: #.CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7410 Supplies & Materia 7835 Legal Notices 740 Conte Serrices HL Printing & Binding 1480 Fees & Services 170 Miscetancous 7983 Traunng & Conerences Category Torts SCEMPLOYEE BENESITS: 701 Social Securiy od Heskh Incurance Covgory Tor: Deparment Tota Adopeed Padget moss soz 36,65 16395 298 16,000 8.000 1 3a so9 sy sez 16 ade 0 m0 m0 m0 750 a0 PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL ‘COMMON COUNCIL, Aso Frsident of Commen Coupe Counc Menier 7 Council Member - Count Member Majority Later Rewch Grumet Senior Lega Aide Tempera Help Adjocted Budget 0938 ant male mau sass 5300 16398 be ‘Badger 338 aie maw za ss 7500 6395 7 ‘10 Superiery 17128 Protesional/ Technical 7180 Circa, Category To 0. CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES “m0 Supplies & Materials 7434 Scattows {Ho Contracted Servzce 74s Mincllneove 1410 Porte Caregory Toate: 0 EMPLOYEE BENEEITS 780 Social Seeuiy 7804 Heath Insorance Category Toate: Deparment Tot nye 1499 Adopred ‘Buger 5483 asisr6 Ms. ss39 ano Proposed Brdger 18 Code 710 my m0 7 79 80 50 70 0 50 PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL. ‘TREASURER ‘Aras Poston ‘Teessues, Depuey Treasuee Disectr of Parking Violasons ‘Special Deputy City Treasurer Payrol/Accoune Payable Supervisor ‘Assistant Payrol/ Accounts Payable Supervisor ‘Accountant Payol/ Accounts Payable Adeinitator 3@ Senior Accountant isc Anayst (Cains Management Cee Content Secretary ‘Adainistasive Asistint Tax Record Ce 3@ Adjudication Clerk 1@ Geet Adjusted ‘Badger sot nas 2@ 3@ 2@ 3@ se ‘Badger 98,43 woe eps ae 36863, 2331 sss 7300 35290 307% ast 38 19 wat ra 1OPERSONAL SERVICES 7100 Executive 7100 Profesional Techical “T80 Cleat 1190 Overine Coegory Tore 22EQUIPMENT. 7220 Otce Equipment 7230 Other Equipment Category Toa: 4. CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 1409 Forms 2410 Supplies & Materiae 140 Contracted Sencee Category Tor S_ EMPLOYEE RENEEITS “101 Sociat Seerty 7006 Heats rmerance Category Tora Deparment Tota Adjusted 177000 157,500 20 Propored Budget ors 20409 m9 143,000 163500 as 2,107 soars 20 Code m9 70 PERSONAL SERVICES DETAM. DATA PROCESSING ‘A160 Position Spee Specie Spams Sepp Seca Absa pc pein Comptes Opener! 3 Administrative Assistant a Adjusted Badger ous 0 sym 45309 sere ano Proposed ‘Budper ons sa 3@ aaa a Dept. 135. OFFICE OF AUDIT AND CONTROL JOPERSONALSERVICES 7100 Execnsve ‘THO Saperrisory 720 Professonal/Teebaiat 780 Clerical Category Toute: 20RQUIEMENT ‘Tai0 Office Equipment Category Torts: 40CONTRACTUAI. EXPENDITURES 7410 Supplies & Materials “10 Contracted Servicer 1AS1 Proeaionat Audie HO Mixcotaneous 7161 Tease Category Tot 90 EMPLOYEE BENEEIIS “H01 Social Secority 7004 Heats omurance Category Tote Department Tous Expense 5205 180367 75116 13307 ors Adopted Paget oases 15068 718 12456 som 400 nsp8 ano Proposed Padget 22 Cade 700 m0 210 m0 ns PERSONAL SERVICES DETASL, AUDI AND CONTROL, Ans Postion (Crier Cy Antioe Cooper Deputy Comparer Depaty Comprar Depury Chief Audioe (Chit Anditor Fiscal Amajet (Caine Management Cesk Account Clee ‘Budgee 983 23908 man ess 35507 45704 7300 aan 23 46420 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING ‘This department coordinates economic development, housing and community developinent and Planning activities within the City. ° OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT “This Office provides staff support to the Albany Local Development Corporation (ALDC), 2 not-for-profit corporation that manages sea ve loan portolio and certain real esate assets, packaging and initiating new loans, and engages in otler fosms af activities * A6410_OFFICE OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ‘The Office of Community Development is responsible for administering and distributing community development funds received aanvaly from the US. Departinent of Housing and Usban Development, NYS Affordable Housing grants, City of Albany and other resources. The office also plays an active role in consolidated planning for the utilization of CDBG fancies he department coordinates all housing activites in the City so thac independent agencies such as the AIbany Housing Authority and the Albany Local Development Corporation woxk towards the same goals and objectives, and is also responsible for administering a federally funded Lead Paint Abatement Program, which will provide grants to qualified homeowners for the removal and/or contain a oflead paint. ‘The Office oversees the Mayor's comprehensive strategy for homeownership in the City, including the Home Sone a ace new and existing homeowners to buy and maintain a home. These expenses ate fully reimbursed (cee RA 2787), * 4802000 DIVISION OF PLANNING “he Planning Office is responsible for the administration and procedural requirements of the development approval process, In this Capacity, the office functions as staff to the Board of Zoning Appeals, Planning Board, the Historic Resources Commission, the Common Council and to the City Archeologist. For 2010, the vacant Clerk Typist position was eliminated. 24 Adopred Adjusted Proposed Expense ‘Budget ‘Badger Budget ‘Dept 2- DEVELOPMENT &, PLANNING N06 Executive 0.308 ‘THO Superrisory 74300 70 Professonal/Technial age Category Tote, 0806 95008 sH5000 saso04 ‘0 EMPLOYEE BENEEITS 1801 Social Scesrny soos “792 Resiement n000 704 Heath Ineorance sia 1862 Medicare Refund 000 Category Tons: 38956 Department Tota 2000 25, Code 90 79 709 PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL, DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING 2009 Adjusted Postion ‘Badger Commissioner on Deputy Commissioner 74380 Senior Economic Developer 57200 Couneed 730 Finance & Operations Analyst 37200 covomic Developer 0500 20 Budget sa64 14890 5720 p00 57200 wase0 28 ‘Dept. Gtid- HOUSING & COM. DEN, WPERSONAL SERVICES 7000 Executive 710 Supersiory ‘72 Professonal/Teehaeat ‘70 Publi Safery/ Operations 7100 Trades 7150 Clveat Category Tork ‘sCONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7110 Sopplie & Materials 1729 Vai 7140 Contacte Services HO Mincetancous Category Total EMPLOYEE BENEETTS ‘201 Social Seeurity 17843 Compeneation 104 Heald Iorurance 62 Medicare Refund Category Tom: Deparment Totals: mon soa 09,168, 31304 43 amo 13st aan Adopred ‘Badger man zene 1003.82 an es 08 ‘500 75000 999 0383 ° 2a 010 si0375 299,958 Adjaved Bacget nga 2606 ‘oss 3277 aus. 9308 151580 000 58,000 20000 2.000 sao age 10,395, 2sao1 4000 sto.78 22480785. 