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Ball-Have a ball--party, Ball boy--lawn tennis, Ball is spherical. Goods,flea,down Market- like used goods market, flea market and down market Rate,bottom,location Base-Base Rate--banking, Base-Bottom, Shift Base from one place to another--Location Lies,card,punch Pack- a pack of lies, a pack of cards, to pack a punch(to hit someone hard) Sunrise,light,goddess Aurora-Sunrise is a syn. Of aurora, Aurora lights is a natural light display in the sky particularly in the high latitude regions, caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere, Aurora , from the Latin word aurora, "sunrise" or the Roman goddess of dawn Country,conference,website Host- host country (Nation in which individuals or organizations from other countries or states are visiting due to government invitation or meeting.), host a conference, a host website. Top,confusion,head Spin-Spin like a Top, All in a spin-Confusion, Head spin. Spear,condition,mint Mint- spearmint, in a mint condition (in perfect condition),mint is where coins are made. Discord,eye,order Apple-Apple of discord - cause of quarrel Apple of my eye - beloved Apple pie order - perfect order - all idioms

10. Invest,kind,fish

11. Disc,bell,ears 12. Bunk,land,trench

13. Five,hog,drink 14. Replica,face,mirror

15. Slash,steam,oil

16. Eat,hand,old 17. Use,knock,water 18. Hand,ear,money 19. Water,show,music 20. Solve,laugh,voice

21. Metal,bicycle,music 22. Adhesive,bread,biscuit

23. Tough,shell,ground 24. Step,tempo,march

Angel- AngelInvestment---Initial investment in a project, U have been an angel to me---U hav been Kind, AngelFish a type of fish. Ring-disc,ring both circular. ring a bell, ring in someone's ears Ditch-Ditch class--bunk, Ditch a plane--emergency landing, Ditch is trench High- high five, high on the hog-luxury, getting high after drinking. Image- replica of an image, synonym of face is image as an aspect of something, mirror image Burn-slash and burn(doing something in a crude way), steam burn,burn the midnight oil. Hat-Hat in hand--modest, i'll eat my hat--surprised, old hat--old fashioned Tap-Tap energy--use, Tap on the shoulder--knock, Tap water Lend- lend a helping hand, lend an ear, lend money Pump-water pump, pump shoe, pump up the music Crack- to solve is to crack a problem ,Crack someone up- make someone laugh, crack a jokelaugh, cracked voice Pedal-pedal to metal--full speed, pedal in music--a bass note Wafer-A small adhesive disk of paste; used to seal letters. , A small thin crisp cake or cookie. , Thin disk of unleavened bread used in a religious service (especially in the celebration of the Eucharist). Nut-Tough nut to crack, Nutshell, Groundnut Pace-Take small paces--small steps,

25. Trade,contract,card 26. Measure,rain,estimate

27. secret,play,place

28. Food,hold,work 29. Fall,dance,journey

30. Disappear,exhaust,pipe

31. Light,signal,metal

32. Spot,score,number 33. Sudden,precise,brain 34. Crisp,instruct,time

35. Time,state,significance

36. Filling,thrust,material

37. Symbol,race,country 38. Ban,pressure,metal 39. Mail,American,Lane

Pace of work---tempo, keep Pace with--match Deal-Deal in drugs--Trade, Deal is fixed--contract, poker--card--deal Gauge-measure syn. Of gauge,rain gauge, to gauge something-to estimate Scene-Behind the scene--secret, A play has many scenes, Scene of Crime--Place Serve-Serve food, Hold a Serve-Tennis, Serve for a company--work Trip-Trip over something--fall, trip up the dance step--Dance, Trip--a journey Drain-Brain--drain or draining wealth---disappear, Exhaust or drain a resource, Drain Pipe Beam-Beam of light, Laser beam/Radio beam--signal, Metal beam Point-Turn left at the point--spot, Points--score, Decimal point--number Sharp-Sharp turn--sudden turn, Sharp at 8--precise, Sharp brain Brief-Brief--Crisp, Brief someone--tell him the details/instruct, Brief period of time/Brief History of Time Matter-matter of time, state of matter, Did it matter to them-Significance Stuff-Stuff in something--fill--stuffed vegetable, Stuff something in a bag-put thrust, what is this Stuff made of-material Flag-Symbol-Flag, to Flag off a race, Country Flag. Bar-ban-To Bar something, Pressure has Bar as its unit, Metal Bar. Express-Express Mail, American

