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Week 24 The next few weeks we will go into a beautiful Journey to learn and understand the holy liturgy,

Day 1 Watch only the first 3 minutes of this short movie Now ,Answer the following Questions Fill in the blanks 1-The Deacon need to have permission and ..before they put on their Tonyas 2-AsThe Deacons put on their Tonya, he remember the verse that says As many of you Day 2 Watch the Movie again ,the first 3 minutes again Why Abouna Sets The Alter ? he remembers . How many times abouna washes his hands ? Why abouna washes his hands? Day 3 Watch the movie again,the first 3 minutes Explain how Abouna choose the lamb Why Abouna wash the Orbana? What does the Napkin wrapped around the Orbana remind us with? Day 4 Watch the movie again, the first 3 minutes 1-What does Abouna Says when he put the Orbana above his head, and all the Deacons and Congregation bowed? 2-When does Abouna Prays the Prayer of thanksgiving? 3-What does abouna do after finish the praying of thanks giving? 4-What does the Eprospharin ( the cover that abouna cover the Alter with) represents? Day 5 Watch the movie again, the first 3 minutes 1-To whom does Abouna gives the Absolution? 2-Does Abouna give absolution to himself as well?

3- fill in the blanks ,Abouna gives the Absulotion from the mouth of..,the mouth ofand the mouth of. Day 6&7 Project, Design or make a poster of only one of the following Deacon Tonya The Napkin that is wrapped around the Orbana The Chalic ( the cup of Wine)

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