27 ‘PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ‘Asai0 2m Adjusted Code Postion ‘Budget 7100 DiseetorofCotamnanity Development ng 1 Depuny Director af CD e0 TH Rehab Construction Diveewe a3 ‘meta Financial Diewror ss M0 Director of Neighborhood Reviatization ‘0.00 712 Home Store Outreach Specialist 47900 7128 Neighborboed Development Specialist 27000 729 —_Prognam Compliance Offer 704 729 —_-Evizonmental Specialist east 7120 Nehab & Baviroamestal Services Manager 52,000 720 Home Store Financial Analat 66 720 Counsel, 52185 72) Risk Anscsor 3@ 46296 7120 Program Data Speciatiot 46306, 7128 Finance Coumeelor aan 708 Rehab Speen T 4@ som 720 Assistant Property Manager mse 720 eiacipal Financial Officer ass 72 Accomm 2@ wz 72 _Abandoved Buildings Coordinatat 45296 72 Community Development Specialist, 8080 713 Mamenance Aaristant sa 70 Genenil Mechanic 4133 7150 Canfideacal Avista 3675 7150 Fimance/Morigege Ofcer #1936 7150 Connier/ Chere 3827 7130 ——Dectanent Scanner san 150 Senior Fypise sons 3@ 1@ 2@ Diadger nen es 8705 Bases 900 S238 28 7810 Supplier & Materials 1480 Contacted Services “Usa Training Canegory Tome 0 EMPLOYEE BENEEITS 801 Social Secu ‘eos Peale surance Category Torts Department Tots: 28904 m29 399765, a7 15.06 Adopecd ‘Bedger sa 0057 mais tas Adjusted ‘Bucgce 500 380.957 28318 a9 7300 sma 500 soos? ° i617 7500 22800 29 Code Poston 7100 79 700 7109 Planning Dineioe iryArcheotogiet, Principat Planner Senior Psner Senior Planner Case Type ‘PERSONAL SERVICES DETANL DIVISION OF PLANNING ‘Asan ‘Budget 50 5500 55,0 sess 3@ wes 560 2318 Proposed ‘Badger 5500 5000 5000 snes 3@ oss 500 A1420 LAW DEPARTMENT. ‘The Corporation Counsel’s Office is the legal arm of the City departments, the Law Department performs other duties, Preparing contracts, licenses, leases, permits, deeds and easement: « City of Albany. In addition to rendering legal advice to the Mayor and including drafting ordinances and resolutions for the Common Council, s and prosecuting violators of traffic and building laws. ‘The Law Department has responsibilty for representing Law Department represents the City, its officers, employees, bo: and before administrative agencies. the City in employee grievance and disciplinary heatings. In addition, the ards and agencies in lawsuits and proceedings in State and Federal Courts at Depu420- LAW DEP, AOPERSONAL SERVICES 7100 Executive ‘710 Supervisory 7128 Professional Techical 7150 Clerical Category Tort 202QUIMENT “7280 Oder Equipment agony Tors: SU. CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7400 Supplie & Matsa 1186 spense of Ligation 1840 Conected Services 1830 Fees eServices 7460 Micellcous Category Tota: $9 EMPLOYEE. BENERTES 7901 Soca Secety 7804 Health Insurance Cavegory Tote: Deparment Tota: ws msn ora tan 590 as 2a ons. 2308 ss. o00 Adjust Budget 375000 74500 ssi nie este as. 22 Code m0 709 78 ns0 750 PERSONAL. SERVICES DETAIL LAW DEPARTMENT ‘A1a0 2009 Adjusted Position Badger Corporation Counsel 776 Depury Conoration Counset es0 Assistant Corporation Conse aus Assistant Catporation Counaeh 2@ a0 ‘Assitant Corporation Counsel 4@ 820 Receuch Aesutaat 5285 Secretary 3608 Coafdenta Legal Secretary 3497 Recepionit 2m 2@ 1@ on6s es sisi 20 3698 an pr 33 ty Cletk serves as the Clerk to the Albany Common Council, ‘The Clerk is secretary to both the Board of Contract and Supply and the Board of Estimate and Appottionment. Most [fuunicipal licenses, including mariage, dog, bingo, coin-operated vending, faines of chance and vendor are issued through the Office of the City Clerk ms gre Permits for special events. ‘The Clerk is the Record. Access Officer for the City and supervises the Office of Vital Stavistice * A1350 BOARD OF CONTRACT AND SUPPLY {he Board of Contract and Supply administers the formal bidding and Processing of contracts for all purchases in excess of $10,000 and all public works in excess of $20,000. Tt meets twice monthly to [pbrove advertising, bid specifications and notifications, and to open and award bids. In addition, the Board has the responsibility for holding public auctions for all City-owned real propery. Dating 2008, the Board awarded 45 contracts and approved 11 extensions. * 1450 DIVISION OF ELECTIONS Under the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), the Albany County Board of Elections is now responsible for the operations related to the lection functions in the City of Albany. ‘The bud; costs related to the elections to cach municipality based on a percentage of taxable property value. * 44020 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ‘The Registrar of Vital Statistics is responsible for the repisttation, issuance and Preservation of birth and death records for those events Dept. 161= CLT CLERK SRERSONAL SERVICES ‘100 Execaive 710 Supervisory 17109 Protesional/ Techaie 730 Chesil Category Torte seconm 7410 Supplies & Materials 140 Contracted Services 7460 Miscelancons Category Tore: (80 EMPLOYER RENEETTS ‘a01 Social Secusity 17806 Health Feoueance Category Totes Deparanent Totals nx 8558 15687 a0 mas 260 sy Aapred Badger ros85 as3i0 5686 sr mass Adj diniger Biniger 7380 1553 s2p30 ems 36 Code 7109 70 780 PERSONAL SERVICES DETATL cry cLERK Aaa 2009 Adjusted Postion ‘Bacgce iy Che, mses Deputy Giy Clerk 630 Bingo and Pinhal fspector 1566 Teforsadin Clerk, 2@ B86 ‘Aceouot Clik 228 788 “60 86 mse ams 36 ‘eps 138). BD.OF CONTRACT & SUPPLY 49 CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7810 Supplies & Materia Category Tote Deparenent Tos: Bipense 37 Dept 1850- ELECTIONS 48 CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES “0 Contacte Services (Category Toate Department Toa: Adopeed Badger Adjusted 150,000 150000 200 Proposed Busiger 0.00 38 PERSONAL SERVICES ‘100 Executive 7150 Chesca Cacegory Toate 4. CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 1410 Supplies & Materials “140 Contracted Services Category Toes: ‘H01 Social Security 7806 Health aeurance Category Tota: Deparment Totske Proposed Budget ors 326 189.370 ss00 6.000 14500 13798 srs 39 00 7150 Poscon Regirar (Check Typist PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL, VITAL StaTISTiCS aan Adjasted ‘Badger 76 1@ 36 2n0 "Padger 706 s@ 36 40 A1430,16_ ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE: ‘This department includes the offices of Personnel/Civil Service, Purchasing, Equal Employment Opportunity and Central Services © PERSONNEL OFFICE ‘The Personnel Office is responsible for developing, administering and maintaining a citywide personnel policy. ‘The Director serves as the chair of the Personnel Council and secretary to the Municipal Civil Service Commission, thus insuring that jobs are filled as required by law, In addition, the Office is responsible for administezing employee benefits relating to health insurance, retirement, BAP and Workers Compensation. This Office also maintains a computerized time record-keeping system to track accrued benefits, and organires taining Programs for City employees. For 2010, the Information Specialist was reclassified to Staff Assistant and the Confidential Assistant aren reclassified to Personnel Technical Aide. * 41345 PURCHASING OFFICE ‘The Purchasing Office is responsible for the acquisition of all City supplies and services, which do not require formal public bidding. Such parchases are done by quotation or informal bid in conformance with law. The Department also assists other City departments by working with them to formulate specifications for equipment and supplies, which will be placed for public bid. In addition, it responsible for the disposition of unnecessary City supplies, materials and equipment, and conducts public auctions and sales for their disposal. For 2010, the Clerk I position was reclassified to Account Clerk I. * A1670 AL SERVI As part of the Purchasing