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Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Mudzaffar Shah 08100 Bedong

Lets have fun with English! 1) Spell-it-right (SIR) upils are to spell !ords b" sa"ing it loud !ithout referring to an" books or di#tionar" $) Bullet train (in groups of 10) - % !ord !ill be gi&en' ea#h group (ea#h pupil in ea#h group) is to #ontinue b" #reating a ne! !ord !hi#h starts !ith the last letter of the pre&ious !ord (the gi&en !ord)( upils are to spell the !ord loud( - )g* the !ord gi&en is +loud, the first person in the group is to #ontinue b" sa"ing a !ord that starts !ith a letter ,d-' su#h as du#k( .he ne/t person in the group !ill #ontinue !ith a ne! !ord that starts !ith a letter ,k(- .he group that finishes the earliest !ith #orre#t spelling (!ord)( 0) 1at#hing )nglish 2o&ies - )&er" #lass !ill !at#h an )nglish 2o&ie (the ti2e !ill be arranged for e&er" #lass) - Mo&ies suggested3re#o22ended* Bab"-s da" out' Madagas#ar' Rapunzel' .he in#redible' .he borro!ers( - %fter !at#hing the 2o&ies' pupils are to !rite a su22ar" and part of the stor" the" like the 2ost and !h"( 4) +harade - 1ork in groups( - % representati&e of ea#h group !ill pi#k one flash#ard (!ord3 phrases su#h as o##upation* fire2an)( 5e3she is to a#t it out and the group 2e2bers are to guess the !ord( - .he other groups !ill be gi&en a #han#e to guess the ans!er if the group does not ans!er #orre#tl"( - .he ne/t group !ill then pi#k another flash#ard( 6) 7air"tale fashion sho! - +hara#ters in fair"tales su#h as +inderella' Sno! 1hite' and Robin 5ood are sele#ted in the fashion sho!( - 8roup of 4-9 - :ne person !ill be #hosen to be the 2odel( .he other group 2e2bers are to dress up the 2odel( - Re#"#led 2aterials !ill be used to 2ake the dress su#h as ne!spapers' plasti#s' bo/es' tissues and et#( - .here !ill be a fashion sho!' the designers are to e/plain their dress( 9) 5ops#ot#h - .!o groups in one ga2e(

.he tasks that the" need to do are tongue t!ister' spelling and et#( 5e3she !ill need to pi#k one( .he group that finishes earl" and 2anage to #o2plete the task !ell !ill be the !inner(;

<) uppet sho! - 4-6 persons in a group( - +hoose a short stor"( - .he" are to #reate their o!n so#k puppet (#hara#ters in the stor") and perfor2 it to their friends( 8) S#rable #o2petition

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