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Storm Born (Dark Swan #1)

by Richelle Mead (Goodreads Author) 3.92 of 5 stars 3.92 rating details 18,228 ratings 1,110 reviews

Just typical. No love life to speak of for months, then all at once, every horny creature in the Otherworld wants to get in your pants. . . Eugenie Markham is a powerful shaman who does a brisk trade banishing spirits and fey who cross into the mortal world. Mercenary, yes, but a girl's got to eat. Her most recent case, however, is enough to ruin her appetite. Hired to find a teenager who has been taken to the Otherworld, Eugenie comes face to face with a startling prophecyone that uncovers dark secrets about her past and claims that Eugenie's first-born will threaten the future of the world as she knows it. Now Eugenie is a hot target for every ambitious demon and Otherworldy ne'er-do-well, and the ones who don't want to knock her up want her dead. Eugenie handles a Glock as smoothly as she wields a wand, but she needs some formidable allies for a job like this. She finds them in Dorian, a seductive fairy king with a taste for bondage, and Kiyo, a gorgeous shape-shifter who redefines animal attraction. But with enemies growing bolder and time running out, Eugenie realizes that the greatest danger is yet to come, and it lies in the dark powers that are stirring to life within her... (less) Mass Market Paperback, 361 pages Published August 1st 2008 by Zebra more details... edit details Get a copy:

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Nov 14, 2011 Kat Kennedy rated it 2 of 5 stars Shelves: books-that-deserve-painful-death, just-plain-bad, kat-s-book-reviews, kat-s-rants Did you hear that sound? That sound, right there? Okay, well, it's either the sound of my heart forsaking Mead for all eternity, or there's a murderer whose broken into your house and is SNEAKING UP BEHIND YOU!!!!!

Look over your shoulder just to check that I'm wrong. You know you want to do it! Storm Born, the tragic tale of a woman forced by cruel fate to be hit on by ALL the men. Yes. That's what this story is about. Okay, there are fairies and she has to recover some damsel in distress but basically the novel is about Eugenie's love life. I suppose my problem with Dark Born is that all of Mead's washed up, tried and not-so-true tropes are here. Again. Strong heroine (who will undoubtedly end the series as a complete moron), sexy hero who heroine loves, though nobody really knows why. Secondary sexy love interest who is way more awesome than sexy hero and who Mead spends far more time fleshing out a real relationship with the heroine, but who is apparently not the heroine's twue loff. For reasons completely unknown. I will inevitably like this love interest far more than the banal and boring love interest Mead champions. The one thing I'll say about this novel is that Mead writes good sex. That's her one redeeming virtue. She writes gripping, interesting characters, a rich world and stories that hint at great possibilities, but Mead absolutely sucks at the follow through. The difference with this novel is that I'm not interested in following through to watch her crash and burn yet another series. This novel reminded me of a quote by Dan Hemmens from Ferretbrain. "Rape is not the occupational hazard of having a vagina." Thank you.

Now I'll address the fictional critics in my head by saying that yes, Mead gave all these douches a reason to rape the protagonist that wasn't just about sex. But... well, it just doesn't count and I'll explain why. I don't know about you, but *I* am personally sick of stories that tell me that because I have a vagina, I am a walking talking victim waiting to happen. Because novel after novel tells the same story. No matter how strong, powerful or kickarse you are as a heroine, you are still a victim and will need to be rescued by a man. Possibly several times. I'm sick to death of it. Barely a page goes by in this book where rape isn't mentioned. Even if it's just to say, 'Eugenie, you're so beautiful I'd rape you and LIKE it!" This book almost treats rape like a fucking compliment. "I've had five rape attempts today, what about you?" "Oh, I've had three." "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Don't worry, maybe tomorrow will pick up!" I have a problem with drilling into people's heads that women are victims. Always. Vulnerable, precious little petals. Don't let them out of the house or they'll trip over their puritanical vaginas and get raped. Or what about a message just as bad? Almost all men will rape if given the chance. It's the rare few who won't take the opportunity for a good ol' free for all on an unwilling woman. Now hold on for an even bigger criticism. Of all the worst things, this was the WORST. POSSIBLE. THING! [image error] This book... is like Anita Blake.