Office, this unit provides copying and mailing services for City departments. * 48040 _EEO/HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION ‘This office oversees the City’s Affirmative Action Plan which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, disability, political orientation or affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, ex-offender status and status as 2 Vietnam Exe Veteran. This policy applies to all aspects of the City’s personnel policies, programs, practices and operations. The office also hae responsibility for enforcing the City’s Haman Rights Ordinance and monitoring fair housing laws and policies. For 2010, the FEO Program Assistant was reclassified to Program Assistant. © A1430_ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The Civil Service Commission is responsible for the administration of the Civil Service Law for municipal employees, as well as the Protection of their rights, ‘The Commission maintains employee records, and atranges with the State Department of Civil Service to conduct examinations, and prepare eligibility lists to provide candidates for municipal employment. a eps, 10036- ADMIN, SERVICES/PERSONNE, {OPERSONAL SERVICES “00 Executive “720 Profeationsl/ Technical "7150 Clesiat 770 Temporary Help Category Toate: #2. CONTRACTVAL EXPENDITURES 1490 Supplies & Materials “do Contmacted Servicer 140 Training 1740 Mizcelaneous Category Tota: #0 EMPLOYEE DENEEIES 712 Longeviy eon Socal Securiyy 780K Heal Insurance Category Tota: Deparanent Tota 16652 13,6 eo0 p03 sara Adopeed Budget 154.288 480 6 ete 10,600 S410 S000 649 son 200 Proposed Tindget 14258 836 ass sm2582 2 7100 7m Senge PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/PERSONNEL A036 Adjused Postion ‘Badger Coumsiasioner sos Perronvel Decor aus ‘Senior Personnel Astisant sas Penonnel Assistant 01 Information Speciatist 3530 Personoel Technical ie * Confidential Astiotint sen ‘Stiff Aveietant ° Keyboard Arsivant sao Inteoe/ Temporary Help ‘6,000 43 ‘Dent.1345- PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ADPERSONAL SERVICES ‘T Sepenitory ‘750 Clea Caregory Total 22 EQUIPMENT “700 Fernie & Fixtree ‘720 Oe Eqvipment Category Tort: #2. CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 109 Forms 7410 Supplies & Materia 7440 Contracted Services Category Tore: ‘9 EMPLOYEE BENEEITS 7201 Sociat Security 7904 Heald nsutance Category Torts Deparanent Totals ‘PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Anus Code Position 7100 m0 Paschasing Direct Deputy Porcasing Diner ‘Cured ‘Account Cee I Adjusted “Badgee soso 7386 a pais 48 oe Adepeed Adjorted ieee aaa Badger Brdget ‘Bintgee ‘Dept S620 CENTRAL SERVICES S0.CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES “0 Supple & Macrae ae 7140 Contacte Services la ve ‘170 Porege Saas a Category Foe: 19682 Depastnent Tota: aaa! 210 ‘Dept. Sti. EEO/HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION J0RERSONAL SERVICES ‘1 Professional/ Techical Category Total: 42.CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES. 710 Supplies & Materise 140 Contracted Services 140 Miscellaneous 113 Training Conferences Category Tota: {EMPLOYEE BENBEITS ‘TH01 Social Secuity “104 Fleas nmwrance Cauegory Tort: Deparment Total 104.218 1oga18 47 EEO/HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Compliance Cooninato EO Program Coondantor Prograst Autistot PERSONAL SERVICES DETAM. ‘as00 ‘Buger 51700 “hdgce sate aus 48 ‘Dept. 480 CIVIL SERVICE. COMMISSION 2. CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES: 7810 Sepplse & Materials 70 Contracted Services 7830 Fees For Services 7978 Stipend Category Tote: Deparment Toes: Proponed “Bacget 49 7440 Comtced Services Covegory Tors Deparencot Tota: Eipeme 191895 us 191993 Adjusted Budget 2010 Proposed ‘Badger 41490 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ‘The Department of General Services is responsible for ensuring that the City’s streetscapes, infrastructure, atural tesouuces are properly maintained, safe, clean and attractive for residents and visitors alike. Work ania ieckots Engineering, Central Maintenance, Central Garage, Maintenance of Stcets, Snow Removal, Waste Collection and Recycling, and Waste Disposal Gand&i, Street Cleaning as well as Parks maintenance related activities. In keeping with the Department's oven of life issues, this Department also supervises the Office of Special Events public facilities and + A1640 CENTRAL GARAGE ‘This unit of General Services provides City vehicles with fuel, transports vehicles to Private vendors for maintenance and repairs, and checks performance levels of vehicle maintenance contractors. * 45010 MAINTENANCE OF STREETS A ‘unit of the Department of General Services, these crews are responsible for the reconstruction, repaving, cleaning, roadside ‘maintenance and snow removal on approximately 250 miles of City streets © A5142 SNOW REMOVAL ‘This budget provides DGS the equipment, materials and contracted services for snow removal operations on over 670 streets in the City of Albany. . WASTE COLLECTION AND RECYCLIN ‘This division provides weekly curbside and recyclable collection service to approximately 30,000 households in the City and Neighborhood Clean-ups as well as year tound Houschold Waste Collection Day Programs. This division also collects recyclable materials including newspaper, office paper, paper bags, magazines and cardboard; glass, metal and plastic containets; milk and juice containers yard waste; old appliances; tires; textiles; and automobile batteries. * A816014_WASTE DISPOSAL (LANDFILL OPERATIONS) [The City maintains and operates a sanitary landfill for waste disposal located on Rapp Road, serving participating municipalities and Private waste collectors. During 2008, 376,045 tons of waste was processed with 29,838 being collected curbside. In addition, this unit collected 181 tons of household hazardous waste, 2,639 tons of paper, 1,044 tons of glass, metal & plastic, 158 tons of white goods and 4,759 tons of yard waste. © ASI70 STREET CLEANING Responsible for sweeping and cleaning mote than 670 City streets, this unit utilizes hand crews, specialized stret cleaning equipment and traditional street sweeping vehicles. It also provides assistance in snow removal during the winter months, 51 * A144 ENGINEERING A division of the Department of General Services, Engineering is responsible for all public works engineeting projects in the City, conducts engineering investigations, prepares drawings, maps, specifications, cost estimates, and supervises public construction throughout the City. Furthermore, it has jutisdiction over the operation, maintenance and repair of City owned buildings. ‘This unit also directs continuing sidewalk replacement and street reconstruction. * 1620 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE A division of the Department of General Services, Central Maintenance performs electrical, carpentry, plumbing, painting, custodial, ‘masonry and other repair work needed in all City-owned buildings = 4149036 Covering a total of 2,001 actes, the patks of the City offer year-round recreational facilities as well as many special