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The 1940s: A Nation at War

World War II

Aug. 1942

The Wartime Economy

Total Mobilization:
In order to prepare for US entry into the war FDR knew that he would have to mobilize the entire economy for war if they were to be successful. As a result, he shut down all non-essential facilities and converted as many factories as he could into war production factories; automobile factories began to construct tanks, ammunition, guns etc. As men flocked away to the battlefront women increasingly assumed the roles that men had played at home. With the majority of able-bodied white men in Europe the work force began to steadily increase the numbers of women, youths, and minorities in production. Women were ushered into the workforce through the use of campaigns such as Rosie the Riveter, a hardworking gal that was waiting for her boyfriend Charlie to come home victorious.

As more and more of the population was absorbed into the workforce the unemployment rate fell to unprecedented levels. In 1939 the unemployment rate was at 17.2% and by 1944 it had dropped to 1.2%. Teenagers were also encouraged to quit school and join the work force leading to a drop in the number of students enrolled in public high school from 6.6 million to 5.6 million.

Although FDR was faced with a very conservative Congress both sides agreed that in order to fund the war effort taxes had to be raised. As a result, Congress lowered the minimum income to pay taxes, and reduced personal exemptions and deductions. This proved effective in funding the war and by 1944 nearly every employed person was paying taxes which helped to fund the war effort.

Foreign Policies (1940-1945)

From 1940 to 1945, under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, United states foreign policies tended to favor Great Britain and its allies,China, Russia, and France. The U.S made massive grants of military and economic aid to the allied powers during World War II. These loans were made possible because of policies like the Lend-Lease Act (1941) which was what marked the end of the supposed neutrality the U.S had claimed in its Neutrality acts of the 1930s. It is estimated that approximately 50 billion dollars worth of supplies were shipped to the allies which is equivalent to about 650 billion dollars today. Although they had been sending supplies and essentially helping the allies win the war against the Axis powers, the U.S had failed to actually declare and participate in the war. On December 7, 1941 the Imperial Japanese Navy launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the location of one of The naval bases of the United States. The very next day, The U.S entered in World War II against

Germany, Japan, and Italy but mainly because of that attack. This time around, America was not just an associate of the allies but a legitimate allied power in the war. The image above is of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. As president Franklin D. Roosevelt said, it is a day that will live in infamy. 1,177 people were killed at the Naval Base in Hawaii.

AUG. 29 1942 DAY YEAR

World War!!


European Theater
North African Campaign (1939) - full war on the Northern part of Africa, where Germans pushed through, but were met with Allie forced and surrender in 1942 Battle of Stalingrad (1943) - the turning point of the Eastern Front in Europe, where the German forces were forced to undertake a full retreat from Russia, and Russia was able to push back, eventually to Germany. D-Day (Operation Overlord) (1944) - an assault the beaches of occupied France, which was taken under German control earlier in the war. It allowed for a push to Germany. Battle of the Bulge (1944) Hitlers all-outgamble for the Allies to sue for peace by separating their army. It was the only major counterattack on the Western Front that the Germans have done during the war.

Pacific Theater Japanese Dominance (1941-1942) Attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) Japan bombed the U.S. Naval Base in Pearl Harbor, luckily most ships were away from base for a training excessive, unluckily 2,335 servicemen died, 1,143 wounded, 68 civilians killed, and 35 wounded. This made the U.S. enter the war. Battle at Coral Sea (1942) Major Naval and Air Force battle between Australia-America and Japan. Although Japan was victorious in the sense of ships sunk, there was no clear winner. Battle of Midway (1942) turning point for the U.S. where they invented a strategic tactic called island hopping to push the Japanese back. Battle of Iwo Jima & Okinawa (1945) Islands were within range for American B-29 Bombers to attack Tokyo. Manhattan Project- when F.D.R. died in the beginning of his 4th term, Truman took over and was informed about the making of a nuclear bomb, and how it would be used will be up to him, and he sent the nukes to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, thus ensuring the U.S. victory.

Jim Crow laws are hurting the African American population everywhere. More people everywhere are referring to them as negroes or colored people. Although many are being privileged to attend school for high education, All of them are being segregated from attending school with the whites. Also marriage laws have been placed denying the rights of African Americans to marry whites. Times are tough for the black community seeing that many employers will not accept African American workers. This has been a common practice and legal as well. The only way to change this cruel policy would be for the white community to vote for a change since African Americans cannot vote any way.

Women of the 1940s

On the other hand women all over are getting benefited this year. Many are joining the workforce and being paid as much as men. Women have been a vital part in the war contributing in factories while men are signing up to the army and being shipped into the batter field. Also in sports women have represented their power. Because the men are off at war there has been an all American girls baseball league. This might just be the start of many more opportunities to come for women.

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