It's got multiple love interests, fairies, bargains made, political sex, sexual awakening of formerly prudish, loner character, mystery, evil women bitches out to get you. It's all so very reminiscent. You know what? Don't read this book. Just go watch Generation 4 My Little Pony instead. I promise there's no rape there and it's about a thousand times better and more entertaining. And there is no rape. (less)

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Aug 18, 2010 Danielle The Book Huntress (Angels Weep For Goodreads) rated it 4 of 5 stars Recommends it for: Fans of female lead urban fantasy with a fair amount of sex Shelves: urban-fantasy, uf-summer-challenge, owned-copy, part-of-a-series, asian-hero-orheroine, latino-hero-or-love-interest, interracial-romance, faerie, djinn, shaman, the-lost-heir, love-triangle, kitsune, mythical-beasties, kickbutt-heroine, bdsm, ghost This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. flag 30 likes like see review

Mar 11, 2010 Tatiana rated it 2 of 5 stars Recommends it for: fans of S&M/bondage kind of smut Shelves: 2009, urban-fantasy I love Mead's Vampire Academy series, like Succubus books as well; naturally I expected to enjoy Storm Born too. Unfortunately, I was wrong. In fact, I couldn't believe how bad it was. Did Richelle actually write this? First of all, the plot itself was very weak. There was no point to the story, no climax, just a few things thrown together with no purpose. Events seemed to have been made up just to fill in the space between the sex scenes. Characters were unrelatable, unlikable, acted irrationall...more flag 26 likes like see review

Jul 31, 2010 Catherine rated it 3 of 5 stars Recommended to Catherine by: Shannon Doerfler Shelves: pick-it-for-me-challenge, contemporary, fae, fantasy-paranormal-sci-fi, magicmystical-ability, read-2010, series, were-shifter This was a pretty average first book in a series. It wasn't bad and it wasn't really good, it was just...there. The world building wasn't particularly developed, which was rather disappointing. Because I found Eugenie irritating and her love triangle boring, I was hoping for an intricate world to capture my attention. No such luck. The beginning of this book seemed to crawl by. Maybe it just felt tedious as the author set up the story and world? I don't know, all I know is that it dragged until a...more flag 24 likes like see review

Mar 14, 2011 FlibBityFLooB rated it 5 of 5 stars Shelves: read-in-2010, love-triangle, witty-i-am-not, fae-or-elves, shifters, magic, loved-theaudiobook-narration, read-more-than-once, read-in-2011, ghosts, husband-disliked-book, urban-fantasy-or-paranormal, zzauthor-mead-richelle

I knew it was going to be a different sort of book when the first couple pages talked about a haunted shoe. I cant say that I have ever read a book with haunted clothing before. One of the things I appreciate in the over-crowded world of urban fantasy is when an author makes an attempt to build a world with interesting and unique creatures. If the only thing you read about is vampires, that can be very boring. I liked Richelle Meads world building in this book with elementals, water spirits, g...more flag 17 likes like see review

Aug 10, 2008 Julie (jjmachshev) rated it 5 of 5 stars Shelves: 2008-reads Fascinating! I couldn't put "Storm Born" by Richelle Mead down! I read her 'succubus' series, but this is so much more. More fantasy, more characters, more worlds, and WAY hot fae, humans, and shifters (kitsune). Eugenie, Odile, Dark Swan...she's all these, and now she's about to find out that she's also so much more she never knew. Eugenie is a powerful shaman who banishes spirits and fey out of the mortal world into either hell or back to their world, depending on their crime. She's never actua...more flag 17 likes like see review

Jun 04, 2011 Lucy rated it 1 of 5 stars Shelves: ghosts, fairy-tale, fantasy, how-did-this-get-published, paranormal, romance, wasnt-for-me, vomit-in-a-hat This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. flag 16 likes like see review

Oct 14, 2009 Mel rated it 4 of 5 stars Dare I say I loved this more than the Georgina Kincaid series? Well at least, compared to Succubus Heat, Storm Born is better written, more exciting and most of all: funnier. Meet Eugenie Markham aka Odile Dark Swan, a powerful shaman who protects the human world from Fay, spirits and other Otherworldly creatures. Due to a series of unfortunate incidents, attacks for her life, a conspiracy and indecent proposals from just about every male Fay creature, Eugenie finds out some pretty interesting t...more flag 14 likes like see review

May 06, 2011 Emily May rated it 1 of 5 stars review of another edition Shelves: paranormal-uf, 2011, boring

I could not get into this at all. I'm a big Richelle Mead fan since reading her Succubus series but I feel she majorly let herself down with this one. I didn't care for Eugenie Markham once during this novel, I felt no real connection with her and she didn't even have the witty sarcasm that I so loved about Georgina Kincaid. The plot was weak and just generally messy, that's not even mentioning the weird mythology overkill that interested me about as much as watching paint dry... I couldn't tell...more flag 11 likes like see review

