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Textbook Evaluation Tool*

Reviewer's Name:____________________________________ School:______________________

Part 1: General Information

Title: Author(s): Publisher(s): Copyright date: Cost (student edition): Subje t!Grade le"el:

Part #: $rgani%ation!&ormat
! ull" evi#ent + $ mostl" evi#ent + % &artiall" evi#ent + ' little or no evi#ence + Overall rating

Organizational eature Te'tboo( pro"ides a useful table of ontents) glossary * + inde' ,ayout is onsistent and hapters are arranged logi ally +

Chapters ontain lear and omprehensi"e introdu tions + and summaries Te'tboo( ontains referen es) bibliography and + resour es Information is a urate * urrent +

+ + + + + +

+ + + + + +

+ + + + + +

+ + + + + + Total: +

-eading le"el is appropriate + for age!grade Si%e and format of print is appropriate +

&ormat is "isually appealing + * interesting $ther (please spe ify) +

Part .: Content
! ull" evi#ent + + + + + + $ mostl" evi#ent + + + + + + % ' &artiall" little or no Overall evi#ent evi#ence rating + + + + + + + + + + + +

(ontent criteria -eal/life appli ations are gi"en + Information and dire tions are + learly 0ritten and e'plained A ti"ities are de"elopmentally + appropriate 1on te't ontent (maps) graphs) pi tures) are a urate and 0ell + integrated into the te't ,essons!a ti"ities are interdis iplinary A ti"ities apply to a di"ersity of student abilities) interests and learning styles + +

A ti"ities in lude guiding 2uestions 0hi h en ourage the + de"elopment of higher/le"el thin(ing s(ills $ther (please spe ify) +

+ +

+ +

+ +

+ + Total: +

Notes: Part 3: Tea her4s 5dition!Supplementary 6aterials

! $ % ' ull" mostl" &artiall" little or no Overall evi#ent evi#ent evi#ent evi#ence rating + + + + +

(riteria Te'tboo( pro"ides a separate tea her4s edition 0ith resour e pa (age Tea her4s edition is omprehensi"e) organi%ed and easy to use -eferen es are readily a"ailable to the spe ifi T1CS and s(ills

+ +

+ +

+ +

+ +

+ +

addressed in ea h a ti"ity Supplementary materials listed belo0 are 0ell organi%ed) of high 2uality) and are useful in + enhan ing instru tion (rate all that apply:) Transparencies Manipulatives Prepared Kits Student practice/workbook Assessment materials Videos Software (CD !oms" DVDs" #aserdiscs" etc$% &t'er (please specif(% + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + Total: +

Notes: Part 7: In lusion!52uity!8i"ersity Issues

! $ % ' ull" mostl" &artiall" little or no Overall evi#ent evi#ent evi#ent evi#ence rating + + + + +

(riteria 9omen and minorities are featured in important roles

Subje t matter o"ers a spe trum of a omplishments and + ontributions by all se'es) ra es and physi al onditions All groups are presented in broad + s ope Pronouns and des riptors of both + se'es are used e2ually 1ouns) adje ti"es) terms and illustrations are non/stereotypi al + and non/prejudi ial Children of both se'es and "arious ultures and physi al +

+ + + +

+ + + +

+ + + +

+ + + +

onditions 0ill use the materials 0ithout feeling e' luded) estranged or diminished -eferen es and timelines feature e"ents throughout "arious parts + of the 0orld $ther (please spe ify) + + + + + + + + + Total: +


Part :: Alignment 0ith 8istri t Curri ulum) State standards) s(ills and assessments
! $ ull" mostl" evi#ent evi#ent % ' &artiall" little or no Overall evi#ent evi#ence rating

(riteria Te'tboo( ontent aligns to disti t urri ulum+ Please spe ify: +

This te'tboo( 0ill be a useful resour e in preparing students to meet the re2uirements of the T1 state standards and state0ide assessments+ + Please spe ify:


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