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Mitchell Investments


All Employees
From C.K. Mitchell
Date February 10, 2014
Subject Smoke-Free Environment
The health and well-being of my employees is always my first concern. I have worked
with our health insurer, Fitness Exercise Equipment, Inc. to establish a new policy that
will encourage healthier decisions by our employees. I hereby notify you that beginning
in two months employees who smoke will pay 15% more in health care costs than nonsmoking employees.
The delay between this announcement and the beginning date for this new policy will
allow any employees who smoke the chance to enroll in smoking-cessation programs
which, I hope, will help them break or curtail their habit. In accordance with my
concern, as well as your families concern, for your own personal well-being, I hope this
new policy will encourage all employees to stop smoking.
Please feel free to stop by my office at any time with suggestions or concerns. I
understand the seriousness of smoking and am willing to help my employees in any
way to improve their overall health.

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