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Meg: Hey. YY~'1(S.l!p'? Sara: Not much. Just dow load! g some ew so gs.

r+~%~r .. Meg: *ow load! g? .~~! .oo much trou&le. How a&out some !!y~ r:~s3s to !ght? Sara: Sou ds good. #here?


Meg: "lepto's play! g at m!d !ght at the Spot. #ould you l!$e to go? Sara: ,t m!d !ght? Sorry. -!l~t.%.lY./e.d~!.~~. Meg: #ell0 1!2er 1's there0 too . .hey're play! g at 4:55. Sara: 1!2er .6the 178 group? Now ~~~(sr.'fl.o!~.~y. ~ty!~. 9'm a real 178%a .


Meg: p~rt~n!Meet you ! %ro t o% the clu& at ':()? Sara: See you there!

F Focus on language
the same meaning:

Choose the )J.n.q~r)i.n.e.c:!wordexpressionfrom the Photo Story with $ %hat are yo# doing&

!hat's too late for me. : "reat! ; m#sic in a concert

) ' li(e that )etter.

* ' don't li(e that.

G Think and explain Choose an answer. +se a q#otation to explain yo#r answer.
%hat's Saradoing& < Sara says0 'Just dow load! g a getting m#sic some ew so gs.' < , from the 'nternet ) )#ying tic(ets for a concert on the 'nternet : %hat does -eg want to do& a download m#sic from the 'nternet ) go to a concert ; %hich woman doesn't li(e to go to sleep late& a Sara ) -eg ( %hen and where are they going to meet& a at midnight at .i/er! ) at the cl#) )efore the show

%hat (inds of m#sic do yo# li(e& 0#m)er the m#sic genres in order1 ma(ing n#m)er yo#r fa/orite . salsa .... mo/ie so#ndtrac(s ..... pop ..... .... roc( ... classical . reggae ........ hip2hop 3a44 ... other ..

Class survey Compare yo#r choices. %hich genres do most classmatesli(e&

< #ho chose roc$ as the!r %a2or!te? <

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