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Novel Report/Writing Assignment

DUE: _________________ Group Work: Select ONE of the following: - Act out a scene from the novel. - Act out a MODERNIZED version of a scene. - Act out a MUSICAL version of a scene. - Create a movie trailer for the novel as if it were being made into a movie (3 min). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Individual Work: Write an essay describing what the deeper meaning of the novel is, and use evidence from the novel to support your claim. Minimum 3 FULL pages. AND Select ONE of the following: -Create a journal from a characters point of view (each group member must use a different character). 3 page minimum. -Write an alternate ending of the story. 3 page minimum. -Draw a picture of a significant scene, character, and/or setting and write a one-page essay about how your piece is important in the novel. There must be no white/blank space in your drawing. Minimum 8.5x11 paper size. -Create an artifact, or item, that could come from the novel and write a one-page essay about how your piece is important in the novel. Must be completely hand-made. -Perform a monologue from the novel and write a one-page essay about the importance of the monologue in the novel. - Create a 3D model of a major scene and write a one page creative journal to explain why you constructed your model the way you did.

You may select ONE additional Individual Work Assignment from the list and complete it for extra credit.

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