events. The unit is faponsible for the maintenance of all park facilities. The park system's programs arc enbanced by organized activities and festivals held ig, both summer and winter, including Park Playhouse, the Tulip Festival and the Pinksterfest.. Morcover, this division is responsible for the care and maintenance of over 80 recreational areas and all parks and green areas within the City limits, * 4149038 CAPITAL HILLS AT ALBANY Open to all City residents, this beautiful and challenging 18-hole, 291-acre facility is located off New Scotland Avenue. ‘This facilicy remains open in the winter for family activities including sledding and tobogganing while also providing mote than nine miles of sone, country ski trails + A7560 OFFICE OF SPECIAL EVENTS [This office is responsible for coordinating a variety of fesivaks parades and celebrations held in Albany each year, including the Tulip Festival and “Alive at Five”, which together draw an attendance of over 200,000. ‘These events, in addition to the multiende of oth festivals and celebrations, provide City residents with year-round activities and entertainment. This office also oversees » contact with aa independent organization that manages the Urban Cultural Park facility. 52 ‘Reps. 1490. DEPT. OF GENERAL SERVICES IOEERSONAL SERVICES N10 executive ‘Tu Sapevisory 720 Profesional) Technical 750 Chesca 7199 Overtime Cagory Tort s2CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 4 Sapplies & Materials 1412 Uniforms 1420 Uses 149 Contact Services HSS Keep Abny Rese 7H89 Contracted Bll Services 1H Mincetancons Category Toa Deparment Totake Adored Adjust Pager ‘Badger mus eas ° ° 2iga13, 2888 418.486 8356 ° ° eer ‘397 so00 15,000 348,00 19,900 15,008 1750 sannis6 mats aansrs 9,86 377 35,000 754000 15000 53 700 78 m0 0 70 70 0 80 PERSONAL SERVICES DETAN, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES Postion Commissioner Assatant Commistioner Cet Fecal Officer Director af eyeing Recycling Specialise Sold Wate Menger Confuemtat Assinar Teformasion Cle It Jeformation Clerk ‘Accoour Cesk Comunity Ale Community Aide Data Bauy Operstor Ckrkt Au 2@ s@ 3@ 2@ ‘Badger 4,000 apa 50,000 au sos 3830 ‘ast 23186 aie 23316 a0 29201 236 2@ 5@ 3@ 26 Proposed ‘Bindget ase 64200 cone sao00 emt e310 3300 ost 29356 2asi8 2sai6 23301 23,301 36 ‘Dems. 1640 CENTRAL GARAGE, {PERSONAL SERVICES ‘10 Sepericory ‘130 Pablie Safew/Opersions 799 Overine Category Touts 7410 Supplies & Materials 7813 Gasoline 17129 Motor Vehicle Expense ‘7440 Contaced Services Corcgory Totals: EMPLOYEE BENERITS 1801 Social Seusiy 7804 Health acurance Category Tots Department Tot: we : 209 210 peed Adjased Proponed Espeme Padget Badger ‘Daget ons0 so sae 5048 maze 230.16 2936 296 a3, 1,908 30,900 sere 359,565, 399.68 359,555 soa 7.000 7000 1579090 170,900 125,000 240600 2.00.00 2000 419,000 vse ase 8400 a0 15907 15907 5992 ‘asuen sour, 109557 70 m0 0 100 70 70 Poston Seperviear Supervisor Eguipanent Operator I Equipment OperaorT ‘Auto Mechanic Helper Laborer th abort PERSONAL SERVICES DETAN. CENTRAL GARAGE Asso 3@ Adjosted Bodger om ase ar ore 28s aus 24790 s@ van ass se ssn 26790 200 Adopred Adjusted Bopeme Budget ‘Budget ‘Badger ‘Depa. S00» MAINTENANCE OF STREETS OPERSONAL,SERVICES ‘2110 Supervisory 239,30 17100 Pablic Satey/Operssions 00957 1170 Temporary Herp 23854 7199 Overine mss Category Tota: 22EQUPMENT 7230 Other Equipment axes « o Category Tots: 3305 ° a #0. CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7810 Soppties & Materials s15969 2,000 7M Contriced Services 26,30 20,000 Category Tota 70.098 ‘ong00 ‘9 EMPLOVEE BENEEITS 7801 Soca Secasey ma310 7904 Heath Tnsarance ams ‘Category Tote: ans Deparment Toute: 2.05222 262,981 87 m0 me 0 720 7130 710 77 Position Chic Supervinor Deputy Chit Superrinor Superior Equipment Operr I Equipenent Operator Tt Equipment Operator borer I Laborer IL atorert Laborers Seasonal PERSONAL SERVICES DETANL MAINTENANCE OF STRERTS ‘Asoo 1@ 2@ 2@ se “@ 1@ 2@ Adjusted Budget stot 875 ast 4300 syst Store su 2570 1781 ss.000 1@ 2@ 2@ 3@ 4@ te 2@ ano Proposed ‘Badger stat ss78 sn 20 sar 32.85 ain 26790 S173 55,00 Dept. S62 SNOW REMOVAL, 2ueQuIEMENT 7250 Other Eqnipment Category Toate: 49 CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 180 Supplcs& Materia 1760 Contacte Services “16 Snow Removal Category Tota: Deparment Totals: Eipeme ze 2010 Adjused Propored Buiger "Badger ss sas soae00 ago 50 eps. S16) - WASTE COLLECTION & RECYCLING SMPENSONAL SERVICES 7D Seperviaoey 7130 Public Safety/Opernone 7199 Overtime Category Tose: s0CONTRAGTUAL EXPENDITURES. 7810 Supplies & Materia 7440 Contracted Sericee 1852 Recycling Rawestion 1469 Compost Bage TAP. Hiaaetous Ware Collection 1413 Tire Disposal 7095 Processing Fee Category Total: ‘EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Ot Social Seeuiy 7804 Heath Innurance Category Tatts: Departaent Fouls Adopied ‘Budger Adjused Buiger or 1ys20264 syys2s80 157000 600 sco 8.000 ‘2.000 Proposed Birdger 6 1400.26 70,500 ssnasa0 2,000 60 Code Poston me 700 700 730 Swperie Equipment Operator Saniation Worker Labonert ‘PERSONAL SERVICES DETANL, WASTE COLLECTION /RECYCLING ‘ASG 20 we ze 3@ ase S773 36 es) 2a “@ n@ 3@ Proposed Budget ats must on 26790 ‘Dep 81.4 - WASTE DISPOSAL 10PERSONAL SERVICES 710 Supervisory ‘730 Pali Safery/ Operations 140 Trades 180 Cleat 7170 Temporary Help 199 Overtime Categoy Tot: 49CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES “10 Supplies & Materse 7415 Gavokne +100 Uses “THD Contracted Sevens 177 Post Clore Caegory Tous: (EMPLOYEE BENEETTS “7001 Socal Secutiy 7004 Health esurance Catgory Tot Depareneat Tota: Expense 105,603, aia sn a8 2370 am 06 isgzes oasis aaa 2297 aoane 175,000 ‘25000 10000 ns. "70000 295.000 Adjusted "Badger nos mp2, Hon m0 o4gs2 As} sno 15,000 197350 230.00 15.000 1725.00 62 0 ‘m0 70 mo nwo nso PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL, ‘WASTE DISPOSAL ‘sto 09 Adjorted Position “tee ‘Land Supesinendent om Heany Vehicle Manager 003 Laborer IE 4@ usm Watcha 3@ 670 Seale Howse Operator 33546 Environmental Engineering Technician Tosince 3in0 Operation Bagineer 6@ a6 leary Vehicle Mechanic $6516 Heny Equipment Mechanie 2@ 56576 Recycling/ Waste Transfer Drivers 2@ 3H Senior Cle 30481 “Temporary Help snow 1@ 3@ “@ 2@ 2@ Proposed Bagce sis 25390 S170 sai6 6576 56376 sis ast snowe 63 epi 8170- STREET CLEANING ‘MPERSONAL SERVICES ‘70 Supervisory 7120 Public Safe/Opersions 7199 Overtine Category Tors 49 CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES "A Supplies & Mateile Category Tota: ‘90 EMPLOVER BENEFITS 7001 Social Secrity 7004 Flatt amseance Canegory Totals: Deparment Totae: Adhaned 188 ame 000 000 18 97.8 2010 tame ‘70.000 1us8400 naa m0 7130 750 7130 73 Povition ‘Supervisor Equipment Oper It guipment Operate Sanitation Worker above I Laborer Laborer PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL STREEF CLEANING ‘as 2009 Adjusted ‘Padget ase m@ Ha 28 3am s@ sem se sms 3@ oss s@ 2670 ne 2@ s@ 5@ 3@ s@ ose angst ste age ts 31s 25790 6s Dep. 1440 ENGINEERING SUPERSONAL SERVICES "7100 Execive “T0 Supervisory "7a Profesional Technical “710 Termporary Help Category Toa: 42. CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES, 7810 Supplies & Materine 1140 Contracted Services 1448 Renovations Ciy Bdge HST Boergy Consernion Meo Miscetncous Category Tota: SEM] OVER RENEELTS 7801 Soca Security 7804 Health Insurance Category Torte Deparment 4200 9981 235306 22307 mt sm 125529 37 107s sas 1680 1009.83 Adopied Budger spat 24g wins 200 2,900 00 15,000 2000 131900 sy20t 2aa304 wenns 200 Code 710 mo "m0 "m0 10 Postion iy Engineer Senior Project Manages Engineering Project Mamaget Jenior Engineer Senior Dsfing Technic PemitSeniees Specialise Summer Inapectors PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL [ENGINEERING ry Aijsted ‘Badger 20 78900 2@ 77 2@ 9880 ao Most Proposed 20 2@ 37 2@ 9A nz sagt 4058 or pt. 1620 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE, SOPERSONAL SERVICES ‘0 Supervisory 712) Profesional/Technical 710 Peblic Safey/Opertions 7140 Teades 7199 Overtime Category Tors 9.CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 100 Supplies & Materials 200 Use 2021 Telephone Communication Canegory Tor: St EMPLOYEE BENEFITS HO Social Security 706 Healt oaurance Category Tota Deparment Tete: are 20683 33585 unre Badger sera 266 sas sta 109,000 angars 530 s.00 160,000 1,000 asso san 25600 200 oar 42,88 saa 5480 100,900 1gn4078 160.000 ‘7500 sKo.p00 20,0 1255000 m0 m0 190 10 70 no PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL (CENTRAL MAINTENANCE, A160 209 Adjacted Postion Buyer ‘Badin Alerations Coontinaior sam Superior 58 Sign & Graphics Dircror 268 Gumtoiat Worker sq@ sus Guwtoial Worker 6@ 2670 Facity Anendant (2/7) 2@ ae Buading Maintenance Wodher sis Blewician 3@ S68 Plumber 2@ S008 Capen 3@ L051 Painter I 3s@ ate 3@ se 200 ‘Bagee ssm6 sis 26790 367 sis so8 sua 20 69 9 TENS IOPERSONAL SERVICES ‘10 Supervisory ‘7 Professional Fectcat 7130 PoblicSafey/Opersions ‘0 Teades ‘70 Sommer Hep 7199 Ovenine Category Tota 20 EQUIPMENT "250 Over Equipment 7258 Replacement Equipment Category Tori: CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7H Supplies & Materials 1411 Poet Oo 7480 Conacted Services 2853 Tree Seis 7855 Ciy Beautfeation Category Tote: EMPLOYER BENEFITS 70 Social Securiy 7804 Heald Iororance Caregor) Tox Department Tots ipence 2030 swognt oats 2186 ‘16,20 roast 3298610 209 Adopred ‘Budgce 205390 84680 tas e289 231000 sa000 } aas90 0 sass 289 87.000 199.00 aan mae 000 e738 6.482 38307 200 “Bagot 26900 ‘m0 700 0 700 700 760 200 700 200 10 7160 60 PERSONAL SERVICES DETAHL, PARKS MAINTENANCE AM9036 2009 Adjusted Position “Badger Seger 5@ ass Forester 6555, Asta Forester ans Bqwipment Operator 3s@ nam qvipment Operine 6@ 3404 ‘Auw Mechanic 2@ mH ine Crearance Tee Timmer 2@ 4am Sanituion Worker sas Laborer mas Laborer ne ousH Laborer 5@ 257 Watchman 2@ 670 Laborer/ Watchman (P/T) sat Macon sn78 Gardens 44138 Carper sit ‘Summer Patk Gusde 21,00 Foremen Seasonal 010 ‘Other Labor. Seatonat 33000 [Laborers Seasonal 250,000 s@ 3@ “@ 2@ 2@ ne 8@ 2@ Proposed Bidger aise ss sere sr #4200 sone 88 ais 25950 26390 2a a7 nase suost 21,000 8000 000 20.000, n ‘Dept.490, 38. CAPITAL HILISAT ALBANY SRPERSONAL SERVICES “10 Superisry ‘730 Public Safery/ Operations 7190 Trades "700 Temporary Help 7199 Ovenine Caeory Toate: 22EQUIPMENT ‘7258 Replacement Equipment Category Tose: $0 CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7810 Supptes& Materials 741 Feet Of 109 Ue 749 Coumacte Services 180 Fees For Services Category Tol @ EMPLOYEE BENEEITS 7801 Social Security 7804 Heald nnorance Category Torte Deparment Totals: 6 671 35,525 164929 119.900 Proposed Burger os sa78t 2 ode Poston m0 70 7130 m0 Golf Course Superintendent ‘Equipment Opernor Spry Technic Laborer Seasonal PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL (CAPITAL HILIS AT ALBANY AW90.38 Adjusted osm 3@ were 2@ as sm S731 150,000 200 Badger o30 sa Mart 2@ ssn sau a8 10,900 Dept. 73- OFFICE OF SPECIAL EVENTS PERSONAL SERVICES 70 Execnive 710 Profexsionsl/Techaical 7180 Chercsh, 7199 Overtime Category Torte: 49 CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7410 Sopplie & Materia 1726 Markesiag/ Promotions 1721 Volunteer Recogsivon 260 Contacte Services 7880 Fees & Services 7449 Mscetancous Category Touts ‘EMPLOYER BENTETTS ‘1 Social Seoacity Coegory Tors Deparment Tote: Aepied ‘hadger sto 235708, 4107 3953182 Aadjasied Rodger mai0 209368 4807 25.000 a 39.000 1W0,900 7.500 20 nsw 208765 am 25900 30 mare 74 7 70 m0 79 780 PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL SPECIALEVENTS Dinector Manager of Gant & Corp. Development Public Relations Coordinator Program Aide Program Aide (Volunteer Cooninaton) Event Avsietant “Tectuical Coordinator ‘Adenia Assit Adjusted ‘Badges 730 5200 5095 sean, sors 35,03 soos sare aor 5 43120 POLICE DEPARTMENT The police officers and other support pessonnel provide the residents of the City with law enforcement, public safety and community citizens deserve. In 2008, the Department answered 157,827 calls for Police services, issued 87,434 parking tickets as well 2: 11,776 tickets for moving and non-moving violations. For 2010, the City received a federal grant providing funding for 10 police officers increasing the Fanded level of officers from 328 to 338. The budget aso eliminates the following vacant positions: Clerk IT and Community Aide @/. * PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ‘This unit handles the 9-1-1 emergency response system and maintains the citywide communications system. With the mandate that the City directly receive 911 cellular calls, the 2010 budget increases the number of telecommunication dispatchers from 36 to 40 to handle the ‘expected increase in call volume. + A3121 POLICE RESTRICTED FUNDS ‘These funds are generated by the Crime Forfeiture Proceeds Program. Corresponding revenues are shown in RA2626. * 43310 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Through analysis of traffic xeports, accident statistics, trafic eounts, spced studies and the like, this uait provide motorists of the City with a safe, efficient environment for transportation. This unit installs and maintains over 300 traffic control devices, 100 miles of Pavement markings and approximately 20,000 strect and traffic signs. * 43510 CONTROL OF ANIMALS “The Office of Animal Control implements laws governing all dog/ownet responsibilities according to Section 5 of the Albany City Code and Sections 7 and 26 of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Laws. It enforces license, vaccination, leash and sanitary regulations, and is responsible for the apprehension of vicious dogs within the City of Albany and che ensuing Court actions involving their owners. ‘Dp. 3120 - POLICE DEPARTMENT. LPERSONAL SERVICES ‘00 Executive 70 Supericny ‘20 Profeesional/Techaical 7130 Public Safty/Operstions 7180 Clesical “7190 Holiay Pay 798 Overine Caeory Totals 22EQUIPMENT TBI Purnia fe Ficores ‘Tm Otice Eqvipenent 230 Onber Easipment TIS1_ Armor Vert, Category tal: $2. CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7A Supplies & Materials 7412 Uniforma 7029 Ue 730 tnnurance 710 Contact Services 1880 Feee & Serces 152 Criminal Eapensee 7953 Training Conferences 7466 APD Rewacl Category