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Year 11 Pre-Diploma Biology

We tried to define biodiversity write down here what you now understand by the word BIODIVERSITY. Biodiversity can mean the diversity of many things. t could mean the diversity of different habitats! species "variety and variability# and biological diversity.

$round the world are various biodiversity %&'()P'()*. What do you understand by this term! %hotspot+ $ hotspot is a location where it is more biologically diverse than other locations.

,ist some of the more famous biodiversity hotspots! and beside each! very briefly say what ma-es it a hotspot or why it is determined or conserved as a hotspot. 1. .adagascar .any different species

/. 0alapagos 1ndemic species

2. (ropical $ndes Biologically diverse

3. 4aribbean Diverse ecosystems

5. 6ew 7ealand 1ndemic species

8. Philippians 1ndemic species

9. .editerranean basin

1ndemic plant species

:. )outhwest $ustralia 1ndemic plants and reptiles

;. Bra<il*s $tlantic forest 1ndemic species

6ow go to &ere you will find some useful definitions and some =uite detailed descriptions of the world*s hotspots. )elect any one of the hotspots from the drop-down menu and ma-e a written summary with the following information> Where is the hotspot+ Why is it especially important+ What important species are present+ Who loo-s after or is responsible for the conservation of this hotspot+ ?ohn 'sborne @ebruary /A13 0alapagos slands (he 0alapagos slands are located in the Pacific 'cean near 1cuador. (he 0alapagos slands are especially important because its abundance of ecosystems. (he most important species there are shar-s! blue footed boobies! and coral. (he 4harles Darwin foundation is responsible for the conservation and research of the 0alapagos slands.

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