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UNIT 5 ASSIGNMENT HW499 Colleen Byrnes Class syllabus, notes & han outs


Course Na%e& Stress Mana'e%ent an (re)ent*on

Instru+tor& Colleen Byrnes

Course ay an t*%e& Mon ay Mar+h ,-, ,., /40 .12&3-

Course Mater*als& Han outs

Course 4es+r*5t*on& Th*s +ourse *s es*'ne to '*)e you an o)er)*e6 o7 stress %ana'e%ent an 5re)ent*on0 It 6*ll +o)er& *et an nutr*t*on, e8er+*se, %e *tat*on an rela8at*on te+hn*9ues0

Course !ut+o%es& #ou shoul be able to *nte'rate health7ul eat*n', e8er+*se an %e *tat*on *nto your a*ly rout*ne so that you +an ha)e a healthy l*7estyle0

$e+ture notes&


Are you stresse : Stress *s any +han'e *n you l*7e, 6ear an tear on your bo y, the *nab*l*ty to +o5e 6*th 5roble%s0 There *s also the loss o7 e%ot*onal +ontrol an the absen+e o7 *nner 5ea+e0 Stress *s a 5er+e*)e threat to the %*n , bo y, s5*r*t or e%ot*onal sel70

What *s the stress res5onse: When there *s a 5er+e*)e threat, st*%ul* *s sent to the bra*n an the bra*n e+*5hers *t as a threat0 The ner)ous syste% *s a+t*)ate 7or sur)*)al0 The release o7 e5*ne5hr*ne an nor e5*ne5hr*ne 5re5are the bo y 7or 7*'ht or 7l*'ht0 The bo y stays a+t*)ate unt*l the 5er+e*)e threat *s o)er then returns to ho%eostas*s0

Stress hor%ones e+rease the e77e+t*)eness o7 the *%%une syste%0 The bo y be+o%es %ore sus+e5t*ble an less e77*+*ent0 Th*s so%et*%es results *n the +o%%on +ol , aller'*es, arthr*t*s, lu5us, +ol*t*s an ul+er 7lare u5s0

(hys*+al E77e+ts o7 Stress&

Stress hor%ones e+rease the e77e+t*)eness o7 the *%%une syste%0 The bo y be+o%es %ore sus+e5t*ble an less e77*+*ent0 Th*s so%et*%es results *n the +o%%on +ol , aller'*es, arthr*t*s, lu5us, +ol*t*s an ul+er 7lare u5s0


Me *tate& A 7e6 %*nutes ea+h ay +an hel5 to ease an8*ety0 <*n a 9u*et 5la+e an 7o+us on your o6n breath*n'= s*t 6*th your eyes +lose an 6*th your han on your belly, *nhale throu'h your nose ta>*n' the breath all the 6ay *nto your belly an let *t out throu'h your %outh0 Me *tat*on +an +al% the %*n 7ro% sensory o)erloa 0 Mental *%a'ery uses the *%a'*nat*on to obser)e *%a'es +reate by the un+ons+*ous %*n 0 They re5l*+ate 5ea+e7ul s+enes to 5ro%ote rela8at*on, these *%a'es subst*tute healthy 7or less es*rable beha)*or0 Be (resent& Sto5 rush*n' throu'h %eals an ra+*n' aroun to 'et th*n's one, slo6 o6n0 "ea+h out to a 7r*en & A 'oo so+*al su55ort syste% *s one o7 the %ost *%5ortant resour+es 7or eal*n' 6*th stress0 Tune *nto your bo y& Ta>e note o7 your bo y to 'et a sense o7 ho6 stress a77e+ts *t ea+h ay, not*+e ho6 you 7eel 5hys*+ally0 4o so%eth*n' 7or yoursel7& Ta>e so%e t*%e ea+h ay to o so%eth*n' that you 6ant to o= 'o to the 'y%, ta>e a 6al>, rea a boo>, 'ar en or so%eth*n' else that you %ay ta>e 5leasure *n0

Hab*ts to a)o* & <ast 7oo S>*55*n' %eals Ca77e*ne *nta>e <a *ets

Eat Healthy <or Stress& A a*ly )*ta%*n su55le%ent +an be hel57ul but 6*ll not re5la+e the role that 6hole 7oo s 5lay *n %a*nta*n*n' a healthy bo y0 Eat %ore& (rote*ns an *ron& %eats, e''s, see s, nuts A ;*ta%*ns& Cheese, e''s, 7*sh, %*l>0 C ;*ta%*ns& <ru*ts Ma'nes*u%& Green, lea7y )e'etables, 7*sh, %eat an E8er+*se an Stress& (hys*+al e8er+*se has lon' ter% e77e+ts *n re u+*n' stress an hel5*n' the bo y return to ho%eostas*s0 E8er+*se allo6s the bo y to use the stress hor%ones 7or a*ry 5ro u+ts0

the*r *nten e 5ur5ose o7 eto8*n' the bo y o7 stress0 $on' ter% 5hys*+al a+t*)*ty *s e77e+t*)e *n re u+*n' stress M*n & bo y a+t as one0 E8er+*se 5ro u+es 5hys*olo'*+al an %ental lo6er


(eo5le 6ho e8er+*se ha)e h*'her sel7 estee% an

*n+* en+es o7 e5ress*on an an8*ety0

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: ,0 G*lbert, 40 ?/--@A Stu%bl*n' on Ha55*ness0 "an o% House0 N# N# An enterta*n*n' boo> on e%ot*ons an hu%an nature0 /0 Cru%, A & Salo)ey, (0 ?/-,3A "eth*n>*n' Stress& The "ole o7 M*n sets *n 4eter%*n*n' the Stress "es5onse0 Bournal o7 (ersonal*ty & So+*al (sy+holo'y0 ;ol ,-4 *ssue 40 Three stu *es that e85lore the role o7 %*n sets *n stress 30 htt5&CC+bsne6s0+o%C)* eoC6at+hC:* D,32-,9/n Stress burnout, the bra*n *s res*l*ent but nee s to rest, *n7or%at*)e 7a+ts, eat 6ell 7or o)erall health0 40 htt5&CC6660%e *+*nenet0+o%CstressCart*+le0ht%l art*+le on stress relate +on *t*ons an %e *+at*ons0 *seases,

50 htt5&CC6660un%0e uCEna55ero6Cstress055t 7a+ts on stress relate health 5roble%s an *llnesses, ty5es o7 stressors, a55ra*sal o7 stressors an res5onses0 @0 htt5&CC6660%ayo+l*n*+0+o%ChealthCstress1sy%5to%sCS"----2F4 Stress sy%5to%s, e77e+ts on your bo y, %oo an beha)*or0 "ela8at*on te+hn*9ues an %e *tat*on0

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