Jul 13, 2010 AH rated it 4 of 5 stars Shelves: own, book-challenge, fae, zzread-july-2010, first-in-series Storm Born has one of the funnier opening scenes that I have read in a while involving a haunted shoe. It also has a very sexy fairy king who is very good at tying complicated knots. Add in a prophecy about the heroine's unborn and unconceived child, and a shapeshifting fox, and you have a very fun read. Eugenie Markham, or Odile Dark Swan is a shaman who banishes spirits and fey from our world. She is hired to find a missing human child and must travel to the Otherworld to find her. There, she d...more flag 10 likes like see review

Jan 31, 2011 Fani rated it 3 of 5 stars Shelves: urban-fantasy, love-triangle, jerkish-hero, heroine-i-wanna-shake-or-slap, heroeshall-of-shame 2.5 stars I can't write a review about this but here are my thoughts: Pros: 1. I liked the worlds Mead built in this one. Complex and simple at the same time and very intriguing. 2. It was fast paced, full of action and easy to read. 3. There was a love triangle, something I like lately. 4. There was a lot of chemistry and passion between the heroine and one of her potential love interests and I really liked them together although most readers disagree with me. 5. The second hero although bland at the...more flag 10 likes like see review

Feb 29, 2012 Regina rated it 3 of 5 stars Shelves: urban-fantasy-uf, first-in-series, bingo-r4, audio-also-listened-to, listened-to-audioonly This is a decent start to a series. Solid world building and interesting charcters are introduced. It is a very sexy book - shockingly sexy almost. But for me, something kept it from being

great. I did not connect with the heroine and I almost didn't care what happened. I enjoyed her interactions with Kiyo and Dorian and then her interactions with her imprisoned spirits, those were the highlights for me. I listened to the audio and the narration is decent. I may just be all Meaded out as I just f...more flag 10 likes like see review

May 06, 2011 Wendy Darling rated it 4 of 5 stars Shelves: heroines-butt-kicking, pnr-urban-fantasy, adult, pn-faeries, pn-shapeshifters, read2011, crush-worthy-boys, ebook-egalley, poc, action-packed, asian Fun fun fun! I love Vampire Academy but I haven't been able to get into the Georgina Kincaid books as much, so it's great to find that this series is so entertaining. Eugenie, like all of Richelle Mead's heroines, is a kick-ass character and both Kiyo and Dorian are appealing in different ways. Some great action scenes, in both the battle field and the bedroom. Looking forward to starting Thorn Queen. flag 10 likes like see review

Dec 25, 2012 Carolyn (Book Chick City) rated it 4 of 5 stars review of another edition Shelves: book-list-2009, urban-fantasy, reviewed-by-carolyn This is the first in the new Dark Swan series by Richelle Mead, author of the incredibly successful Vampire Academy and Succubus novels. Eugenie Markham (aka Odile) is a head-strong and independent character who is instantly likable. The opening few pages quickly sucked me into Eugenie's life as a Shaman with humour and combat as she fights to banish a spirit from a haunted running shoe! This book is full of action and for the most part the plot is fast-paced and when one fight ends another one...more flag 8 likes like see review

Nov 21, 2010 Leah rated it 2 of 5 stars Shelves: 2-stars, love-triangle, scars-and-tats-and-piercings-oh-my, happy-slapsgiving, m-f Much to my chagrin, I did not like Storm Born. I was just irritated from start to finish with this book, and the source: Eugenie Markham. For some reason, I just could not stand Eugenie. Throughout the whole book, I just kept thinking something along the lines of, "Wow, Eugenie is really a bitch." I don't even know where to start with what I didn't like about her, so suffice it to say that I didn't. I actually liked the idea of the book, but Eugenie as the narrator diminished that small flame of...more flag 8 likes like see review

Jun 24, 2009 Heather rated it 1 of 5 stars Shelves: 2009, urban-fantasy, loathed Good God this book was horrid! Having read and liked Meads Vampire Academy and Succubus series, I find this one to be shockingly bad. I had to force myself to finish it. The main character/narrator is personality-less. She could have died and I wouldn't have known the difference (which is saying something, as this is a first person narration) or cared for that matter. Furthermore, Eugine's world is severly underdeveloped and lacks intrigue. Wait, I take that back, if I was interesting is BSDM wit...more flag 8 likes like see review

Dec 18, 2011 Jamie rated it 4 of 5 stars Shelves: fae, demons, kick-ass-heroines, love-triangles, magic, series-i-can-t-wait-tocontinue, unbelievably-sexy-heros First, thanks to everyone who urged me to read this book/series: Miss Vain, Christen, Samina, Mrs. VKB, Cat and Wendy Darling (am I missing anyone, lol?). I was hedging on reading this series, but I'm so glad I started it. Okay - so Storm Born is about a problem solver named Eugenie Markham. Whenever something supernatural is causing distress for a human, they call Eugenie to make the problem disappear. Eugenie has the ability to banish all the baddies to the Otherworld or the Underworld. The Ot...more flag 6 likes like see review

