Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right - Deregistration of Vehicle

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Jason W.

C/o7489 County Road 4617
Wolfe City, Texas
Near: [75496]

October 1, 2009

Reference: Vehicle(s) known as: 2B6HB21Y2SK529940 (1995 Dodge Van), 5LCJF162641003807

(2004 Kearney Trailer), 1FTHX25M5JKB10750 (1988 Ford F250 Pickup Truck),
1G6DW698XF9748824 (1985 Cadillac Limousine)



Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right

125 East 11th St.
Austin, Texas 78701

Please read the following notice thoroughly and carefully before responding. It is a notice. It informs you.
It means what it says.

It is important that you consider and respond to the notice in substance. The ‘nearest official form' will
not suffice, and consequently is likely to be ignored by My Self without any dishonor on my part.

On the other hand there is a time-limit on the notice being served. It is reasonable, and if it runs out then I
shall take the understanding that you are in agreement with the points herein stated and that you have no
objections to any or all of the points contained herein in full accordance with my Rights in Law.

It is my understanding that notice to one is notice to all. Should you not be in a position to respond with
clarity to the points stated herein it is my understanding that an officer of your choosing will be delegated
the task of response and the name of said person will be made known to My Self.

For these reasons it is recommended that you carefully consider this notice and respond in substance,
which means addressing the points raised herein.

Failure to respond to this offer and to do so completely and in good faith within 14 (fourteen) working
days will be deemed by all parties to mean you and your principal or other parties agree in full to the
points made herein and whole heartedly accept this claim.

I now draw your professional attention to the following points wherein "TxDOT" should be taken to read
"the TxDOT or any associated Agency".
It is my understanding that when a thing becomes registered with a body, the body it is registered to, or
with, takes title ownership of said thing.

It is my understanding that in this case the thing in question is a device for use to aid roaming commonly
called a vehicle by the TxDOT.

It is my understanding that a person who registers a vehicle gives up the right to own the vehicle in
exchange for equitable title, i.e. the right, to keep or look after or store or use what is now in point of fact
the property of TxDOT.

It is my understanding that in doing so the keeper must abide by the rules of the society or corporation or
body to which the vehicle is registered.

Consequently it is my understanding that the registered keeper is not necessarily the legal owner per the
Texas Transportation Code, Title 7, Chapter 502.

It is my understanding that this vital information is not fully and plainly disclosed on the contract known
as the Application for Certificate of Title. For a contract to be valid it must contain FULL disclosure. It
follows that since this vital information is not shown clearly on the contract it must be deemed that the
contract is null and void.

It is my understanding that upon 1st registration a vehicle(s) known as 2B6HB21Y2SK529940 (1995

Dodge Van), 5LCJF162641003807 (2004 Kearney Trailer), 1FTHX25M5JKB10750 (1988 Ford F250
Pickup Truck), 1G6DW698XF9748824 (1985 Cadillac Limousine) was registered with TXDOT.

It is my understanding that TXDOT took title ownership of the vehicle(s) known as

2B6HB21Y2SK529940 (1995 Dodge Van), 5LCJF162641003807 (2004 Kearney Trailer),
1FTHX25M5JKB10750 (1988 Ford F250 Pickup Truck), 1G6DW698XF9748824 (1985 Cadillac
Limousine) at the moment of 1st registration.

It is my understanding that when the vehicle came into the possession of My Self, believing to be the new
owner, I was in point of fact only buying the right to use and not the right to own property of TXDOT and
that this vital information was kept from being disclosed to My Self on the contract.

In consequence:

I hereby serve notice and state clearly, specifically and unequivocally, that under the laws and customs of
Texas, I make claim to what is rightly, justly and lawfully mine.

I claim full lawful rights, allodial title and ownership of the conveyance(s) known to TXDOT as
2B6HB21Y2SK529940 (1995 Dodge Van), 5LCJF162641003807 (2004 Kearney Trailer),
1FTHX25M5JKB10750 (1988 Ford F250 Pickup Truck), 1G6DW698XF9748824 (1985 Cadillac
Limousine), in my possession and the use of it freely on roads and highways and on private land, acting
with reasonable care and responsibility to 3rd parties so long as I am not acting or involved in commerce.
(Commerce being defined as the buying and selling of goods for the benefit of the operator of the

I claim full lawful rights, allodial title and full ownership irrespective in any faulty understanding as
expressed above.