Totals Bipcase 932,70 3816935 ‘69,300 gsi asst 10508 1.103505 23,905,352 nur 95.79) 284900 sso 995.08 683750 ones ras6.s2s 1397241 ‘Ts000 340000 arstaz ° 194.500 25500 2000 Adjust “tedger ge 6.08 3.688750 916107 16522361, 130,390 "ns 000 es7000 oammse 195,350, ‘0 76500 5150 310900 120,000 50000 7 ‘s@ EMPLOYEE BENEEITS 1192 Longesisy 7198 Choking Allowance 7194 Police Expense 195 Step Increases “TR Overtime Resmbureable TO Social Seeurisy 1402 Resement 7503 Compensation 106 Resin Insurance R07 Comp Cay Payments TBE Comp-Medicat Deparment Tous: 25000 235000 205000 7750 ‘s00 asa Seseo00 405,000 33600 ways ws2eg18 eso00 235,000 205000 7780 5,000 2236.81 3.65.00 5350600 Badger 25,000 25,000, 320 116,000 23106 PERSONAL SERVICES DETANL, Gade Pasion 00 nw 70 70 8 BPeERRE mo or 109 7190 700 7130 POLICE DEPARTMENT. ‘Asr0 chet Deputy Chiet 2@ Acsitant Chit 2@ Commander 5@ ewenant ue Sergeant ae G8 Speciatst Disector Fecal Operations Coordin of Trafic Engincesing "Block by Block/ Ki by Kid Program Admiaisrator Seuior Trai Technician Case Coondinator Grade Case Coordinator Enary Level Tneake Speiaitt Grade 4 Tnake Specatist Grade 1 Intake Speciaist Katy Lave, Crime Anais Seperisor Crime Anabat {GIS Mapping Tec Fiscal Asia Recon Assistant Youth Aide ‘Aesocinte Computes Tech. Grade $ ‘Associate Computer Tech. Grade 4 Associate Computer Tech. Grae 3 Acvocinte Computer Tech. Grade 1 Acvocinte Computer Tech Hoty Level ‘Balding Series Supervisor School Costing Ofcer Honders Manon Grade Matron Grade Maton Graded 2@ 2@ ae 2@ 38 Adjusted Padgee a9 0 96735 TH96 itt 45,000 40367 31200 38 eat ngs anes 358 3st 1738 23308 rso0, 2@ 2@ s@ 4@ oe 2@ 2@ ae 2@ 3a as9s4 one oars oases 74.06 sr 1695, sss 4990 sr Moe sen 3053 52000 3st 5000 0367 sta00 7388 48980 eon sue 3528 was 1378 300 petof3 78 0 10 200 70 EEEESSER EEE z Postion (Chansfour Gene 5 (Chauffeur Grade 4 (Chanter Grade 3 Chanffeur Grade 2 Custodial Worker Custodial Worker Police Otfcer Grade Police Oticer Grade 3 Police Officer Grade 2 Police Oticer Grade 1 Police Oster Entry Level Police Officer Entry Leve) Public Service Officer Superior Publi Service Offices Grade 4 ‘Public Service Offices Gade 3 Publi Service Ofcer Grade 2 Publi Serce Officer Grade 1 Pobiie Sence Officer Grade Eaty Level ‘Telfic Aide Grades “Trafic Aide Gade 3 Confident Secretary ‘Gen Typist Grade ‘Ges Typist Eaty Level (Gerk Typint Grade § Community Aide Grate 5 Community Aide Grade ¢ Community Aide Grade 3 Community Aide Grade Comunity Aide Gre 1 Conaenity Aide (P/) Community Aide (P/) 2@ s@ “a me B@ ne ue ne we sa 38 sa 4@ 1@ 3@ 3a 3@ 2@ Adjusted ‘Badger non 26821 m9 26368 55580 som 28 4465 wor 3293 sao Bs as 26318 32> snot 231 26 son a3, zai8 so mes, 032 n4s78 Moe 2@ s@ 6@ we n@ ve “a, 1@ 28 3@ se 3@ 8a 3@ 2@ 2@ 2@ ‘aaigee 29308 23.5 208 nists 25365 55502 some ons 438, mer mas 23.05 ne 238 ae eu S25 23316 son 302 288 suteo sao saps 14578 420 pe 2of3 80 nso 7180 ‘150 180 10 180 80 50 50 50 750 Postion Clerk Gate ‘Cesk (P71) Grade lene (71) Entry Level (Clerk Grade 5| (ieee Gee ¢ (Gere Grade 3 (ese Fy Level Data Baury Operator Grade s@ ‘Account Cee Grade § 2@ ‘Account Chal I Grae 5 Taformaton Clea Grae $ Infomation Clerk Grade? Information Clerk Grade 1 Tafcmason Clerk Enty Level 2@ Prograos Technician Grade 3 Poogram Technician Gade? Adjored ‘Budge sis 253 2x6 saga 2a316 3 34364 35236 ssa 29,156 ss20 se sen 2@ see 2@ ase D.86 S536 pe Sees at eps. 3120- PUBLIC svsi {SDPERSONAL SERVICES ‘7110 Supervisory ‘T Poblic Safey/ Operations 750 Clesent ‘70 Uolay Pay 7199 Ovenine Category Toa 22EQUIPMENT “7210 Furmiare & Foctares 7280 Omer Equipment Category Torte: 42. CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 010 Supplies & Materials 7421 Telephone Communication 7440 Contracted Services Category Tots: SLEMPLOY KE BNET 72 Loageriey “795 Clothing Alowance/EMD 7105 Sep Increases 7201 Social Secu 7804 Heald asuranee Canegory Teal: Deparment Tota 2858 Adjusted Budget 12559 2.800 yan2 200 Proposed Biadger 350.000 PERSONAL SERVICES DETANL PUBLICSAFETY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Cade Poston m0 Director of Communications ‘Telcommunicatons Supersisor ‘Telecommuoicaions Senne Dispatcher “Telecommuaicaions Spec. Top Grade “Telecommenications Spec. Grade} Telecommanications Spec, Grade 2 Telecommunications Spee: Grade 1 Telecommueicatons Spee. Entry Level Community Aide Grade § ‘Aso 3@ 3@ Be 2@ 1@ 2@ 1@ Adjueted 29 503 4530 67 238 sexes sa88 saan 3@ 3@ we 1@ 1@ 1@ Badger m9 4503, ‘en0 ‘nae 30 3625 383 Dept 3121 = POLICE RESTRICTED FUNDS 4. CONTRACTUALEXPENDITURES "140 Contaced Sevces Cacgory Tora: Departnent Tote: aon no hot "Badger 1990 100 1000 ‘eps. 3310 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING MPERSONAL SERVICES ‘710 Supervisory ‘7130 Publi Safey/ Operations 7140 Trades 7199 Overtime Category Tome: @CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 740 Supplies & Materials 7440 Contracted Services 1479 Road Tape Category Tore S)_EMPLOVEE BENEEIES ‘aa Soca Secaty 7800 Heath neurance Category Tore Deparment Tote Bipense Adopied Bape x9 sama 15316 23,000 asm 25.000 zs000 3580 oa 16316 25000 msn 2500 500 55,00 355,000 85 nw [ator Foreman LatorectE Bleerican PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL ‘TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 209 Adjucted Bulger 3@ asm 2@ saise san s@ ism 2@ sae ‘Dept. 3510. CONTROLLOF ANIMALS 1720 Poblic Saety/Opentions "7199 Overtine Category Tosi: © CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 17690 Supplies & Materials ‘440 Coneacted Services “SO Fees te Sescee Category Tos: EMPLOYEE BENEFITS “01 Soca Seung [Ad Hed owarance Category Tota: Deparment Fotis Adopeed ‘Bucger ings waar was mayan 296 103,213 10,000 eam 00 36310 men 40 87 730 7130 og Conwe! Oficer Grade 5 og Cont Offer Grade $ Dog Gantet Oficer Grae 1 PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL ‘CONTROLOF ANIMALS Adjusted 2@ son Proposed “Basgee 88 43410 DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, EMERGENCY & BUILDING SERVICES ibe department, which includes the Division of Buildings, i responsible for providing fire protection, basic life support and vanced life support emergency medical services, fire prevention and public education, fire investigation, code enforcement, building inspections and other building.related services to the citizens of the City of Albany. In conjunction with code enforcement, the department oversees a comprehensive rental registry program which is intended to ensure that all rental dwelling units ate registered, allowing for proper inspection, thus providing for the health, safety and welfare of residents and the preservation of Albany's diverse housing stock and neighborhoods. During 2008, this department responded to 17,019 EMS. calls, and 3,931 other calls such as for hazardous conditions, fre calls, service calls and false alarms, ‘The department was also responsible for issuing 10,906 Residential Occupancy Permits, 4,760 complaint inspections, 2,777 court related inspections and 1,138 vacant building inspections. In addition, the Division of Buildings handled 2,236 building permits, 2,148 plumbing permits and 2.117 lectrical permits. For 2010, a number of building related fees have been proposed to be increased. a8 2008 Bipease ‘Dept 3810 DEPT. OF FIRE, EMERGENCY & BLDG, SERVICES MPERSONAL SERVICES 700 Reecutve 86902 ‘0 Supervisory s37308 ‘130 Pobli Safey/ Operas 9098.65, 7140 Trades 190909 7180 Chesca! 