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Behaviour A guide for parents and children

Parents and children should read this policy carefully. Ignoring the rules will have consequences. Rules are there for the sake of fairness to everyone. There is nothing magical about this we !ust ALL need to do it.

At Pennyhill we pride ourselves on having high standards. Our aim is that children: Are A"BA##A$%R# both in and out of school Are polite and well mannered Are smart and well presented Are always ready to do their best &ever swear at anyone

As pupils of the school, we promise to: #how respect and have consideration for others Take care of the school environment Always do our best 'eep ourselves and others safe Take responsibility As adults of the school, we promise to: &ot humiliate anyone publicly Recognise that everyone is entitled to make a mistake (isten to pupils and treat them fairly

#upport pupils through any difficulties Be positive and reward achievements) often

Be on time *ear school uniform correctly and smartly + no trainers) nail varnish or e,tremes of hair fashion. -The only !ewellery allowed is+ . pair of ear studs and . watch/ Bring your school bag and P.0. kit. 1omplete homework on time.

2ollow instructions #TRAI34T A*A5. *alk sensibly and quietly around school. Respect others6 property. Be tidy.

In the playground+ stop when the whistle blows and walk quickly to your line

#tart every lesson with a positive attitude. 2ollow instructions quickly. $o your best and work as hard as you can never give up7 $on6t interrupt when another person is talking. Respect others. $on6t spoil other pupil 6s chances of learning

All classes make their own special rules. Remember at all times classrooms will reflect8

Positive and negative behaviour in the classroom is managed by teachers using the 9one boards. -if you are unsure about this please ask your child6s class teacher/

Running) pushing or shouting in school #wearing) racist or se,ist behaviour Arguing with staff Bullying) fighting or physical contact 1ontinual disruption

If you persistently break rules then you may be e,cluded from school.

The e,clusion may be permanent.

Be afraid to discuss concerns. Be aggressive to or argue with staff solve problems calmly. 1onfront other parents on the playground. Bring dogs on site. #moke:drink alcohol on site. Ride bikes on the school playground. Bring or allow anything dangerous to come to school

"obile phones

-unless in year ; children travel to and from

ipods) ipads or e,pensive electronic games <aluables and large amounts of money

school on their own and this has been agreed with the class teacher/

Remember the school is not and cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss. If a child brings these items in they will be confiscated to keep them safe and returned to a parent/carer only.

*e must all work together as a TEAM because8 Together Everyone Achieves More7

Thank you for taking the time to read this ooklet.

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