I claim my lawful right to roam and use any form of private conveyance on roads and highways without
let, hindrance, levy, license or duty.

I claim that any consent which may have been either expressed or implied by My Self in regard to, or in
relation to any statute regulating the operation of any form of conveyance on roads and highways and
private property is withdrawn.

I claim that the registration(s) of 2B6HB21Y2SK529940 (1995 Dodge Van), 5LCJF162641003807

(2004 Kearney Trailer), 1FTHX25M5JKB10750 (1988 Ford F250 Pickup Truck),
1G6DW698XF9748824 (1985 Cadillac Limousine) with TXDOT is/are now withdrawn, and I demand
that it/they be struck from registration, and said registration(s) voided.

I am prepared to allow sufficient details to be recorded such as to enable lawful contact in connection
with said conveyance via the address given below.

I claim the right to fix reference plates of my choosing on my private conveyance(s) formally known as
2B6HB21Y2SK529940(1995 Dodge Van), 5LCJF162641003807(2004 Kearney Trailer),
1FTHX25M5JKB10750(1988 Ford F250 Pickup Truck), 1G6DW698XF9748824(1985 Cadillac
Limousine), to my design, color and style, and record my chosen reference(s) of
2B6HB21Y2SK529940(1995 Dodge Van), 5LCJF162641003807(2004 Kearney Trailer),
1FTHX25M5JKB10750(1988 Ford F250 Pickup Truck), 1G6DW698XF9748824(1985 Cadillac
Limousine), that any 3rd party may identify and refer to in such cases of harm or injury caused to, or in
the event of, injury sustained by My Self due to incident while operating the conveyance(s).

I claim the right to use or accept any word or words to describe a private conveyance being owned or
used by My Self or words used to describe the operation of the conveyance which will include but not
limited to: vehicle, motor vehicle, driver, driving, car, motorcycle, or any word in relation to that private
conveyance. And that the use or acceptance of those words does not in any way imply consent to stand
under any statute.

Fee Schedule

I claim my fee schedule in regard to my Natural Born Lawful Right to freely travel on Her Majesty’s
roads and highways.

$1000 (one thousand) US Dollars per hour, per individual reasonably involved, for: Any
transgressions by police officers, government principles or their agents, or participants in the system of
justice or should I be stopped by a uniformed or non uniformed officer doing so without reasonable cause
or prevented in going about my lawful peaceful right to roam, questioned, interrogated or in any way
detained, harassed or otherwise regulated.
$10,000 (ten thousand) US Dollars per hour, per individual reasonably involved: Should I be
handcuffed, arrested, transported, incarcerated, or subjected to any adjudication process without my
express written and notarized consent.

$40,000 (forty thousand) US Dollars (in addition to any compensation awarded), per individual
reasonably involved: Should violence be used against either My Self or those under my care and
protection, or damage or loss to my privately owned or borrowed or hired private conveyance.

I claim the right to convene a proper court de jure in order to address any potential criminal actions of any
police officers, government officials, principals or agents, or participants in the system of justice who,
having been served notice of this claim fail to dispute or discuss or make lawful counterclaim and then
interfere by act or omission with the lawful exercise of property claimed and established rights and

I claim the right to deal with any counterclaims or disputes publicly and in open forum using discussion
and negotiation and to capture both video and audio evidence of said discussion and negotiation for
whatever lawful purpose I see fit.

Affected parties wishing to dispute the claims made herein or make their own counterclaims must respond
appropriately within ten (10) working days of receipt of this notice. Responses are required to be made
under oath or attestation upon full commercial liability and penalty of perjury and received via registered
mail to:

Jason W. Rist
C/o7489 County Road 4617
Wolfe City, Texas
Near: [75496]

Failure to record an appropriate dispute against the claims made herein will mean that you agree with my
understanding and claims and will result in automatic default judgment and permanent and irrevocable
estoppels by acquiescence barring any claims or the bringing of charges by you or any interested 3rd
parties under any statute against My Self for exercising my lawful and properly established Natural Born
Rights and Freedoms.

Sincerely and without ill will, vexation or frivolity,

Jason Wade: of the family Rist

WITHOUT PREJUDICE, i.e. all Natural Inalienable Rights Reserved
Please address all future correspondence in the matter to a direct Human Self, namely Jason Wade: of the
family Rist, as commonly called.
Certified Mail #:________________________________

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