152,609 17190 Hotiday Pay 642,365 7199 Ovetine 1390532 Category Tote sas9,8 ‘2LEOUIPMENT 7280 Other Bquipancat ouast Category Total: oust © CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 17800 Supple & Materiae aus 1612 Unions app 1814 Office Smpptier/Forme ar 1418 Pare/ Supple 670 7120 Unies 260 “HOR Demoticions & Sebiiacion ° 7450 Insure 2488 74M Contracted Services 239256 740 Training 1406 HS. Fecs & Services ma 1H) Mincellncove 7a8 Hes EMS Expense ens Category Torte Adopred Budpoe 10,000 sepo0 10,900 sono 1333.00 Adjusted ‘Budger 15,000 ‘000 10.900 20,900 150.00 25,000 0,000 10,600 onto 10,000 saaco 1.33300 Propose! Binge 73706 5035322 somst7 150.950, 158,317 60000 ‘0000 629602 se o00 95,00 95000 000 sania 2,000 225,000 235,000 1309000 90 ‘SLEMPLOVER BENEFITS 7189 EMT Segond T Code Stipend 7192 Longevity 7193 Clothing Atowance 7195 Seep tncreaee 7196 Kely Day 7197 Aecuamulted Sick Rook 180 Soci Seu 7 Retirement 7103 Compensation “706 Hatt Tsorance 7205 Disab Resement “7907 Comp-Ciy Payanete 7813 Comp-Medical Category Toss: Department Tosa: 208 ipemse zo ss1826 ears 20 543 ps6 362 1376967 201105 368975, sans 149,341 Adopred 000 5000 3200 105,950 Adjusted “Badger 323.000 63.000 105.790 030 000 29.000 105,750 sop00 apw 2500 1384025 3922,00 0,900 3857378 135,000 5,000 a0 p66 29,10065, ” PERSONAL SERVICES DETAN, DEPT. OF FIRK, EMERGENCY & BUILDING SERVICES Code Poston 100 me "m0 amo 70 m0 ame m0 m0 730 720 noo 0 0 10 210 70 200 70 7150 “nso 710 7150 Executive Deputy Chief Deputy Chiet Battalion Chief EMT Baration Chic Paratedic Captain EMT (Capen Paramedic Captein Paramedic/eadquarien Capain EMT/Headguarere outenant EMT ‘Gemenan Paramedic Lieutenant EMT /Headquaners ‘eutenant Paramedic/ Headquarters Freighter Top Grade EMT Firefighter Top Grade EMT /Hleadquarere retigtner Top Grade Freighter Top Grade Para Headquarters ‘Faetghte Top Grade Parsedic Fefighter Gade # FMF Firefighter Grade ¢ Paramedic ‘ireagone Grade MET Firefighter Grade 3 Paramedic iretighter Grade 1 EMF iretighter Grae 1 Paramedic Fleighter Grade LEMT Auto Mechanie Junior Grade ‘Auto Mechanie Senior Gade ClereSteno IE Data Eoty Operator Cenk Typist Deparaneat Lion ‘Supply Clerk (P/T) Genk Ast 3@ 2@ 1@ ne s@ ze ae se 1@ 2@ we °@ sa ne 2@ Adjored Badger 53.954 5701 son 7aast 1628 om est ons 04 ey ean «10 78 6285 sa) S730 aso 6057 ssant 6s smn aun 2a316 mae Badger 95701 saan 590 730 oan 1346 629 ns 988 7388 sss seat saat S280 sass S567 ss00t 6s aan 22 2x6 me m2 736 92 Dgpt.3620 DIVISION OF BUILDINGS ‘10 Seperinny 7120 Profesional Technical 7150 Cleves! 7199 Overtime Category Tota: 48 CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 760 Supplies & Materials “742 Uniforms 1140 Contacte Services 1442 Teainiog 180 Fee fe Services He Mizcetancons Carngay Tate ns 7801 Soca Security 7806 Heath torurance Category Tote Deparment Tot: Bepence nas sr30 stat mace 2038 sors mis argu ss16s3 165,996 00 630s 45,690 3980 Adjust ‘Badger ns S732 34685 20 Propored 93 mo 7m 700 PERSONAL, SERVICES DETAIL DIVISION OF BUILDINGS As Porition Disector of Rulings and Cader tice Supervisor Senior Ping Inepecee Senior Buiing Inspect Seaior Blcrcal Inapectoe Phambing Inapecten Baaing Inspector (Clerc Typist Community Aide Cnet 2@ 2@ 3a srs ssio6 45925 46208 a 60s 25316 2336 7736 2@ 2@ 3@ Badger ms syst suse A7HM0_DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION ‘This department provides recreation and parks programs to youth and seniors in the City and supervises all City playgrounds, teen centers St. Vincent's Community Center, the City Boxing Program, Swinburne Patk, Public Bath No. 2, and Bleecker Stadiees. Tos 2010, the vacant Youth Outreach Coordinator position was eliminated. © ATL BANY TEEN CE, ‘The City's teen centers give young people ages 8 to 19 an enjoyable social atmosphere with qualified adult supervision and counseling, The teen centers, which include the Atbor Hill Community Center, provide thousands of area young people with activites snch shuffleboard, volleyball, movies, basketball, table tennis and billiards * A7140 PLAYGROUNDS “This unit provides supervised recteational areas for children and adults of the City during the summer months. Playground directors schedule activities such as arts and crafts, organized games, field trips and talent shows in addition to vatious sporting events, * =A114005 ST. VINCENTS COMMUNITY CENTER A neighborhood center serving Pine Hills residents, this facility provides year round supervised recreational facilities, The Center offers a workout room with a universal weight machine, a basketball program and extensive game rooms. In addition, the Center offers senior citizens the opportunity to participate in wood workshops and low-impact aerobics * 4714006 CITY BOXING PROGRAM The City Youth Boxing program provides arca youths with a complete boxing, basketball and athletic program, and provides meeting space for citizen groups * A7180 SWINBURNE RECREATION FACILITY Adjacent to Bleecker Stadium, Swinburne Park provides an all-weather protected ice-skating rink for City residents from November through April Recreational activities include public skating, senior citizen sessions, youth hockey and skating instruction, the Swinburne Park Recreational Area contains a wading pool, volleyball court, basketball area and picnic facilities along with a complete playground for use during the summer months. 95 © A718042 BLEECKER STADIUM This stadium is a molticpurpose sports complex of ten acres. It includes a quarter-mile running track, a professional-size baseball diamond, a football soccer-raghy field, softball field, a large feld house, stadium seating, and 2 modem light systems Bleecker Secsiny is the home of the Albany Twilight League; it is the busiest sports complex in the area. + A718001 SWIMMING POOLS The Lincoln Park Pool, built in 1930, was at one time the lagest concrete pool in New York State. Together with two other City Pools, it provides safe and supervised swimming to approximately 1,000 people per day free of charge duting the summer monthe Te addition, there are six wading pools for children at various locations around the City that are visited by about 30,000 people annually © 4718004 PUBLI FACILITY The City operates a public bath that contains an indoor pool providing year-round swimming. ‘The bath offers senior citizen programs, life-saving instruction, leatn-to-swim programs for all ages, and a host of community programs for youth, ‘Dept. 7110. DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION IDPERSONAL SERVICES “100 exccuive “T0 Superiooy “7a Profestionst/Tectmicat “T0 Pebie Safey/Operstiont 750 Clescal “760 Sumner Hep "799 Ovenine Category Tots: ‘0EQUIPMENT TSS Replacement Equipment Category Tot: 40. CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 2790 Supplies & Materials 742 Uniform “140 Contracted Services 7463 Tsing / Conferences Category Tota: ‘s@ EMPLOVEE