Sep 03, 2011 Jeann (Happy Indulgence) rated it 2 of 5 stars Shelves: paranormal-uf, magic For a heroine who is supposed to be totally badass and the most feared shaman of all, Eugenie Markham finds herself in some incredibly hairy situations where she is powerless to save herself. What drew me to this book was not only because it was a title by Richelle Mead, but because the back cover of the story read to be incredibly enthralling, you've got a shaman with magical powers and a Glock, fairy kings, a shapeshifter, what's not to like? It turns out that the book is not what it seems on t...more flag 6 likes like see review

Nov 18, 2012 Zemira Warner rated it 2 of 5 stars review of another edition

Shelves: adult, faeries, ghosts, paranormal-romance, urban-fantasy, ahhh-my-eyes, bound-toinflict-a-migrane, disappointed, glad-its-over, stupid-characters, triangle-of-bermuda Eehhh. What a mess! Here is the list of unnecessary things in this book(in no particular order): 1. Hot main character who I don't think is hot 2. Every man/faerie wants to shag her 3. Love triangle 4. Having sex with two different guys on every 70-100 pages 5. Idiotic main character 6. Having almost rape scenes at least 4 times and so on. As you can see,my two biggest concerns were with Eugenie and her wild sex life. She jumps from Kiyo to Dorian all the freaking time. And of course everyone wants a p...more flag 5 likes like see review

Apr 05, 2011 jD rated it 4 of 5 stars Shelves: 1_library-yes, series_paranormal, series_fae_mythology, fantasy_urban, 2011-read This is my first Richelle Mead book. It had been on my TBR pile for some time. I flagged it because of the fae element and hoped the rest would pull me in. Well, the story was many things before all was said and done. Eugenie Markham, our heroine, is a powerful shaman who provides ghost busting type servies to those suffering with a wide variety of supernatural infestations. She is the first shaman I have read and liked. Most were wreckless or stupid. While working on several cases, she realizes...more flag 5 likes like see review

Jul 13, 2011 Leah. rated it 1 of 5 stars review of another edition Shelves: abandoned-in-the-graveyard, assholian-love-interests, author-jackassery, hadpotential-now-a-hot-mess, soap-opera-in-a-soap-opera-ception, fairy-tales-folk-lore, beastiality-secks Initially, this book was rated 2 stars but because I'm a sadistic, spiteful bitch I knocked a star off because I realised that Storm Born is just a soap opera within a soap opera. In a nutshell, Storm Born is a melodramatic pile of bullshit that could put Days of Our Lives or Eastenders to shame. First of all, I love faery folklore or any mythology of any sorts so this book perked an interest for me only I was disappointed. Mead's attempt at world-building just seemed rushed and I don't think M...more flag 5 likes like see review

Dec 02, 2011 Stacia (queen of double standards) rated it 3 of 5 stars review of another edition Shelves: adult, urban-fantasy, fae-or-pixies, casters-or-witches ***Series re-read with friends in preparation for final book release - December 2011*** Original review score : 3.5 stars. I think I'll be keeping this rating. Notes upon second read : After having my opinions muddled by reading all 3 books and finding myself with conflicting feelings regarding all of the characters in the series, it was nice to go back to the start and relive some of the original love that I felt for Kiyo before everything started to go downhill. I found myself trying to decipher...more flag 5 likes like see review

Oct 21, 2010 Jenny B rated it 5 of 5 stars Recommends it for: Anyone who likes Urban Fantasy or is a Richelle Mead fan. Shelves: all-pnr-uf, 2010-read, library, x-reviewed-old, 3-urban-fantasy, 5-read-fiction, 1stin-series Eugenie Markham also know as Odile Dark Swan is a shaman who banishes Fae and other creatures from the human world, back to the Otherwolrld or direct to the Underworld. Mercenary maybe but she is very good at it. Euegeine is a strong, sexy, assured character who thinks she knows who she is. Theres only one problem the prophecy, suddenly every Otherworld creature capable of crossing over is after Eugenie in the hope of fathering her first born to fulfil the prophecy. If thats not enough trouble...more flag 5 likes like see review

Sep 14, 2010 Wicked Incognito Now rated it 4 of 5 stars review of another edition I don't know. I don't even know what to say about this right now. I'm a bit dumbfounded. But I really like Mead's writing style. It's compelling and fun even. I never felt bored reading this, but I don't know that I'm thrilled with how things ended up. It's all so weird!!! So, actually my rating would be somewhere between 3 and 4 stars, but I enjoyed reading this enough that I'm leaving the rating at 4 stars. flag 5 likes like see review

