Bryant Midyear Student Needs Survey Results

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Bryant Mid-Year Student Needs Survey

February, 2014
88 total respondents

Q1 What grade are you in?

Answer Choices 7 8 Total

Answered: 87 Skipped: 1 Responses 39.08% 34 60.92% 53 87

Q2 What is your gender?

Answer Choices Female Male Total

Answered: 87 Skipped: 1 Responses 47.13% 41 52.87% 46 87

Q3 What is your race or ethnicity?

Answer Choices African American or Black American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Caucasian or White Hispanic/Latino(a)

Answered: 87 Skipped: 1 Responses 3.45% 3 3.45% 3 8.05% 7 20.69% 18 48.28% 42

Answer Choices Hawaii Native or Pacific Islander Multiple Races Other Prefer not to say Total Respondents: 87

Responses 9.20% 8 4.60% 4 5.75% 5 3.45% 3

Q4 What is the primary language spoken in your home?

Answer Choices English Spanish Pacific Islander Language American Indian Language Asian Language Other Prefer not to say Total Respondents: 86

Answered: 86 Skipped: 2 Responses 54.65% 47 45.35% 39 6.98% 6 0% 0 5.81% 5 5.81% 5 1.16% 1

Q5 What is the highest level of education of your parents?

Answer Choices Less than high school High school or GED Certificate training 2 or 4 years of college

Answered: 86 Skipped: 2 Responses 18.60% 16 19.77% 17 0% 0 11.63%

Answer Choices

Responses 10

More than 4 years of college Unknown Total Respondents: 86

9.30% 8 45.35% 39

Q6 What are your plans after high school?

Answer Choices Get a job Go to college Enter a professional training program I have no plans Total Respondents: 87

Answered: 87 Skipped: 1 Responses 28.74% 25 85.06% 74 9.20% 8 4.60% 4

Q7 What obstacles might prevent you from continuing your education after high school? Choose all that apply.

Answer Choices Family responsibilities Grades Motivation Cost None Total Respondents: 86

Answered: 86 Skipped: 2 Responses 24.42% 21 27.91% 24 5.81% 5 55.81% 48 24.42% 21

Q8 If you are having trouble with your grades right now, what do you think might be keeping you from doing better? Choose all that apply.

Answered: 78 Skipped: 10 Responses 20.51% 16 23.08% 18 32.05% 25 39.74% 31 19.23% 15 30.77% 24 17.95% 14 16.67% 13 6.41% 5

Answer Choices I dont have a quiet place to do homework. I dont have time to do homework. I am too stressed out by other things to do homework. I always seem to forget about school and homework once I leave for the day. I keep losing my assignments or forgetting to bring them back. I dont do very well on tests. I dont understand what Im supposed to do on my homework. The material is too hard. The class goes too fast for me. I cant keep up. I dont care if I get good grades or not. It just doesnt matter. Total Respondents: 78 Comments(14)

Q9 How true are the following statements for you?

I think its important to get good grades. I think that getting good grades will help me to Definitely True 78.16% 68 Mostly True 10.34% 9

Answered: 87 Skipped: 1 Somewhat True 6.90% 6 Not True At All 4.60% 4 Total Average Rating 1.38


80.72% 67

13.25% 11

2.41% 2

3.61% 3



have a good job someday. My grades arent as good as they could be, and I would like to do better. I dont know how to get better grades and I need help. If Im not doing well in school, its not my fault. I come to school every day, unless I am sick. I make it to all my classes on time. I have all the school supplies I need. I use a binder or a folder for each class and I keep all my papers organized. I have a calendar or notebook to write down assignments in and keep track of when they are due. I turn in my homework, assignments and projects

Definitely True

Mostly True

Somewhat True

Not True At All


Average Rating

41.67% 35

26.19% 22

14.29% 12

17.86% 15



18.07% 15

9.64% 8

26.51% 22

45.78% 38



15.29% 13

3.53% 3

23.53% 20

57.65% 49



65.48% 55

21.43% 18

4.76% 4

8.33% 7



62.20% 51

19.51% 16

10.98% 9

7.32% 6



63.10% 53

21.43% 18

8.33% 7

7.14% 6



59.04% 49

16.87% 14

12.05% 10

12.05% 10



55.00% 44

17.50% 14

12.50% 10

15% 12



38.75% 31

35% 28

20% 16

6.25% 5



when they are due. I have a quiet place to study every day. I do my homework before I watch TV or do other fun things. I do my homework at about the same time every day. I give myself plenty of time to study for tests and work on big projects. When I have a big project to do, I do a little bit at a time until its all done. When I dont understand something during class, I ask a teacher for help. If I want help during class, I ask a friend or someone sitting near me. If I have missed work, I ask for makeup work. If I am having a

Definitely True

Mostly True

Somewhat True

Not True At All


Average Rating

42.68% 35

24.39% 20

19.51% 16

13.41% 11



36.14% 30

24.10% 20

21.69% 18

18.07% 15



34.15% 28

28.05% 23

17.07% 14

20.73% 17



41.46% 34

26.83% 22

18.29% 15

13.41% 11



42.68% 35

25.61% 21

17.07% 14

14.63% 12



36.59% 30

30.49% 25

15.85% 13

17.07% 14



43.37% 36

33.73% 28

15.66% 13

7.23% 6



54.88% 45

23.17% 19

12.20% 10

9.76% 8



13.41% 11

15.85% 13

31.71% 26

39.02% 32



hard time in one or more of my classes, I go to after school tutoring.

Definitely True

Mostly True

Somewhat True

Not True At All


Average Rating

Q10 In order to do better in school, I would like to participate in (choose all that apply):

Answer Choices Before/after school tutoring Peer tutoring Individual support and help A study skills group Total Respondents: 72 Comments(7) Showing 7 responses

Answered: 72 Skipped: 16 Responses 45.83% 33 16.67% 12 33.33% 24 30.56% 22

ask a teacher for help.

2/4/2014 12:36 PM

I'd get help fome my mom

2/4/2014 12:31 PM

I don't need extra help

2/4/2014 11:28 AM

1/30/2014 12:55 PM

I don't need anything to be better in school.

1/30/2014 12:48 PM

1/30/2014 12:14 PM

1/30/2014 12:08 PM

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