BENEEITS ‘HON Social Secwriy 7804 Heath Laeurance Categry Toa: Deparment Tota: Adopeed ‘Budge son. 699 16477 2533968 29 170 3500 23850 s5s04 132,000 ase tomer 5900 Peoponed Bice 7 0 mio 79 700 m0 0 [PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION amo Adjcted Postion Bulger Comasinoee 5972 Seperinor som Superior ase ‘Yous Outeach Coontnstor(P/T) 6a quipment Opertorl sens CChict Maintenance Repair Worker a0 Laborertt s@ ais Laborer s@ 70 ssn Seasocale mom 3@ 3@ 20 ss 1358 saan sis 2670 ion san 7000 98, eps. 70.4 ALBANY TEEN CENTERS JOPERSONAL SERVICES TH0 Supervisory "7130 Puble Safey/Opentons Cetegory Tose: 22EOUIPMENT 7250 Other Equipment Category Toute: 49 CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7H Supplies & Materials 740 Cootaced Services Category Total 9 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ‘TROL Social Secwsty Category Torte Depacent Toss 18397 382369 o88 988 ans ara 680 72 “Bagee woe 08.05 Proposed 19807 sos 15,000 Code m0 720 30 PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL THEN CENTERS ArMO06 Postion ‘edger Director (8) sass Weighting tncrsctor mapot Keat fstnctor 103 ‘Youth Bashetall Coordinator apm, Laborer! 26790 Custdiat Worker 2) 3116 Recreation Ade 20) 95,485 Litegward s@ man ‘Asistant Karate Tnsrocor 2,403 20 Proposed Badger sane rape 13493 24990 sto 95,415 s@ an 2.403 100 ‘Dept-7H0= PLAYGROUNDS RPERSONAL SERVICES 1100 Temporary Help category Toul: 2EQUIEMENT 7250 Ober Equipment Category Totate s0CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7410 Supplies & Materials 7129 Usiken TSA Resasfuce Cours Category Tons: EMPLOYEE BENEETTS "8 Soca Secarisy Category Totals: Deparmeat Tonle: 01685 anes sw, “Budget yes 11683 101 Cote Postion am a0 m0 717 m0 m0 0 Supervisor (6) Playground Director (2) Basketball Director 4) Boxing Ai PAL Suramer Camp (5) ‘Arseodant (24) Daskall Referee (0) Cen PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL PLAYGROUNDS Amo Adjusted “Bager 11900 26 332 7200 20 x00 m6 ‘se 302 2.480 2520 "200 sas 102 Code PERSONAL SERVICES DETAL ST.VINCENT'S COMMUNITY CENTER Amn 0s Adjusted Poition ‘tapes Pirecror 2) mags Recreation Aide (4) 786 Proposed angst 104 ‘Dept. 7140.06 =CITY BOXING PROGRAM S0PERSONALSERVICES ‘TuH0 Sopervisory 73 able Safty/ Operations Category Tort: s9CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7410 Supplies & Materials 7420 Uses 10 Contacto Services Category Tork so EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ‘Tent Soca Security 704 Health Inearance Category Total Deparment Tote nae 3s 15751 Aopred ‘Busger se 4734 3,80 00 198 36.835 1.008 405 ate 70 Postion Director Boxing Program, Recreation Aide Boxing Aide (P/) Boxing Aide PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL (CITY BOXING PROGRAM A7M0.96 Adisted ‘Badger sus 23005 15506 sats ‘Badger a6 Bes 5506 25,03 106 ‘Dep 7I80 SWINBURNE REC. FACILITY 10 PERSONAL SERVICES “10 Saperisory ‘710 Temporary Hep Category Torts: 2. CONTRACTUALEXPENDITURES. “110 Supplies & Materia an Ulin 2 Conc Seri nog Tos Cg Toe Deparment Total: om 16507 one ‘000 Aadjocted Badger 107 710 70 70 m0 PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL ‘SWINBURNE RECREATION FACILITY Adjusted 13982 9.8 16507 ass8 38 108 ‘Dept.7180.42- BLEECKER STADIUM, IOPERSONAL SERVICES ‘T0 Supervisory ‘70 Probl Safey/Opersions 7170 Temporary Help 709 Ovenioe aregony Toa: ‘40. CONTRACIUAL EXPENDITURES ‘20 Suppor & Material "129 Uilies 7440 Contacte Services Caregory Tote: EMPLOYEE BENEEITS RON Health Invurance Category Tons: Deparment Foals: Adopted ‘hater 503 9.305 454351 ss 163,650 iss onsr8 os oust Proposed Badger 41358 163,530 3,90 42.000 109 mo 700 Postion Sapervinoe Watchman (2/1) Laborer 7 @) Laborer tL Laborer [abot = Seasonal PERSONAL SERVICES DETAU. BLEECKER STADIUM Ame, Adjssted ‘Badger suse Bs 25784 susie s@ 2590 B08 3@ Badger 188 25788 suse 26790 10 2760) 110 epi 71.07 SWIMMING POOLS PERSONAL SERVICES “110 ‘emporacy Help Category Total: 2 CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES. 1810 Supplies & Materials 20 Uae Hi0 Contacied Services etry Torts ‘$0 EMPLOYEE BENEEITS BEE Soci Seewiy Caregory Total: Deparenent Tota: Adjnted Budget 2010 Proposed Badger at Code Poston 70 iene PERSONAL SERVICES DETANL SWIMMING Poors Ano Adjusted ‘Badger 22000 112 ‘Dept. 718 10 PUBLIC ATH FACILITY PERSONAL SERVICES ‘739 PoblicSafery/ Operations Caregory Tox: 49 CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 7810 Sepples & Materise 720 Vee 7240 Conmacied Services Category Tore 9 EMPLOYEE BENEEITS 801 Socal Secutity {804 Hath surance Category Tor Deparment Totals: an 20 7.409 m5 20 am Ada Propated ‘Badger “age says oss oss 385 ca 74000 3.00 500 139 24000 3350 113 730 PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL PunLicearns ‘ArK0.0 200 Ade Custodial Worker (2) baszied Liteguard eae 1.05 3@ 267% 114 ‘eps. 7010.03 ALBANY PLAN IOPERSONAL SERVICES 170 Saonner Help Category Torts aa 1H Supplies & Materials 7440 Contaced Services Category Tote: 30 EMPLOYEE BENEETTS 801 Social Security Category Torts Deparoment Toa Adjasted Badger ass 30053, 735200 35000 caps opss 115 PERSONAL SERVICES DETANL ALBANY PLAN, Ami003 209 2a10 Adjust roposed Cade Postion ‘Badge ‘Badgce 710 Samnmer Help 55. 3SME! ND TAXATION ‘This Department assesses all real propes Properties on which real property taxes are levied and organizations. A1356 ASSESSMENT REVIEW BOARD ‘The Board meets to process requests for review that are filed each year in response to property tax assessments and is charged with ‘guarantecing property owners’ rights to fair and impartial decisions regarding property assessments. 41660 PUBLIC RECORDS This Albany County unit is responsible for the storage, disposition and retrieval of records. As part of the Albany Couinty Hall of Records, it serves City and County agencies. With jurisdiction over all non-current and archival records, the general publi, including genealogists, ttle searchers and local historians use Public Recotds. During 2008, there were 21,470 requests for information. A7550 SUPPORT FOR CULTURAL ACTIVITIES ‘The City of Albany provides support and subsidization to cultural and educational programs that contribute to making the City an enjoyable place to visit, work and live. ‘The parades, festivals and live arts sponsored are designed to eahance the quality of life and increase pride and enthusiasm for Albany by providing entertainment and promoting cultusal awareness for its citizens. Many of these Programs are self-sustaining; the related income is shown as revenues beginning with account number RA2700. 4755011 CITY ARTS COMMISSION/CAPITALIZE ALBANY The availability of arts, music, culture and entertainment are important forces in the economy and vitality of a city. ‘The City Arts Commission evaluates applications and makes recommendations for City Arts grants. 4898900 SUPI MMUNITY SERVI ‘This budget sets aside $25,890 to support programs for the elderly. ty within the City and annually compiles an assessment roll of approximately 31,000 and administers programs for granting real property tax exemptions to eligible inclividuals "7

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