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1he Mouse Assassln

1hese are my rsL lnlual skeLches of my mouse characLer - Lhe ldea
behlnd Lhls was LhaL l wanLed Lo creaLe a weedy mouse assassln -
Lhese skeLches were used Lo help me wlLh proporuons and shape.
Aer my lnlual skeLches l looked aL ArusL uan Lee and dld a sLudy of
hls work (below) Lhls helped me lmmensely wlLh body shape. l wenL
on Lo comblne my way of worklng wlLh Lhls Lype of characLer.
Lxperlmenung wlLh laclal Lxpresslons
My lnlual ueslgn for MorLe
Colour LxperlmenLs
My 1urnaround of MorLe Lhe Mouse

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