2014langperiod60210 0214

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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan Template

Instructors name: Devin Ayers Course/Grade: Grade 11 AP Language and Composition (period 6) Unit Name: Speech and Debate

Week of: 02/10 02/14

Please Note: This entire lesson was developed collaboratively by the students of period 6 AP Language and Composition. The teacher did nothing but type.
Common Core/ NM Content Standards: SL.11-12.1 SL.11-12.6; W.11-12.1; W.11-12.2; W.11-12.7 W.11-12.9 Essential Question(s): How does one construct a compelling argument? Should the age limit for drinking, voting and driving be changed? Should our laws be changed to bring about marriage equality? Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.): Students who require it will receive extended deadlines for writing assignments and/or shortened reading. Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Students will draw on previous experience in debate. They will also bring in their own thoughts, experiences and feelings in regard to the topics of debate. Resources/Materials Teacher: Students: Electronic devices for Internet research

Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: direct observation This Week: direct observation/debate/written opening arguments/written reflection Unit: direct observation/debate/written opening arguments/written reflection

Time allotted MONDAY Learning TargetStudents will learn about Common Core standards as they are applied to creating quality lesson plans. They will show their learning by creating a lesson

Lesson activities for instructor and students Assignment(s) DueWeekly plan

for the coming week, based on Common Core standards.

TUESDAY Learning TargetStudents will improve their skills in Internet research, rhetorical argument and technical writing. They will show their learning by writing an opening argument for the upcoming debate. Today students will be divided into two groups. Each group will be assigned (by the flip of a coin) to a side in the first debate, to take place on Wednesday. Whatever the outcome, each group will take the opposite position on the second debate, to take place Thursday. Students have been asked to bring in electronic devices, which will be used to conduct Internet research. Each team will then produce a written opening argument for each debate. WEDNESDAY Learning TargetStudents will improve their skills in speaking and listening, and rhetorical argument. They will show their learning by engaging in a formal debate. To conduct the debate, each team will present opening arguments. Then teams will proceed in a point-counter-point format until each point is exhausted (to be determined by the instructor if not agreed upon by the student teams). The entire class will vote to decide who is victorious at the end. The topic for todays debate is: Should age limits concerning voting, driving, drinking alcohol and censorship stay the way they are, or should they change?

Assignment(s) DueOpening arguments

Assignment(s) DueDebate

THURSDAY Learning TargetStudents will improve their skills in speaking and listening, and rhetorical argument. They will show their learning by engaging in a formal debate.

Assignment(s) DueDebate For next week: all research notes should be turned in next Wednesday, 02/19.

To conduct the debate, each team will present opening arguments. Then teams will proceed in a point-counter-point format until each point is exhausted (to be determined by the instructor if not agreed upon by the student teams). The entire class will vote to decide who is victorious at the end. The topic for todays debate will be: Should laws concerning marriage equality stay the same, or should they change?

Each individual student should generate a written reflection on the debates, describing highlights, what worked well, what could be improved, what they liked and disliked about the experience, and how they thought they contributed individually to the team. This will also be due on Wednesday, 02/19.

FRIDAY Learning TargetTeacher in-service. No school!

Assignment(s) Due-

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