40. Offer,young,quotation

41. Transparent,nine,internet

42. Lion,ego,peacock 43. Bother,offer,less 44. Crime,marriage,devote

45. Watch,slap,band 46. Curious,fur,bag 47. Pan,mob,light

48. Mark,charge,reserve 49. Peak,blow,Somalia 50. Bush,retreat,lose

51. Work,mind,reference

52. Course,helmet,market 53. Card,cake,success 54. Trade,pot,car 55. Water,run,blow

Express, Express Lane Tender-Tender your resignation-offer resignation,tender age--young, Tender is in itself a quotatio Cloud-Cloudy--unclear/ Transparent clear, Internet Cloud servers, Cloud Nine--feel High Pride --group of lions, ego-- Pride synonyms, Group of peacocks--pride Spot-Spot of bother, Spot offer, spot less Commit-Commit a crime, Committed in marriage, Commit to something-be devoted to it Wrist-Wrist-watch, Slap on the wrist-moderate punishment, wrist band Cat-curiosity killed the cat, Cat--fur, Let the Cat out of the bag Flash- pan--Something that shows potential in the beginning but fails to deliver, flash mob, flash light Book-Book mark, Book for a crime-charge, Book a seat--reserve Horn-Horn--top most point=peak, Blow a horn, Somalia--Horn of Africa Beat-Beat about the bush,Beat Retreat--leave in haste, Beat someone in an event Frame-frame work, Frame of mind, Frame of Reference--Its a relative term, comparing something with other Crash-Crash course, Crash helmet, Market Crash Pan- pan card, pan cake, Pan out-succeed Jack-jack of all trades, Jack pot, A lever to lift a car--jack Dry- Drywater(a m emulsion of air and water surrounded by silica), dry

56. Belt,out,divide

57. Spread,fire,book 58. Out,poke,iron

59. Bag, hire, sleep 60. Play,king,yard 61. Space,green,rest 62. String,bird,fly 63. Token,blue,shoulder 64. Aspect,side,book

65. Reduce,expel,cancel 66. Carry,stand,yield

67. Filled,rush,control

68. Remain,view,head 69. Stop,gold,deal 70. Blow,paper,fruit

71. Case,record,iron

run--rehearsal, dry something by Blowing--or a hair drier Zone-A specific belt/location--Zone, Zone out--sort of daydream, Divide into Zones Cover-spread = cover , cover fire is military jargon and book cover Pig-Pig out---Eat hastily,Pig in a poke-offered in such a way in order to obscure d real nature, pig iron Sack-Sack--bag,Sack someone--Fire him, Hit the sack---sleep Court- a playing court for sports, kings court,courtyard Room-Make Room= Make Space, Green Room, Restroom Kite- kite attached to a string, kite a type of bird, a kite flies Chip-Chip on the shoulder, Blue Chip Company, Chip/Token Face-a different face of anything--diff aspect,Face of a cube/building, Facebook Drop-Drop your voice--reduce, Drop from team, Drop charges Bear-bear the responsibility--carry, I can't stand him--bear, tree bears fruits--yields Charge-Charge is a synonym for fill, to charge = to rush, in charge = in control Stand-The decision stands--remains, What is your stand--view, head stand Strike-Stop work--Strike,strike gold-discover something, strike a deal Punch-paper punch is punch machine...blow= punch...fruit punch drink File-file a case,file of records,iron file(tool)

72. Field,flow,chain

73. Force,campaign,zeal 74. Coffin,bite,iron

75. Tackle,care,door 76. Gun,slot,time 77. Pair,common,equal

78. Air,schedule,lip 79. Confine,train,reaction

80. Parliament,wise,night

81. Create,bit,gold

82. Yearn,forest,apple

83. Bone,blue,shirt

84. Group,computer,organize

85. Seek,find,skin

Stream-field of subject(stream), Chain of things is something in continuation----Stream of things is d same Drive- a driving force, campaign and zeal syn. Of drive Nail- Another/final nail in the coffin, bite ones nails, iron nails(composition) Handle-tackle means handle, handle with care, and door handle Machine-machine gun, slot machine and time machine Match-match-pair, matchingcommon, match someone-try and be equal Tight- air tight, a tight schedule, tight-lipped Chain- to restrict or confine with a chain,chain reaction, pull chain in a train Owl- a group of owl = parliament, wise as an owl, a night owl (a person who tends to stay up until late at night) Coin- to coin is to create, bitcoin (digital currency), gold coin(coin made of gold) Pine- pine syn. Of yearn(to miss or long for), Pine forest(A forest of pine trees), pineapple Collar- collar bone, blue collar(working class person), collar of a shirt System-river system-group, Computer-system, Organize-maintain a system/systematic Hide-hide and seek, find something hidden, hide(A hide is an animal skin treated for human use)

86. Tube,dream,smoke

87. Follow,race,rail 88. Long,guard,shelf 89. Flour,wind currency 90. Air,bite,story 91. Wave,shoulder,blood 92. Engine,stop,food