May 23, 2010 Alisha rated it 4 of 5 stars Recommends it for: UF fans of kick-butt female protagonists

"I'd seen weirder things than a haunted shoe, but not many." ...a fun start to a fun book. Storm Born focuses on the bountyhunter-esque life of Eugenie Markham. She's a shaman-for-hire, able to not only banish spirits and like creatures to the Other- and Underworlds, but also to travel to said dimensions (though she doesn't dare do so but rarely). Her more-or-less straightforward life in Arizona becomes much more complicated when she agrees to travel to the Otherworld to retrieve a kidnapped teen...more flag 4 likes like see review

Dec 02, 2011 Wendy F rated it 4 of 5 stars Shelves: 2011, fae, ghost, my-lovers, urban-fantasy I've got one word for you.... KIYO!!! Holy blazing hell, this man was SCORCHING! Um, can I just say balcony scene?! Oh yeah, ooooh yeah. There was one more, but I can't sum it up in one word, so how's this: (view spoiler). DAAAAAMN! Okay, fangirling over! Most people say that Georgina Kincaid is better, and I did love Georgina Kincaid a lot. I rated Succubus Blues 5 stars, and this one only 4. But that's not t...more flag 4 likes like see review

Feb 23, 2010 Melanie rated it 5 of 5 stars Shelves: favorites Even though it took me a while to read this book, with other books coming out and all the trips I've been going on, it was amazing. I am a HUGE Vampire Academy fan, so when I went to Borders to get a few new books I wanted to read Richelle Mead's Succubus Blues series. Unfortunately, they were out of stock of the first installment, so I went with the Dark Swan series instead! I felt so much of a connection with so many of the characters. It was so hard not to feel for them. The story was great, a...more flag 4 likes like see review

Aug 27, 2013 Kitty (I solemnly swear that I am up to no good) rated it 3 of 5 stars Shelves: badass-heroines, fantasy, literotica, love-triangle, fae, first-in-series, magic-witcheswizards-etc, guilty-pleasure, paranormal-romance, picked-up-due-to-author, unoriginalcliched-and-boring, urban-fantasy I picked up Storm Born because of Rachelle Mead, and I did not think it was up to her usual standards of mushy awesomeness, but that is not to say it wasn't good.

This is an urban fantasy with all of the usual characters: the aggressive alpha male, the suspiciously good looking fae prince, lots and lots of enemies and our female protagonist with lots of baddass qualities like spunk, fighting spirit, mysterious past etc... The lack of originality made this book a bit dull for me. Maybe it is becaus...more flag 4 likes like see review

Aug 05, 2011 Mariya rated it 4 of 5 stars Shelves: faeries, urban-fantasy, books-i-own Richelle Mead is amazing, simply amazing. Not only is her Vampire Academy Series a favorite of mine, but also I may have found a love in her adult urban fantasy series, Dark Swan. I was about to give up on fae books. I have only read a few, but STORM BORN turned out to be a real page turner. We have the main character, Eugenie who is really just like all my favorite urban fantasy heroines. They basically all have one trait in common. They kick some serious ass. I found Euguine quite funny too. He...more

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Oct 03, 2009 Rina rated it 4 of 5 stars I love Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy books. Yet, I was intrigued when people stated they liked Dark Swan series more. See, I always thought that compared to her other series like Vampire Academy and Succubus Blues, Dark Swan was the least favourable one. I was wrong... Eugenie Gwen Markham is a lonely shaman with a good humour. She doesn't fit into 'normal' social scenes with people because, really, how should she make conversation about work and relationship when she sends off Otherworldly cre...more flag 3 likes like see review previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 99 100 next

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About Richelle Mead

Scorpio Richelle Mead is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of urban fantasy books for both adults and teens. Originally from Michigan, Richelle now lives in Seattle, Washington where she works on her three series full-time: Georgina Kincaid, Dark Swan, and Vampire Academy. A life-long reader, Richelle has always loved mythology and folklore. When she can actually tear herself away f...more More about Richelle Mead...

Books by Richelle Mead


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Yeah? What'd you name all those cats?" Death, Famine, Pestilence, War, and Mr. Whiskers." You named your cats after the riders of the apocal--wait. Mr. Whiskers?" Well, there are only four horsemen. 776 likes I tentatively attempted to make contact with the muscles in my body. They told me to leave them the fuck alone. 121 likes More quotes 2014 Goodreads Inc

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