Annotated Anthology

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Section: __________ Annotated Anthology

Date: ___________

Project Description: For this project, you will be creating a short anthology (collection) of poems. he anthology shoul! consist of " poems: # poem that will be assigne! to you, an! $ of your own choosing (only one of which can be song lyrics). For each poem%song, you will nee! to !o the following: &hun'ing the te(t an! writing your thoughts%reactions%summaries for each chun' )abeling the literary !e*ices +ND e(plaining what each means ,ach poem will also nee! to inclu!e your analysis of the poem. -n this analysis, you shoul! answer the following .uestions: /ho is the spea'er of the poem0 /hat is the tone an! moo! of the poem0 1ow !o you 'now0 /hat is the author2s message%theme0 1ow !oes the author !e*elop the message%theme of the poem by using literary !e*ices0 Rubric Outcome Plan 3a'e !eliberate plans, reflect, an! perse*ere in or!er to achie*e goals Not Yet ___ During class wor' perio!s, stu!ent is fre.uently off tas' an! re.uires great amounts of teacher re!irection. ___ 4roject is han!e! in late. ___ he assignment has a messy appearance an!%or loo's li'e it was put together in a rush. Discern 5iew, rea!, an! listen with focuse! attention to what matters. !onclude -nfer meanings, analy6e information an! !e*elop *ali! i!eas base! on e*i!ence an! ___ Stu!ent cannot correctly i!entify the literary !e*ice use! in the te(t an!%or the chart is incomplete. Meets Standards ___ During class wor' perio!s, stu!ent is on tas' most of the time, but may nee! some teacher re!irection. ___ Stu!ent han!s the project in on time. ___ he assignment has a clean an! neat appearance. E ceeds Standards ___ During class wor' perio!s, stu!ent is on tas' an! nee!s no teacher re!irection. ___ Stu!ent han!s the project in on time. ___ he assignment has a clean an! neat appearance.

___ Stu!ent correctly i!entify ___ Stu!ent correctly i!entify the literary !e*ice use! in the the literary !e*ice use! in the te(t. te(t.

___ Stu!ent cannot !escribe the spea'er of the poem. ___ Stu!ent cannot successfully i!entify the tone an! moo! of the poem an!%or cannot e(plain how she i!entifie! it.

___ Stu!ent is able to i!entify the spea'er of the poem. ___ Stu!ent uses basic wor!s to i!entify the tone an! moo! of the poem an! can gi*e at least $ pieces of e*i!ence to support her claim.

___ Stu!ent is able to i!entify the spea'er in more nuance! an! !etaile! way. ___ Stu!ent uses *ery specific wor!s to i!entify the tone an! moo! of the poem an! uses multiple pieces of e*i!ence to support her claim.


___ Stu!ent cannot i!entify the theme%message of the poem. ___ Stu!ent cannot effecti*ely !escribe how the use of the literary !e*ice !e*elops meaning.

___ Stu!ent is able to correctly i!entify the basic theme%message of the poem. ___ Stu!ent can gi*e a basic e(planation of how the !e*ice !e*elops the meaning of the sentence in which it is use!.

___ Stu!ent is able to correctly i!entify a sophisticate! theme%message of the poem. ___ -n a!!ition to 3S criteria, stu!ent can gi*e a !etaile! e(planation of how the !e*ice connects to the larger meaning of the poem.

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