93. Sin,eye,pie 94. Work,take,tough 95. Start,size,epilepsy 96. Fever,press,mustard

97. Kill,plant,mail 98. Thames,alarm,light 99. Hold,burn,light 100. Horse,hand,big

101. Look,knife,go 102. Stem,boot,case 103. Ear,beat,stick

Pipe-pipe syn. For tube, pipe dream(A fantastic notion or vain hope.), a smoking pipe Track-follow in someone's tracks, a race track, a railway track Life- life long, life guard, shelf life Mill-flour mill,wind-mill and Mill is one Thousandth of a dollar Love- love is in the air, love bite(hickey), love story Cold- cold wave,cold shoulder,cold blooded Stall-stall means to stop.A stall of an engine refers to a sudden stopping of the engine. A food stall Apple-apple the original sin,apple of my eye,an apple pie Task- task is a piece of work, Take something to task,tough task Fit-By fits and startsirregular,a fit size, fit syn. Of seizure/epilepsy Yellow- yellow fever,yellow press(Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates),mustard is a dark yellow color Shoot- shoot to kill, Shoots are new plant growth,shoot a mail Fire-To set the Thames on fire-impossible task,fire alarm, light a fire Candle-To be fit to hold a candle, candle--burns, light --candle Mouth-look a gift horse in the mouth--criticize a gift, hand to mouth, big mouth Kill-if looks could kill,kil with a knife,go for the kill Trunk-Stem of a tree--trunk, Boot space of car--trunk, Box, Case--trunk Drum-ear drum,drum beats,drum sticks

104. Battle,bench,runner 105. Guy,snow,asleep 106. Over,promise,blue 107. Foot,check,money 108. Cutter,danger,trees 109. Bird,steps,air

110. Age,diamond,drug

111. Instrument,width,rock 112. Horse,weed,food 113. Ice,dance,leg 114. Touch,white,brain

115. Mountain,fail,difficult 116. Draft,rely,border,world

117. Pass,bucket,grave

118. Time,eye,follow,tower

119. Ignite, Theory, Fix, Octet 120. Eye ,Shape,Corn,Funnel 121. Basket,detergent,dirty

Front-battle front,front bench, Front runner Fall Guy--scape goat, snow fall, fall asleep Moon-over the moon, promise the moon, Blue moon Bill-Foot the Bill, Check Please= Bill Please, paper money is called bill Wood-Wood Cutter, Knock on Wood, Trees give Wood Flight-birds fly, flight of stairs, the action or process of flying through the air. Stone-stone age,diamond is a precious stone, When u get drugged it is called getting stoned Band-instruments in a band, bandwidth, a rock band Sea-seahorse,sea weed,sea food Break-Ice Breaker, Break dance, Break a leg--Good luck Feather-Feather touch, show White feather---show Cowardice, Feather brain---foolish person Pass-mountain pass, fail opp. of pass, To come to a pass---difficult situation Bank- bank draft, bank syn. Of rely, Border of a river is called Bank,world bank Death-Pass away means die, To kick a bucket---means to die,grave-used as an allusive term for death Watch- wear watch to keep time, a watch tower,keep close watch on means to follow someone Set-Set fire-Ignite, Set theory, set synonym of fix, set of 8 is an octet Cone-eye-cones/rods,cone shape,corn cone,funnel-cone shaped Laundry- laundry basket, laundry

detergent(washing powder),dirty laundry(personal matters that could be embarrassing if made public) 122. Abstract,Integrity,Policy Honesty is abstrct,Honesty & ,Deceit integrity,honesty best policy,honesty-deceit..opp 123. Treasure,barrier,easter Island-treasure island, a coastal landform and a type of barrier system, are relatively narrow strips of sand that are parallel to the mainland coast,easter island 124. Crier,down,ghost Town-downtown, town crier , town of ghosts 125. Leader,western,labour Union-leader of an union,western union,labour union 126. Public,second,poll Opinion-public opinion,second opinion,opinion poll 127. Fire,wrestling,chair Arm- firearm(a gun),arm wrestling,arm chair 128. pin, bag, plane, round Paper- paper pin(paper clip),paper bag, paper plane,paper round(the route taken when delivering newspapers every day) 129. Ascend,measure,large,wage Scale-ascend is to climb(scale),scale is used to measure sth,large-scale, Minimum wage is also called Scale.. if someone works for minimum wage, he works for a scale 130. Face,kind,writer,cast Type-Type face(family of fonts), Type -- kind , type writer , type cast 131. Surge,heat,ride,curve Wave-to rise and move in waves or billow(surge),heat wave, Ride the wave -- to make use of a popular opinion,wave is in the form of a curve 132. Short,tooth,revenge,kind Sweet-short and sweet,have a sweet tooth,sweet revenge(aterm which generally states that taking revenge gives satisfaction),syn. Of kind 133. Feel,strike,hammer,stretch Home-feel at home,strike home(reach an intended

target),hammer home - to try extremely hard to make someone understand or realize something, Home stretch -- last part of any difficult activity

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